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Topic -> Dust/troll-bin
ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ
Is this :
"Bring out your dead
Bring out your dead
DEAD THREAD: I'm not dead!
CUSTOMER: Nothing. Here's your ninepence.
DEAD THREAD: I'm not dead!
CART MASTER: 'Ere. He says he's not dead!
CUSTOMER: Yes, he is.
CART MASTER: He isn't?
CUSTOMER: Well, he will be soon. He's very ill.
DEAD THREAD: I'm getting better!
CUSTOMER: No, you're not. You'll be stone dead in a moment."
really Arch news?
Topic -> Dust/troll-bin
why? I can understand that this kind of wiki page doesn't make much sense and is worth a discussion.
litemotiv wrote:Topic -> Dust/troll-bin
why? I can understand that this kind of wiki page doesn't make much sense and is worth a discussion.
it's a non-descriptive title with only a link in the post itself. it lacks any basic explanation or suggestions for improvement.
also, the TS knows that the wiki is public territory so instead of asking if we need wiki pages like that he could/should have taken the time to edit it and propose his changes as a better approach. right now it's just trolling.
i'd say "do we really need forum threads like this?"
ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ
I is not just about that single page. It is about the direction in which the wiki is heading. You just need to have a look at the beginners page to understand the current situation .
I just found that monty python reference by skottish interesting and thought it worth sharing with others. That is what i intended while creating that share what ever i found interesting on the bbs with others .
I is not just about that single page. It is about the direction in which the wiki is heading. You just need to have a look at the beginners page to understand the current situation .
yes, well now we're 6 posts further and still have no idea what your suggestion is to improve the situation? or do you think it would be a good idea to have forum threads popping up all over the place just saying "project xyz should be better, you people should improve it"?
"do we really need (arch) linux?" no, but we can try to make it as useful as possible by doing our best to contribute to it's functionality, clarity or purpose. we as in all of us, there's no enlightened being going to hold our hand and do it for us (sorry).
ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ
Why would you replace vi with nano? That's ridiculous.
Nevermind that no one would search for the idea. Why not put in a vi cheatsheet or something?
Cthulhu For President!
A quicker, simpler, and much better solution would be to put EDITOR=/usr/bin/nano in /etc/DEFAULTSHELLrc, but I suppose if you want to go through that pain you could.
OP, I am in complete agreement with you on this matter. I realize that the wiki is supposed to be a great resource to the community and has been doing a great job, but pages like this are about as helpful as a page that tells you to symlink .so's instead of rebuilding packages properly.
archlinux - please read this and this — twice — then ask questions.
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Personally I think that saying "Do we really need wiki pages like this" is a bit rough. As has already been pointed out by litemotiv, whats the point of a thread like this? What is it going to achieve? The person who put up the nano wiki page may never see this thread and so never know that the wiki needs to be improved or is maybe even not worth having (if that's what the consensus is). Perhaps making suggestions for changing the wiki page would be a more constructive way to pass the time.
At the risk of getting banned for trolling, I'd just like to say that there seems to be a bit of passive aggressive behaviour creeping in around the forums these days attacking other peoples threads or comments. As more simpletons like me join arch and post 'unacceptable' comments, there's a kind of elitist group brewing who sometimes choose to start their own thread attacking the 'bad posters' rather than make suggestions in the thread where the offending 'bad post' occurs. Again, whats the point. If you actually want peoples behaviour to change to what you would consider 'acceptable' / 'helpful' / 'relevant' then you need to tell them, not form a club of 'cool kids'. That feels like bullying to me.
Now I happen to think that the wiki is a bit confusing since there isn't really much about nano itself but rather it seems to be specifically about using nano with visudo for which there are other more 'elegant' ways to get nano to work with visudo as pointed out in the visdo manual:
So what I'm going to do is contact the person who put up the page (I'm presuming I can find that out from the history) and put my suggestions to them.
Last edited by tim (2009-02-12 14:03:15)
... it's a Wiki. Edit it! Problem solved.
see above ^ (there's also a Talk page on the wiki where this could better be discussed)
KISS = "It can scarcely be denied that the supreme goal of all theory is to make the irreducible basic elements as simple and as few as possible without having to surrender the adequate representation of a single datum of experience." - Albert Einstein
there's also a Talk page on the wiki where this could better be discussed
already been started.
archlinux - please read this and this — twice — then ask questions.
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I direct your attention to the {{Stub}}, {{Accuracy}}, {{Deletion}}, {{Expansion}}, and {{Poor writing}} templates.
u_no_hu, I agree that there are a lot of problem pages in the ArchWiki, but there have already been countless discussions on that front. It all boils down to "EDIT THE WIKI YOURSELF."
"Be the change you want to see in the world." -- Mahatma Gandhi
M*cr*s*ft: Who needs quality when you have marketing?
Seriously guys, you could have edited that wiki page 1427 times by now...
The day Microsoft makes a product that doesn't suck, is the day they make a vacuum cleaner.
But if they tell you that I've lost my mind, maybe it's not gone just a little hard to find...
Mr Green
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