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leo2501 wrote:phisphere wrote:shades of gray.
Xcursor.theme: Neutral urxvt.font: xft:Terminus-8 urxvt.perl-ext-common: default,tabbed urxvt.urgentOnBell: true urxvt*scrollBar: false urxvt*saveLines: 8192 urxvt*urllauncher: firefox urxvt*termName: xterm urxvt.background: #222c2e urxvt.foreground: #dee2e3 urxvt*cursorColor: #545f65 # black urxvt*color0: #222c2e urxvt*color8: #666666 # red urxvt*color1: #545f65 urxvt*color9: #dae3e8 # green urxvt*color2: #6d787c urxvt*color10: #99a2a7 # yellow urxvt*color3: #dee2e3 urxvt*color11: #9ea8aa # blue urxvt*color4: #9ea8aa urxvt*color12: #dee2e3 # magenta urxvt*color5: #97a1a3 urxvt*color13: #c2c7ca # cyan urxvt*color6: #97a1a3 urxvt*color14: #c2c7ca # white urxvt*color7: #dee2e3 urxvt*color15: #efefef
Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
-- Antoine de Saint-Exupery
There are really no details to be had, its just DejaVu Sans Mono, as set in ~/.Xdefaults:
urxvt*background: black urxvt*foreground: white urxvt*scrollBar: false urxvt*font: xft:Dejavu Sans Mono:style=Bold:pixelsize=15
What are your font settings in .fonts.conf? I'm also using DejaVu Sans Mono, but quite a bit smaller font size (9 or 10 depending on what I'm doing), and it doesn't look quite as smooth as your's.
Gnome, Compiz-Fusion, New Wave theme.
openbox,pypanel,conky,tilda,audacious,opera,thunar,terminator,gajim … 743Nk.jpeg … DJbCu.jpeg
Smells like Tool here, huh?
**** Some of your screen shots are getting too large. Would you please read the instructions and follow them? ****
Yay for February. Decided to opt for a NeXTStep look as I've been messing with GNUstep a lot recently and I like my apps to look consistent.
WM: Sawfish (theme: smaker)
GTK: GTK2-Step
Panel: xfce4-panel
Icon Theme: Tango
GTK Font: Liberation Sans
Apps: gvim, vinagre
Wallpaper: Resized version of this
Oh and for the curious, the iPhone/iPod touch theme is Neco.
XFCE, conky, cairo-dock...
Clear desktop:
In use:
Icon theme?
Here's Feb:
Openbox running Conky, tint2, stalonetray, wicd, and feh setting the background, to start up. Stalonetray is hidden in the bottom left corner, with wicd-client. It isn't very pretty, so I opted to auto-hide it. For some reason it doesn't grab the background image for it's transparency, properly and I haven't had the time to mess with it. It does at least change color.
Dirty has Kazehakase, slypheed, and urxvt displaying all of the theme info.
I keep getting distracted from my webserver project...
huh? oooh... shiny!
Devastator wrote:XFCE, conky, cairo-dock...
Clear desktop:
In use: theme?
My system icon theme is "blendedcrystal-2.2", but I'm not sure where I got them from. Some icons are taken from "Breathless light" icon theme.
Last edited by Devastator (2009-02-01 18:56:31)
Some applications are WYSIWYG, and some are WYSIWTF.
Cosay wrote:There are really no details to be had, its just DejaVu Sans Mono, as set in ~/.Xdefaults:
urxvt*background: black urxvt*foreground: white urxvt*scrollBar: false urxvt*font: xft:Dejavu Sans Mono:style=Bold:pixelsize=15
What are your font settings in .fonts.conf? I'm also using DejaVu Sans Mono, but quite a bit smaller font size (9 or 10 depending on what I'm doing), and it doesn't look quite as smooth as your's.
I don't have a ,fonts.conf. But one thing that I have noticed is that Dejavu looks better when its bigger, which is why I run it at a pixelsize of 15.
Wall please!
I'm in the process of moving over to qtile as my main wm.
blog - github - facebook - google profile
Yay for February. Decided to opt for a NeXTStep look as I've been messing with GNUstep a lot recently and I like my apps to look consistent.
WM: Sawfish (theme: smaker)
GTK: GTK2-Step
Panel: xfce4-panel
Icon Theme: Tango
GTK Font: Liberation Sans
Apps: gvim, vinagre
Wallpaper: Resized version of thisOh and for the curious, the iPhone/iPod touch theme is Neco.
Jailbroken iphone?
You need to install an RTFM interface.