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Knubbler is a GUI used to enter fractions/percentages by scrolling on a progressbar. This is a very convenient thing to do on touchpads. Knubbler was designed to be used in shell scripts or keybindings.
One use-case is as a rather comfortable way to adjust the volume (or something else) when bound to a button, especially when used with 2-finger-scroll on a touchpad.
(something like volwheel without the trayicon and with a larger area to scroll on.)
You can find the it on AUR: knubbler
Or you can browse the source here
Screenshots of window-mode (it's fullscreen by default):
Some things you could use knubbler for:
Set mwfact for awesome:
echo "awful.tag.setmwfact($(knubbler -t 'set mwfact'))" | awesome-client
Use it like this in your awesome.rc (git HEAD version)
awful.util.spawn('echo "awful.tag.setmwfact($(knubbler '..awful.tag.getmwfact()..' -t "set mwfact"))" | awesome-client')
Set ALSA volume:
amixer set LineOut $(amixer get LineOut | knubbler -p -i -t "adjust volume for <b>LineOut</b>")
Set Screen Backlight:
xbacklight -set $(echo `xbacklight | cut -d. -f1`% | knubbler -t "Set Backlight" -p -i | tr -d %)
Your idea here
Last edited by kljohann (2009-03-19 14:12:46)
really stupid question, how do I use this?
nevermind, got it working. nice work
Last edited by wankel (2009-02-06 04:22:21)
I just added an option to display a left-to-right progressbar for cases where it makes more sense.
Best used with touchpads because of their ability to scroll horizontally.
$ knubbler -l
or $ knubbler --left-to-right
I've added a manpage and the ability to build a PKGBUILD (which I will eventually upload to AUR).
Until this happens you can do sth. like:
$ bzr branch lp:~kljohann/+junk/knubbler
$ cd knubbler
$ ./configure
$ makepkg
$ pacman -U knubbler-*-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz
EDIT: Added to AUR. See first post (which is restructured now and will be updated regularly.)
Last edited by kljohann (2009-02-12 18:25:18)
For all those that were unable to run the previous version. I missed to specify the encoding of the file. As of version 13 it's fixed.