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Until yesterday I was an Ubuntu user but today I installed Arch Linux. It went very well until I tried to install KDE. When pacman is trying to download the necessary packages for KDE, it successfully downloads all but:
* soprano-2.1.67-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz
* mysql-5.0.75-3.i686.pkg.tar.gz
* system-config-printer-1.1.1-2-i686.pkg.tar.gz
At first I only used the belnet (Belgium) mirror so I thought maybe it was due to the fact that it wasn't synchronized with the other mirrors or something like that. However, I added all the servers located in USA and Europe to /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist and none of them has those packages. They all say something similar to
"error: failed retrieving file 'system-config-printer-1.1.1-2-i686.pkg.tar.gz' from : File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)."
I reinstalled pacman, did about 30 times "pacman -Syy" but nonetheless he can't find the packages. What is the problem?
Hope someone can help me,
They all seem to be on the server you linked. You could download them individually and install them with pacman -U <pkgname>: … pkg.tar.gz … pkg.tar.gz … pkg.tar.gz
Last edited by SkonesMickLoud (2009-02-01 18:51:02)
Man that is so weird cause it's true, I can access them from my desktop here but I can't download them with pacman on my laptop (on which I am trying to install Arch Linux). Of course, I can do as you say by downloading the packages from here and install them locally but that isn't going to solve the problem. Has anyone got an idea of what the problem might be?
I also noticed that the version of soprano on the repositories is soprano-2.1.1-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz while the version pacman is trying to install in order to install KDE is soprano-2.1.67-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz. The versions are different.
Last edited by yoran (2009-02-01 19:49:29)
The package versions in the original post are out of date, and have been superceded by the versions posted by SkonesMickLoud. I suspect that you may have misconfigured pacman.conf and/or mirrorlist, and you are still syncing only with belnet, which is seriously out-of-date at the moment. Post pacman.conf and mirrorlist here (in code tags) so that others can have a look.
Have a look here for mirror status. You can also use rankmirrors to help you identify the right mirror for you.
Allright, I tried installing from the Dutch servers and it worked! Thanks a lot, that webpage for the mirror status is very useful!
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