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#1 2008-07-27 16:33:20

From: Belluno (Italy)
Registered: 2007-04-17
Posts: 326

ipager issue

I have a small problem with ipager that I use since yesterday in my openbox system, the issue is that when I log into openbox session ipager's look isn't as it should be, you can see it in the left bottom that ipager has a backgorund colour while it should be trasparent and if i change dekstop ipager disappears, so there's only on the first dekstop, why happens this?
And this are my file of openbox:

# Run the system-wide support stuff

# Programs to launch at startup
#load wallpaper
eval `cat /home/marco/.fehbg` &
gnome-settings-daemon &
(sleep 2; tint) &
(sleep 2; ipager) &
(sleep 2; trayer --SetDockType true --SetPartialStrut true --widthtype pixel --width 200 --align right --padding 10 --transparent true --alpha 255 --heighttype pixel --height 32) &
conky &

# Programs that will run after Openbox has started
adesklets &

And this ipager config:

icon.spacing:      5
icon.min_width:    28
icon.max_width:    52
icon.min_height:   28
icon.max_height:   52
icon.maximize_threshold: 0.9

# IPager window position
ipager.window.x:  0
ipager.window.y:  970

# should IPager starts in slit?
ipager.in_slit: no

display_sticky_windows:   yes
display_shaded_windows:   yes

# [ yes | no | mouseOver ]
display_window_icon:      no

# Button to switch workspaces
# [ left | right | middle | any ]
# or 
# set of buttons like: 
#    left, right 
#    middle, right
switch_workspace.button: any

mouse.scroll.up: nextWorkspace
mouse.scroll.down: prevWorkspace

# Delta (in pixels)
# when an workspace icon changes its size
# IPager compare new values and previous.
# If they differ less then 'zoom.recreate_icon_delta' then
# IPager continues to use an old icon and just zoom it.
# If the sizes differ more 'zoom.recreate_icon_delta's value,
# then IPager creates a new icon picture.
# it is not very efficient to create icons often.
zoom.recreate_icon_delta: 0

# Defines style of zooming icons. Should an icon spacing be expandig or 
# an active workspace icon lays over other (cross them)? 
#   [zoomAndExpand | over] 
zoom.type: over

display_workspace_number: no
workspace_number.color:   #FFFFFF

ttf_font_path: /usr/share/fonts/TTF
ttf_font: Vera/14

# Background image for IPager window
#ipager.background.image: /path/to/image.png

# Colors (#RRGGBB)

workspace.border.color:    #AAAAAA
active_workspace.background.color:  #FFFF00
active_workspace.border.color:  #AAAAAA

window.background.color:        #A47D73
active_window.background.color: #F09029
active_window.border.color:     #FFFFFF

selection_color: #FF0000


#2 2008-08-17 19:35:27

From: Belluno (Italy)
Registered: 2007-04-17
Posts: 326

Re: ipager issue

with openbox sometimes happens that ipager has a wrong background, black, so it isn't transparent as it should be, while i've tried Pekwm andi've never found this problem, any idea?


#3 2009-01-31 05:03:21

From: Argentina
Registered: 2008-02-01
Posts: 58

Re: ipager issue

Have you found a solution?

I'm having the same issue and the SVN seems to be down right now, so I'm unable to check if the issue stills in development version.

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