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I installed Shaman the other day and ran a upgrade on the packages it recommended. When I tried to reboot it gave me an error about the version for the jbd module's struct_module being wrong. So I decided it had faffed up my kernel. I booted a rescue disk chrooted into /mnt and ran pacman -S kernel26-pmac (yes I'm running a PPC). The error dissapeared about jbd but now I get an error loading root hda3. I then booted back into the CD and chrooted and ran yabootconfig to reinstall the boot loader but still no joy.
Could someone please help me out?
Last edited by mikeym (2009-02-07 10:32:40)
* Bump *
Please post exact error messages.
M*cr*s*ft: Who needs quality when you have marketing?
The first error messages I got that prompted me to reinstall the kernel were:
jbd: disagrees about version symbol struct_module
ext3: disagrees about version symbol struct_module
Then after running pacman -S kernel26-pmac and yabootconfig:
kinit: cannot open root device hda3(3,3)
There was an issue when I installed that gave me the same error message (thread) but I've followed the advice in the thread to use mknod to create the missing dev links and they are still there.
Last edited by mikeym (2009-02-07 16:40:00)
OK I got this working. I had tried this but I wasn't as strict with the steps. I had rebooted in between running pacman and yabootconfig.
So what worked was to boot the install CD then:
dhcpcd eth0
mount -t ext3 /dev/hda3 /mnt
mount -t proc none /mnt/proc
mount -t sysfs none /mnt/sys
mv /mnt/dev/ /mnt/dev.bak
mkdir /mnt/dev
mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev
chroot /mnt /bin/bash
pacman -S kernel26-pmac
and enter /dev/hda3 for the drive and /boot/vmlinux26 and /boot/kernel26.img. Then:
umount /mnt/dev
umount /mnt/proc
umount /mnt/sys
rmdir /mnt/dev
mv /mnt/dev.bak /mnt/dev
umount /mnt
That seemed to fix it.
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