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as of me I had to comment this line:
install -D -m755 ${startdir}/src/bluez-utils-${pkgver}/daemon/passkey-agent ${startdir}/pkg/usr/bin/passkey-agent || return 1
as there is not "passkey-agent" file in 3.36 anymore
what about pairing then ?
and second: in kde there is dependency missing: kdepim requires pilot-link, and pilot-link : bluez>=4.25
Zygfryd Homonto
You'll have to roll back everything that depends on the new packages... Can be quite the pain in the proverbial *rse.
My bluez-utils build broke on the passkey too, I'll try to find out later on.
Got Leenucks? :: Arch: Power in simplicity :: Get Counted! Registered Linux User #392717 :: Blog thingy
Okay - passkey-agent seems to be a reference implementation not meant for use by normal users:
So I guess it's not a problem it's not there anymore.
I just took out the line and it builds fine, I also updated bluez-gnome to the latest compatible version for anyone interested - here's the PKGBUILD:
# $Id$
# Maintainer: Roman Kyrylych <>
pkgdesc="bluetooth PIN helper application"
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
depends=('hal' 'libnotify>=0.4.4-1' 'gconf>=' 'obex-data-server'
'bluez-utils' 'desktop-file-utils' 'hicolor-icon-theme')
build() {
cd ${startdir}/src/${pkgname}-${pkgver}
./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var \
--disable-desktop-update --disable-mime-update --disable-icon-update
make || return 1
mkdir -p ${startdir}/pkg/usr/share/gconf/schemas
gconf-merge-schema ${startdir}/pkg/usr/share/gconf/schemas/${pkgname}.schemas \
rm -f ${startdir}/pkg/etc/gconf/schemas/*.schemas
Got Leenucks? :: Arch: Power in simplicity :: Get Counted! Registered Linux User #392717 :: Blog thingy
I see that bluez-4.30 has just shown up in the repos. Has anyone tried it to see if it fixes the problems? I don't have my bluetooth mouse with me, so I can't test. I'd just like to know. Thanks.
As I pointed out in a previous post, for me it does not (I immediately built 4.30 and upgraded to it). I suspect the bluetoothd daemon has something to do with it; hcid has disappeared from 3.x to 4.x and bluetoothd is now the running daemon. It doesn't take too many options though.
Got Leenucks? :: Arch: Power in simplicity :: Get Counted! Registered Linux User #392717 :: Blog thingy
As I pointed out in a previous post, for me it does not (I immediately built 4.30 and upgraded to it). I suspect the bluetoothd daemon has something to do with it; hcid has disappeared from 3.x to 4.x and bluetoothd is now the running daemon. It doesn't take too many options though.
Sorry, I didn't see that before. Oh, well. I guess I'll make do. Usually when one release follows so soon after the previous one, it means that a bad bug had been fixed. Not in this case, apparently.
I managed to pair my phone with laptop:
- SonyEricsson k800i
- Lenovo Thinkpad R61
- bluez bluez 4.30-1
- kdebluetooth 4.0.3-1
1. I stopped the bluetooth services:
/etc/rc.d/bluetooth stop
2. Removed everythin in: /var/lib/bluetooth/*
3. edited the /etc/conf.d/bluetooth config file:
all other option left default (also all defaults in /etc/bluetooth/*)
4. started bluetooth
/etc/rc.d/bluetooth start
5. started kbluetooth (showed an error but worked fine)
6. From kbluetooth Device manager I paired the phone with the notebook (watch the logs /var/log/everything.log, some info is placed there by bluetoothd)
An excerpt from the bluetooth configuration file in the new unified bluez package:
# Run the bluetoothd daemon (default: true)
which means the daemon (bluetoothd) is enabled by default. The /etc/conf.d/bluetooth file is not that much different from 3.x to 4.x, and hidd has always been disabled by default, both in the old and the new bluetooth package(s). You do need it enabled for human interface devices like mice and keyboards, and I assume most people already had that enabled before the switch to the unified package, so I do not think that is the issue here. What actually does seem to be the issue is functionality that hcid handled, and which (presumably) would have been inherited by bluetoothd.
Got Leenucks? :: Arch: Power in simplicity :: Get Counted! Registered Linux User #392717 :: Blog thingy
Finally managed to have GNOME bluetooth work using Bluez 4.x.
From extra:
- bluez 4.30-1
- gnome-bluetooth 0.11.0-3
- libbtctl 0.10.0-2
Custom compiled:
- obex-data-server 0.4.4 (newer version)
- openobex 1.3 (older version: see … rver-044/)
- nautilus-sendto 1.1.1 (newer version)
- bluez-gnome 1.8 (patch applied:
- gvfs 1.0.3 (patch applied:
- pairing
- sending files (via applet and via nautilus-sendto)
- receiving files (need to launch Bluetooth File Sharing)
- browsing via Nautilus (obex://[xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx])
Not working (since bluez 3.x):
- Nautilus still does not recognize obex:/// (maybe intentional, not sure)
- In Nautilus, copying from phone to pc works, not the other way around.
EDIT: Just came across this "closed" bug report The above gentoo patches for gvfs and bluez-gnome were already mentioned in the comments.
EDIT (again): No need to downgrade openobex to 1.3. The one in extra works fine (1.4)
Last edited by biloky (2009-02-17 04:45:33)
nice work biloky. can you sure your PKGBUILD's please?
fck art, lets dance.
obex-data-server 0.4.4
openobex 1.3
nautilus-sendto 1.1.1
- nautilus-sendto.install (
bluez-gnome 1.8
- bluez-gnome-1.8-ODS-API.patch (
- bluez-gnome.install (
gvfs 1.0.3
- gvfs-obexftp-updated-apis-2.patch (
- gvfs.install (
as I don't use gnome but kde for me bluez 4.30 is still an issue
everytime I switch on my laptop, I have to pair the mouse again
on old bluez-utils/libs it was not a case
this is making me frustrated already
Zygfryd Homonto
Same problem here... I always have to pair again, which is really annoying since it is my mouse... I cannot click on kdebluetooth without mouse and I cannot pair with it in KDE without clicking on kdebluetooth
It worked automatically with bluez-utils.
but who shall we send it to as bug ? ?
Zygfryd Homonto
You can always try . If it's not an upstream problem then you'll know soon enough
. Better report a bug too many than one too few and be stuck with it.
Got Leenucks? :: Arch: Power in simplicity :: Get Counted! Registered Linux User #392717 :: Blog thingy
For an unknown reason rfcomm isn't being loaded automatically after system starts, as it was before this ill-fated update. Anyone could explain to me why?
"... being a Linux user is sort of like living in a house inhabited by a large family of carpenters and architects. Every morning when you wake up, the house is a little different. Maybe there is a new turret, or some walls have moved. Or perhaps someone has temporarily removed the floor under your bed."
MSI Raider GE78HX 13VI-032PL
on site I cannot find bug tracker
Zygfryd Homonto
You can turn on it by hand two ways:
1. edit /etc/rc.d/bluetooth;
2. edit /etc/conf.d/bluetooth.
Uncomment in both cases rows begin RFCOMM.
I cannot find bug tracker
Aditionally there are two IRC channels available on where you can find developers and other users of BlueZ:
* #bluez (development related topics)
* #bluez-users (non-development related topics)
P.S. Please excuse me for my poor English...
Last edited by mao(tm) (2009-02-16 18:50:23)
Debian GNU/Linux testing (home x86/work x86_64) + Archlinux GNU/Linux x86_64 (home notebook)
ok, but isn't irc online ? I'm not online same time when they might be - bugzilla is the tool for such, documented etc
Zygfryd Homonto
Bugzilla isn't exist on, therefore I posted this quote from their site... No other way report about our problems.
Last edited by mao(tm) (2009-02-16 19:51:23)
Debian GNU/Linux testing (home x86/work x86_64) + Archlinux GNU/Linux x86_64 (home notebook)
I know, I've seen this on their site too
Zygfryd Homonto
I managed to make my bt mouse autoconnect on system startup by doing these:
edited /etc/rc.d/bluetooth so it reads like this:
Also, after I found out my mouse address, I added this:
HIDD_OPTIONS="--connect 00:1D:D8:96:3A:9B"
Also, my /etc/conf.d/bluetooth contains these:
# Bluetooth configuraton file
# Bluetooth services (allowed values are "true" and "false")
# Run the bluetoothd daemon (default: true)
# Run hid2hci (default: false)
# Run the sdp daemon (default: false)
# If this is disabled, hcid's internal sdp daemon will be used
# Run the bluetooth HID daemon (default: false)
# Activate rfcomm ports (default: false)
# Run bluetooth dial-up networking daemon (default: false)
# Run bluetooth PAN daemon (default: false)
# rfcomm configuration file (default: /etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf)
# Options for hidd, dund and pand (default: none)
HIDD_OPTIONS="--connect 00:1D:D8:96:3A:9B"
I hope it will work for you too.
Does it stick after a reboot, suspending, hibernating or a long period of inactivity?
Do you use the rfcomm service? It seems to provide serial port emulation, not what one would need for a bluetooth mouse I'd say... Did you do anything special to get it all to autoconnect (initial setup)? I see you have the HID2HCI service enabled too?
Got Leenucks? :: Arch: Power in simplicity :: Get Counted! Registered Linux User #392717 :: Blog thingy
Does it stick after a reboot, suspending, hibernating or a long period of inactivity?
Do you use the rfcomm service? It seems to provide serial port emulation, not what one would need for a bluetooth mouse I'd say... Did you do anything special to get it all to autoconnect (initial setup)? I see you have the HID2HCI service enabled too?
You are right. No need to enable rfcomm and HID2HCI (I lost track of the changes I was making), so I restored the default values for these services. Still, my mouse autoconnects after reboot and suspend . Apart from these changes, I didn't do anything else (I always had the bluetooth daemon in my rc.conf, but I don't know if that makes any difference).
One thing I noticed is that the cursor of the bt mouse runs much faster than it did before the update and the new configuration, and I don't know how to apply different settings without affecting the synaptics touchpad. Also, kbluetooth still displays error code 127 when it starts, but it seems to run fine.
I took out my Genius Navigator 900 bluetooth mouse from the shelf, used the Gnome bluetooth applet to pair the mouse, and it worked... and it also auto-connects on reboot. (Didn't tried suspend or hibernate though, since this desktop pc had issues of not coming back from a suspend.) That's all I did, made no modifications to the config files.
There's a new kdebluetooth in extra. Maybe it might fix the problem for KDE users.