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hey archers, im wondering if linux has a super-media player like windows does. ive always liked how my friends can show their pictures, sound clips and videos from one program - like windows does with its built-in player.
is there such a thing?
almost windows friends dont think linux has a program that can do it. i sure hope theyre wrong.
I don't personally know of anything like that. But then again most linux users like to have seperate tools for their specific jobs, it tends to produce better results then having one super product. You can see this in the modular design of linux.
vlc can handle most audio and video formats, but it can't show pictures.
Instead of playing the "just you wait, I bet Linux can do it too" game, why not point out to your friends how you can find free applications that do exactly what you want with nearly no bloat and point out the number of extra GB they've wasted on features that only 2% of the user base will ever use?
My Arch Linux Stuff • Forum Etiquette • Community Ethos - Arch is not for everyone
XBMC or Elisa may work. I've never used either, so I have no opinion.
if you're looking for something similar to itunes, you can try banshee
pacman -S banshee
yeahhhh, i tried those explanations. and i generally do agree with the one good program for one good thing, but this time i see the value of a super program. and i gotta admit, i do feel kinda green when they show their vacation sounds photos and videos with one program.
How about songbird? I don't know if it can look at pictures though
ok, hope i dont inadvertantly hijack my own thread here, but im trying to install banshee with kdemod but i get can i get it to work?
resolving dependencies...
looking for inter-conflicts...
:: libmtp conflicts with kdemod-extragear-libmtp. Remove kdemod-extragear-libmtp? [Y/n] n
error: unresolvable package conflicts detected
error: failed to prepare transaction (conflicting dependencies)
:: libmtp: conflicts with kdemod-extragear-libmtp
btw, the problem with media centers like xbmc, is that they have different modes - photo, video, music...but i want to just cycle through files in a folder and the program will automtically switch modes based on the file.
and songbird doesnt quite cut it...too bad - its an awesome little program for what it does do though.