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Hi, I have just updated my TUR, and as there are a lot of changes I thought a message on the forum would be useful
As you know, I now maintain E17 apps and libs. The latest update was just a CVS update, but this time, besides that, I made some changes in the packages:
- they have all been moved from /usr to /opt/e17, so add /opt/e17/bin to your $PATH
- all the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries are now part of the 'efl' group. To install them all, just # pacman -Sy efl
- many dependencies were fixed
- two new packages were added: "examine-cvs", which is a basic graphic configuration tool for apps that use ecore-config, and "enlightenment-devel", the development release of E17 from
I warn you: E17 is not usable yet as default WM, but you can try it to see what it is like at the moment
Here is an Xnested E17 screenshot:
Known issues:
- iconbar-cvs still doesn't show the icons. Waiting for a code update
- enotes-cvs frequently crashes
- if you are going to compile these packages using the PKGBUILDs, you have to add /opt/e17/bin to your $PATH before building some ones.
to get the iBar and the user menus working, in E17, untar the "favorite_apps.tar.gz" archive from /opt/e17/share/enlightenment/data/other into ~/.e/e/applications/favorite/ and ~/.e/e/applications/bar
Hope you appreciate
Arch GNU/Linux 0.7 Trusted User
"If I were more modest, I would be perfect"
Whats all this /opt mess about? I honestly don't se the point about having a $PATH longer that the Holy Bible when packages can simply be installed to /usr.
It is not to make E17 conflict with E16...
And if Gnome has one, KDE has one, XFCE4 has one, why shouldn't E17 have an /opt directory?
Arch GNU/Linux 0.7 Trusted User
"If I were more modest, I would be perfect"
You should create an enlightenment-common package like the mozilla-common where its only job is to add to the PATH. Would probably prevent some support requests from panicking users...
Good idea, maybe I'll just include an that adds /opt/e17/bin to the $PATH in an existing package (probably evas-cvs, it's the most needed )
Anyway, rasterman has updated the preview on his website. I'll try it to see whether it works with the libs currently in my TUR or it'll need a new update... :cry:
Arch GNU/Linux 0.7 Trusted User
"If I were more modest, I would be perfect"
Unfortunately a new update will be necessary. I'll do it in some days.
[EDIT] Ok: I updated only the libraries needed to build the new E17 preview. You can enjoy it as soon as the repository is synchronized.
Arch GNU/Linux 0.7 Trusted User
"If I were more modest, I would be perfect"
Hey! I just ran 'pacman -S enlightenment-devel entrance-cvs' just to check DR17 out. But I can't seem to find out how to start it... Is there some fancy way to do that ?
Great that you are maintaining it though
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