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Pages: 1
Hi there, I've made an fbsplash theme for Arch. It's minimal in decoration, which I felt was in line with Arch's KISS philosophy. Right now, it's 1280x1024 only, but I intend to support all common resolutions. Also, the silent splash has only a progress bar, but I intend to make a variation with scrolling system messages as well. I'm licensing this under the same license as Arch's official artwork, the creative commons attribution-noncommercial-sharealike 3.0 license.
Thanks, and I hope you enjoy the splash.
Edit: Now with preview and working download.
Edit2: Now on AUR, now everybody should be able to download it. If you like it, comment on it at
Last edited by dmays (2009-01-04 04:56:52)
i get an error when trying to extract
gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
Weird, I just got the same error. Looks like the hosting service I'm using corrupted the file. I'll upload it to a different one in a couple minutes. Thanks for letting me know.
Edit: Everything's working now, redownload the package and try it.
Last edited by dmays (2009-01-04 03:28:07)
This looks great, but the filefactory link says there are no open download links available. I'll check it out again in a bit.
it works for me now
This looks great, but the filefactory link says there are no open download links available. I'll check it out again in a bit.
I'll upload the archive to a couple download sites then and link them all here, maybe one of them will work.
Edit: I went ahead and put it on the AUR instead. Now everyone should be able to download it.
Last edited by dmays (2009-01-04 04:56:14)
Looking really nice A scrolling text version would be awesome!
- blog (about arch and other stuff):
- x86_64 user
Looking really nice
A scrolling text version would be awesome!
I'll get around to making it eventually, just have to muster up the desire to do it.
I like it!
If you could get all the standard resolutions supported (800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024, and 1600x1200), then maybe we could finally replace the out-dated darch theme that is included in fbsplash
\\ archlinux on a XPS M1530 //
Slightly off topic, but this will save you ages next time you need to upload something Besides the few ads, I find it excellent (and I don't usually notice them, thanks to Adblock Plus).
I like it!
If you could get all the standard resolutions supported (800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024, and 1600x1200), then maybe we could finally replace the out-dated darch theme that is included in fbsplash
That would be pretty neat. I'll work on it eventually.
Slightly off topic, but this will save you ages next time you need to upload something tongue Besides the few ads, I find it excellent (and I don't usually notice them, thanks to Adblock Plus).
Thanks for that, I'll check it out. I ended up just including the theme in the PKGBUILD tarball.
I'd definitely use it if it supported 1920x1200, though I doubt that would happen as it is not that common of a resolution. Also the scrolling text would be useful. Regardless, very clean look! Nice job.
Could you link me to where you learned to make this ? I'm curious to try making my own fbsplash (without the moving bits as I'm a newbie at graphics).
I don't use splash things but this looks nice.
< Daenyth> and he works prolifically
4 8 15 16 23 42
I'd definitely use it if it supported 1920x1200, though I doubt that would happen as it is not that common of a resolution. Also the scrolling text would be useful. Regardless, very clean look! Nice job.
I just got a new higher-res monitor, so now I'm going to update the theme (finally!), and I'll be sure to add 1920x1200.
Could you link me to where you learned to make this ? I'm curious to try making my own fbsplash (without the moving bits as I'm a newbie at graphics).
TIA I read this page, and used the DangerGirl bootsplash as a reference.
I don't use splash things but this looks nice.
Hm, is there a chance for 1024x768 ?
Looks nice !
I'm waiting for the high res
Update: I have a few of the high-res splash images done. I lost my original .xcf, so I redid the highest-res image and then scaled that down into a few more sizes. I've been really busy with a new job and class, but I have one final exam left tomorrow and then I'm off for the summer, so I'll play around with the configs for the new sizes soon(ish) and then post the updated package to AUR.
If anybody's interested in taking this over, send me a PM or something. I'll orphan the package in AUR and you can take care of it.
Pages: 1