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So I have a weird problem.
I have installed arch about 20 times 5 of those twenty were with the disk I am using right now. I take out my hard-drive and put a 1.5 TB HD in it and now I have problem installing linux. I installed windows on the 1.5 tb HD and am trying to install linux on a .5 TB HD. The problems are different every few times I try to install.
I boot the arch live setup and do the normal until I get a error like
mounting /mnt/ error when setting mount points
sometime I get past it and then I get and error when installing bootloader (grub)
if I actually get through the initial set-up and restart then it will try to load things but fail on about one-fourth of the processes.
I have downloaded, burned and try to install with 3 other images and burns, but I get the same stuff.
I have no Idea what is going on.
oh it is Arch64bit too.
Ok so I think it did have something to do with the partition sizes. So I made a very small partition about 15gbs without decimals and I got it to install. I figure I can format the free space after I fully install again.
Last edited by otacon (2009-02-04 06:35:43)
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do you use an apple?
urxvtc / wmii / zsh / configs /
Arch will not hold your hand
I am not installing on an apple but I might have burned it on one.
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actually I can't get the mount points to work at all now.
I love arch but I have no clue what remotely could be the problem.
I installed windows xp on the drive and it worked perfectly but then when I tried to install linux again it had the same problem.
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Did you install Window Vista? Did you swrink your disk using Window Vista? You need to free space in the disk using windows if you use Vista.
Can you burn another disk and try again?
I am installing Arch on a completely different HD.
I have officially burned 5 disks from 5 different images.
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and I installed xp not vista
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I have a similar problem with Maxtor drive .5 TB, sometimes it works, sometimes I cant get passed boot loader. Then it would just start working again.
Did you try installing another disro on it?
not of linux. I installed xp on it just fine but arch is having problems. I tried installing it on my 1.5 drive and it won't work on that one either.
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weird problem. Anyone else having this problem?
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Do your partitions have to be certain sizes? When mine is divided up there are decimals used. like 15449.25 for one. Also I find it weird that my hard-drive is 500.1 gb of space according to arch installation.
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