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I can't install xorg, my mouse don't work. But I'm a intelligente boy, and I've got the old xorg.conf in a floppy 3 1/4. But I can't use .
I don't know how to mount a floppy from console. the wiki has NOT anything about mount a floppy. I search and I find commands by Ubuntu, or debian, but ther did'nt work. Also I install hal, but it don't aumount, also I add hal to rc.conf, and I uncomment in /etc/fstab
How can i Mount my floppy?
modprobe floppy; mkdir /mnt/floppy; mount /dev/fl[tab] /mnt/floppy
mount: You must specify the file system. {translated from spanish}
Try adding "-t vfat" to that mount command. If your floppy isn't formatted, you can try mkfs.vfat /dev/fl[tab].
Ah. It isn't /dev/fl. It is /dev/fd0.
mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy/
mount: /dev/fd0 no es un dispositivo de bloques { /dev/fd0 isn't a block dispositive}
I can't format the floppy, because xorg.cong is in.
Also I press [tab] but nothing happened.
Hm, I don't know what the problem is. I haven't used floppies for ages.
Ok, don't worry. Thanks.
Do you know how mount an usb stick?
Yeah, connect it, check in dmesg for its name (sdX), make a destination dir (eg. mkdir /mnt/usb) and mount it (mount /dev/sdXY /mnt/usb - Y is a partition number).
If someone know hot to mount a floppy I'm also interested in, and please put on the wiki.
How can I formar a usb stick with write protection on. It is possible? The usb has no button or similar to quit.
Should be
mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/fl-or-whatever
However, if your hardware is brand new - it actually _may_ be a usb-floppy, in which case it is /dev/sdX
In addition - it may also have a partition on it, though not neccessarily, in which case it just may be /dev/sdX1
Try: dmesg|grep fd or possibly dmesg|grep sd
I wonder if you could actually do something like "hexcurse /dev/fd0"
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