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#1 2009-02-25 11:46:02

From: Cottbus
Registered: 2008-12-23
Posts: 29

[solved] transferring OSX

Hello everybody ...

after getting archlinuxppc running on my ibook G3 clamshell I'm trying to get a dualboot system with the old OSX from a seperate harddisk. As changing the harddisk is not done within a few minutes I had to make a backup from an intel-based notebook.

Basic configuration:
ibook g3 300 MHz with 40 GB harddisk. Currently only archlinuxppc is installed. The partition map looks like this:

        #                 type name         length   base        ( size )   system
/dev/hda1  Apple_partition_map Apple            63 @ 1           ( 31.5k)   Partition Map
/dev/hda2      Apple_Bootstrap bootstrap      1600 @ 64          (800.0k)   NewWorld Bootblock
/dev/hda3      Apple_UNIX_SVR2 root       12582912 @ 1664        (  6.0G)   Linux native
/dev/hda4      Apple_UNIX_SVR2 opt        12582912 @ 12584576    (  6.0G)   Linux native
/dev/hda5      Apple_UNIX_SVR2 usr        10485760 @ 25167488    (  5.0G)   Linux native
/dev/hda6      Apple_UNIX_SVR2 var        10485760 @ 35653248    (  5.0G)   Linux native
/dev/hda7      Apple_UNIX_SVR2 home       23068672 @ 46139008    ( 11.0G)   Linux native
/dev/hda8      Apple_UNIX_SVR2 swap        8388608 @ 69207680    (  4.0G)   Linux native
/dev/hda9           Apple_Free Extra        543872 @ 77596288    (265.6M)   Free Space

I know, swap is too much ... it's just a temporary size.

I was not able to view the partition table from the old 3GB Mac harddisk. (I was too fast to change the 3 GB hd against the current 40 GB hd. So I plugged the old harddisk into an intel based notebook and started with knoppix. Knoppix was not able to view the partition table with the help of cfdisk, but (I don't know where knoppix got its information) it creates the nodes /mnt/hda1 to /mnt/hda8 so it seems as if knoppix knew that there are partitions like that. I made images from these partitions with the help of dd and got the following sizes:

hda1    32256 Bytes
hda2    27648 Bytes
hda3    37888 Bytes
hda4    27648 Bytes
hda5    37888 Bytes
hda6    262144 Bytes
hda7    262144 Bytes
hda8    3252775936 Bytes

I found this partition table within

        #                    type name                length   base    ( size )  system
/dev/sdb1     Apple_partition_map Apple                   63 @ 1       ( 31.5k)  Partition map
/dev/sdb2          Apple_Driver43 Macintosh               54 @ 64      ( 27.0k)  Driver 4.3
/dev/sdb3          Apple_Driver43 Macintosh               74 @ 118     ( 37.0k)  Driver 4.3
/dev/sdb4      Apple_Driver_IOKit Macintosh              512 @ 192     (256.0k)  Unknown
/dev/sdb5           Apple_Patches Patch Partition        512 @ 704     (256.0k)  Unknown
/dev/sdb6               Apple_HFS untitled            194557 @ 1216    ( 95.0M)  HFS
/dev/sdb7               Apple_HFS untitled 2          333025 @ 195773  (162.6M)  HFS
/dev/sdb8              Apple_Free Extra                   10 @ 528798  (  5.0k)  Free space

So I think my "little" partition inamges from hda2 to hda8 are the same like these. How am I able to copy the original OSX installation into my system.

My first thoughts:

adding an Apple_HFS partition with the size of the image from hda8 and copy back the image with dd. Now there are 2 questions.

first one
do I need the other partitions too? if so how do I know how to name them and in what order do I have to take them?

second one
does it matter if the osx image is on hda8 or not?

additional question
I recognized that during the partitioning process I got never asked for "primary" oder "advanced" partition. How many partitions am I able to create?

additional question 2
what are these mac-partitions for?

Martin Schuchardt

Last edited by kruemeltee (2009-02-26 05:55:36)


#2 2009-02-26 05:53:31

From: Cottbus
Registered: 2008-12-23
Posts: 29

Re: [solved] transferring OSX

okay ... after asking within IRC someone told me just the big partition is neccessary for running MacOSX. So I deleted the swap partition, created a Apple_HFS Partition end the rest as swap partition again. I recovered MacOSX with the help of dd and added the line "macosx=/dev/hda8" into yaboot.conf.

After rebooting MacOSX started without any questions and works fine. For getting into the dual boot menu I forgot to run the command

mkofboot -v -C /etc/yaboot.conf

within archlinux. So I restarted with the help of the boot cd, changed into my root partition and executed the command. Now I have successfully installed a dual-boot menu for choosing between linux and macosx!

Great work.

Martin Schuchardt


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