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Pages: 1
in trying to get my T41 laptop to boot faster I backgrounded a few dameons including hal - this works a treat on my desktop and surely no harm would be done to my laptop if I did the same...
Booting went fine but KDE4.2 wouldn't start anymore. AFter a lot of rebooting and changing rc.conf I can confirm that whenever hal is backgrounded, I cannot log in.
Just out of interest - does anybody have a clue why the discrepancy between the two systems? All other daemons I can background, but hal wants to be top dog...
never trust a toad...
::Grateful ArchDonor::
::Grateful Wikipedia Donor::
HAL needs to be one of the 'top dogs' as many things will depend on it. On your desktop it just so happens that HAL get started (whilst backgrounded) quicker than it's dependencies whereas on your laptop it does not.
Thanks to both of you. That package looks interesting, ta.
never trust a toad...
::Grateful ArchDonor::
::Grateful Wikipedia Donor::
Pages: 1