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Ya, ok, so it's agreed - add --foreign <repo> & --filter. Actually, the filter is set to the last parameter, but I say second because the shear number of possible results given two generic (when combined, specific) terms. (i.e. aur ruby)
@rson451: Already made it Look at the git log @ gitorious. Can you send me a link to your profile @ gitorious? You seem to be interested in helping development, so adding you as an official developer would be nice
I'm taking a peek at aursh, too. Ruby isn't all that fast (for now, come on, 1.9, be declared stable!) but I'm holding out for Aaron/Simo or Matz (main Ruby dev)
@Spooky: Not sure how to get it incremental with the current search architecture. Searching itself is fast, but the downloading of the information isn't. The combined download of information is much, much, much faster. I'll see what I can do, though I'm not sure. The --foreign parameter is probably gonna be stolen after I make a version. Oh well, ya open source
Ya, ok, so it's agreed - add --foreign <repo> & --filter. Actually, the filter is set to the last parameter, but I say second because the shear number of possible results given two generic (when combined, specific) terms. (i.e. aur ruby)
@rson451: Already made it
Look at the git log @ gitorious. Can you send me a link to your profile @ gitorious? You seem to be interested in helping development, so adding you as an official developer would be nice
I'm taking a peek at aursh, too. Ruby isn't all that fast (for now, come on, 1.9, be declared stable!) but I'm holding out for Aaron/Simo or Matz (main Ruby dev)
@Spooky: Not sure how to get it incremental with the current search architecture. Searching itself is fast, but the downloading of the information isn't. The combined download of information is much, much, much faster. I'll see what I can do, though I'm not sure. The --foreign parameter is probably gonna be stolen after I make a version. Oh well, ya open source
Process as it downloads.
I've asked yaourt, arson, and aursh to implement '--foreign'. He who does it first wins.
It's pretty easy. I don't know if you use pacman or libpacman:
pacman -Slq "foreign-repo".
pacman -Qqm "real foreign packages"
Add them both to the list.
Last edited by SpookyET (2008-06-02 23:36:08)
@SpookyET: Go to my gitorious page, check out the latest head of my arson.git repo, test the --foreign parameter? I think it's working, but I don't have any candidates for testing it with. Please report back whenever about any bugs
Also, as it stands, I'd need to do another recode of the search method to do a process-as-downloads mech. Not as a great of one, but it's still pretty decent in size. Tomorrow?
Anyone else that want's the pull the latest arson whenever is welcome to do so.
Last edited by zenix (2008-06-03 00:58:16)
Will do. I just have to figure out how to use git first. I myself prefer and use mercurial because it's multi-platform, written in python with many extensions, and mostly because it doesn't have 200 commands.
pacman -S git
git clone git://
Done To update:
git pull
Edit: Using Github now
Last edited by zenix (2008-07-22 00:20:23)
spooky, i wrote a package build to do the git stuff a while back, but i'm not 100% positive that it still works. there seems to be quite a few changes in the past day or so. if you want i can post it but i cant test right now unfortunately
tested, still works. here you go:
pkgdesc='The HOT AUR search helper (git)'
arch=(i686 x86_64)
depends=('ruby' 'rubygems')
build() {
cd $startdir/src
msg "Connecting to GIT server...."
if [ -d $startdir/src/$_gitname ] ; then
cd $_gitname && git-pull origin
msg "The local files are updated."
git clone $_gitroot
msg "GIT checkout done or server timeout"
msg "Copying script..."
cd $startdir
cp src/$_gitname/$_gitfolder/arson .
install -d $startdir/pkg/usr/bin
install -m0755 -t $startdir/pkg/usr/bin/ arson
the replaces() thing doesnt work though, just a word of warning, i've never written one before this so there is probably alot wrong with it.
Last edited by rson451 (2008-06-03 01:22:05)
archlinux - please read this and this — twice — then ask questions.
-- |
Yeah, it's almost identical to mercurial in operation.
Anyway, it's not working for me.
I do know that I have at least one package out of date.
./arson -U --foreign spookyet
Error: No result found
I'm not sure what the bash script is doing, but it's either freezing, or very slow.
Last edited by SpookyET (2008-06-03 01:28:07)
which package is out of date?
also, can you give the contents of /var/lib/pacman/sync/spookyet ? For quicker debugging, you can join rson & I in #archlinux-gamers on freenode
Last edited by zenix (2008-06-03 01:28:09)
which package is out of date?
also, can you give the contents of /var/lib/pacman/sync/spookyet ? For quicker debugging, you can join rson & I in #archlinux-gamers on freenode
Last edited by SpookyET (2008-06-03 01:29:09)
zenix: Just as a note, the release shell script on your server calls #!/bin/sh, but it uses the $() construct. Either call /bin/bash or use ``; sh doesn't support it. By default sh is a symlink to bash, but you shouldn't rely on it being so.
[git] | [AURpkgs] | [arch-games]
Alright, Download still isn't fast but now it doesn't spew as much. Yay! Anyways, for those who are still using Arson (thanks!) here is an update, v0.8.6!
arson v0.8.6 (6July2008)
- Added --filter/--foreign options.
- Fixed download: If the package doesn't exist the first time, attempt to
use the pattern: /packages/<pkg>/<pkg>.tar.gz
- Fixed download: If there are multiple results for a given term, only say
"Not found" if none of the results match the package name.
- Finshed development of arson until AUR JSON is updated (patches are in
testing) unless another bug is found. I still need to create a web site for
As the log says, I'm done devlopment of arson unless I missed a bug BUT I will continue development after AUR has been updated! The patches are in testing, so it shouldn't be too long but still, don't expect rapid progress (arson is pretty complete for me anyways...)
Yay! Double post! The Vacation release is here!
arson v0.8.7 (21July2008)
- I got the development bug, sigh... :)
- Fixed Search: Arson incorrectly displayed the total search result count.
Before, it included results from community (which is still in AUR DB...) and
now it doesn't! This also happens to increase search speed (marginally...)
- Updated error message for 'existing dir' to actually mean something more
instead of being so idioticly general. /me hates himself for stupid error
- Return of TODO list! I'm just not using I hate the fact that it
doesn't have nestable todos!
- Shifted the existence check to be the first. No more querying AUR to check
if a package exists THEN checking if we already downloaded it!
- Added a catch for ambiguous options. Primary example: -s vs -S, they are
mostly different, but OptionParser gets confused when I haven't actually
specified the differenced them. Baby.
- Switched search to a progressive search. It was relatively easy. Silly me.
- Count is now at the end of the results.
- Rewrite of search. MUCH faster now, would be even faster with the AUR
- Color changes for search result notifiers.
- Recursive downloads! Arson checks for dependencies that don't exist within
the pacman cache and checks AUR. It's silent if it can't find it in AUR as
well. If it's in AUR, arson downloads it.
- Generates a list of repositories from /etc/pacman.conf (== Pacman_Conf).
Used with the recursive downloads, soon to be more.
- Removed --filter, now it completeley follows AUR's search engine. If a
keyword pair doesn't work as expected, test in AUR itself before complaining
to me!
- Added long output to Info!
- Misc changes
PKGBUILD in AUR is broken
looks like everything I needed for working with aur...
All you need to do is update the md5sums.
Open the PKGBUILD in a text editor and move delete the old md5sums.
Then run makepkg -g >> PKGBUILD
Then makepkg and install.
archlinux - please read this and this — twice — then ask questions.
-- |
Arson is nice, thanks for it.
However I have an issue with --foreign [REPO] -U. When i run:
arson --foreign giorgio -U
I get the following:
Searching /var/lib/pacman/sync/giorgio for updates in AUR...
/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/facets-2.5.0/lib/more/facets/version.rb:64:in `<=>': undefined method `<=>' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/facets-2.5.0/lib/more/facets/version.rb:63:in `times'
from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/facets-2.5.0/lib/more/facets/version.rb:63:in `<=>'
from /usr/bin/arson:395:in `>'
from /usr/bin/arson:395:in `pacman_check_aur_updates'
from /usr/bin/arson:385:in `each'
from /usr/bin/arson:385:in `pacman_check_aur_updates'
from /usr/bin/arson:383:in `each'
from /usr/bin/arson:383:in `pacman_check_aur_updates'
from /usr/bin/arson:486
'giorgio' is a local repo which actually includes, besides my personal packages, all the packages I build from AUR, so I would be interested to know if there are upgrades for them. 'giorgio' is listed in pacman.conf and all the stuff in /var/lib/pacman/sync/giorgio/ seems to be there. Any tip?
Last edited by patroclo7 (2008-12-23 12:58:53)
Mortuus in anima, curam gero cutis
patroclo7, try this patch:
*** arson 2008-12-24 00:21:33.000000000 +0900
--- arsonbuggy 2008-12-24 00:31:41.000000000 +0900
*** 402,408 ****
found_toggle = true
instver =[:v])
! aurver =['Version'])
puts "#{colorful(name,:bold)} has an update available: #{colorful(version,:red)} -> #{colorful(aur['Version'],:green)}" if aurver > instver
--- 402,408 ----
found_toggle = true
instver =[:v])
! aurver =['results']['Version'])
puts "#{colorful(name,:bold)} has an update available: #{colorful(version,:red)} -> #{colorful(aur['Version'],:green)}" if aurver > instver
I'm new to patching, so I'm not sure if I made that right... in case it doesn't work, you just have to edit the line in the check_aur_updates function. There's one block that starts with pacman -Qm and another that starts with 'for repo in $Options'. aurver is missing the 'results' key just before 'Version'.
Last edited by mentallaxative (2008-12-23 15:37:00)
I added ['results'] in both the blocks and now the error message is shorter:
Searching /var/lib/pacman/sync/giorgio for updates in AUR...
/usr/bin/arson:394:in `pacman_check_aur_updates': undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
from /usr/bin/arson:385:in `each'
from /usr/bin/arson:385:in `pacman_check_aur_updates'
from /usr/bin/arson:383:in `each'
from /usr/bin/arson:383:in `pacman_check_aur_updates'
from /usr/bin/arson:486
Mortuus in anima, curam gero cutis
Sorry patroclo, I don't think I was clear.... you only add ['results'] to the block that starts with 'for repo in $Options[:foreign]'.
Ok, now my two blocks are as follows:
`pacman -Qm`.each_line do |line|
name, version = line.chomp.split
aur = json_open(Aur_Info % name)['results']
if aur.kind_of?(Hash) and aur['Version'] != version
found_toggle = true
instver =
aurver =['Version'])
puts "#{colorful(name,:bold)} has an update available: #{colorful(version,:red)} -> #{colorful(aur['Version'],:green)}" if aurver > instver
for repo in $Options[:foreign]
puts "Searching #{repo} for updates in AUR..."
Dir["#{repo}/*"].each do |pkg|
desc ="#{pkg}/desc")
cache = {:v => desc[/^%VERSION%\n(.*)/, 1], :n => desc[/^%NAME%\n(.*)/, 1]}
aur = json_open(Aur_Info % cache[:n])
if aur['type'] == 'error'
found_toggle = true
instver =[:v])
aurver =['Results']['Version'])
puts "#{colorful(name,:bold)} has an update available: #{colorful(version,:red)} -> #{colorful(aur['Version'],:green)}" if aurver > instver
But i get again the following error with 'arson -U --foreign giorgio:
Searching /var/lib/pacman/sync/giorgio for updates in AUR...
/usr/bin/arson:394:in `pacman_check_aur_updates': undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
from /usr/bin/arson:385:in `each'
from /usr/bin/arson:385:in `pacman_check_aur_updates'
from /usr/bin/arson:383:in `each'
from /usr/bin/arson:383:in `pacman_check_aur_updates'
from /usr/bin/arson:486
Mortuus in anima, curam gero cutis
It's case sensitive. It's 'results', not 'Results'. The json hash is very specific about this.
Ok, now I have 'results' but I get the same error.
Mortuus in anima, curam gero cutis
Hi, great program. Everything that I wanted from the program that should work with aur. Still has lots of bugs. Does arson have some website with bugzilla or something like this?
Last edited by ogronom (2009-02-06 15:18:28)
AFAIK zenix is uing this thread as his 'bugtracker'. If I catch him on irc i'll let him know more posts have been made here.
archlinux - please read this and this — twice — then ask questions.
-- |
Issue with version 0.8.11
$arson -Dk vlc-embed
Downloading package to <skipped>
Found package vlc-embed! Downloading it now...
/usr/bin/arson:260:in `aur_download': undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
from /usr/bin/arson:260:in `map'
from /usr/bin/arson:260:in `aur_download'
from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/fileutils.rb:121:in `chdir'
from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/fileutils.rb:121:in `chdir'
from /usr/bin/arson:207:in `aur_download'
from /usr/bin/arson:200:in `each'
from /usr/bin/arson:200:in `aur_download'
from /usr/bin/arson:197:in `each'
from /usr/bin/arson:197:in `aur_download'
from /usr/bin/arson:482
version 0.8.11
$ arson -Dkf midori-git
Downloading package to /home/illarion/packages
Found package midori-git! Downloading it now...
Error: No results found
Why Error? Everything downloaded.