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#1 2004-10-18 21:04:20

Registered: 2004-04-24
Posts: 62

pacman - his error messages - and clarity


[root@gateway ~]# pacman -Syu
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 current                  [################] 100%      41K    12.7K/s  00:00:03
 extra                    [################] 100%     164K    19.9K/s  00:00:08

Targets: abiword-2.0.12-1 dbh-1.0.20-1 doxygen- evolution-2.0.2-2
         evolution-data-server-1.0.2-1 flac-1.1.1-1 gaim-1.0.1-1 gal-2.2.3-1
         gdm- gimp-2.0.5-1 glib2-2.4.7-1 gmp-4.1.4-1
         gnome-panel-2.8.1-1 heimdal-0.6.2-1 gnome-vfs-2.8.2-1 gqview-1.4.5-1
         jack-audio-connection-kit-0.99.0-1 gst-plugins-0.8.5-1
         gstreamer-0.8.7-1 gtk2-2.4.13-1 gtkhtml-3.2.3-1 imagemagick-6.1.1-1

         imlib-1.9.15-1 iptables-1.2.11-3 libogg-1.1.2-1 libsoup-2.2.1-1
         libtiff-3.6.1-4 libvorbis-1.1.0-1 man-pages-1.69-1 mozilla-1.7.3-1
         mozilla-firefox-0.10.1-2 nautilus-2.8.1-1 perl-html-parser-3.36-1

Total Package Size:   94.8 MB

Proceed with upgrade? [Y/n]

:: Retrieving packages from current...
 abiword-2.0.12-1         [################] 100%    3683K    29.3K/s  00:02:05
 doxygen-        [################] 100%    1278K    23.1K/s  00:00:55
 gaim-1.0.1-1             [################] 100%    3964K    27.2K/s  00:02:25
 gimp-2.0.5-1             [################] 100%   10290K    25.7K/s  00:02:24
 glib2-2.4.7-1            [################] 100%    1082K    25.8K/s  00:00:41
 gmp-4.1.4-1              [################] 100%     240K    32.0K/s  00:00:07
 gqview-1.4.5-1           [################] 100%     298K    25.1K/s  00:00:11
 gtk2-2.4.13-1            [################] 100%    6229K    24.6K/s  00:04:13
 imagemagick-6.1.1-1      [################] 100%    4317K    24.9K/s  00:02:53
 imlib-1.9.15-1           [################] 100%     535K    36.3K/s  00:00:14
 iptables-1.2.11-3        [################] 100%     243K    23.2K/s  00:00:10
 libogg-1.1.2-1           [################] 100%      19K    14.6K/s  00:00:01
 libtiff-3.6.1-4          [################] 100%     450K    23.6K/s  00:00:19
 libvorbis-1.1.0-1        [################] 100%     451K    24.2K/s  00:00:18
 man-pages-1.69-1         [################] 100%    3638K    28.5K/s  00:02:07
 mozilla-firefox-0.10.1-2 [################] 100%   11678K    27.3K/s  00:02:52
 reiserfsprogs-3.6.19-1   [################] 100%     441K    29.7K/s  00:00:14

:: Retrieving packages from extra...
 dbh-1.0.20-1             [################] 100%      25K     7.9K/s  00:00:03
 evolution-2.0.2-2        [################] 100%   10527K    15.9K/s  00:02:31
 evolution-data-server-1. [################] 100%    1330K    12.0K/s  00:01:50
 flac-1.1.1-1             [################] 100%     587K    20.6K/s  00:00:28
 gal-2.2.3-1              [################] 100%    1326K    16.9K/s  00:01:18
 gdm-            [################] 100%    2805K    28.6K/s  00:01:38
 gnome-panel-2.8.1-1      [################] 100%    2705K    24.5K/s  00:01:50
 heimdal-0.6.2-1          [################] 100%    1297K    17.6K/s  00:01:13
 gnome-vfs-2.8.2-1        [################] 100%    1479K    27.2K/s  00:00:54
 jack-audio-connection-ki [################] 100%     186K    26.6K/s  00:00:07
 gst-plugins-0.8.5-1      [################] 100%    1940K    19.0K/s  00:01:42
 gstreamer-0.8.7-1        [################] 100%    1511K    21.9K/s  00:01:09
 gtkhtml-3.2.3-1          [################] 100%    1246K    20.7K/s  00:01:00
 libsoup-2.2.1-1          [################] 100%     222K    29.2K/s  00:00:07
 mozilla-1.7.3-1          [################] 100%   16636K    25.8K/s  00:02:12
 nautilus-2.8.1-1         [################] 100%    4109K    10.0K/s  00:02:35
 perl-html-parser-3.36-1  [################] 100%      78K    24.1K/s  00:00:03

checking package integrity... done.
loading package data... done.
checking for file conflicts...
error: the following file conflicts were found:
  heimdal: /usr/man/man8/rshd.8.gz: exists in filesystem

errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.

[root@gateway ~]# pacman -Ql /usr/man/man8/rshd.8.gz
Package "/usr/man/man8/rshd.8.gz" was not found.

[root@gateway ~]# pacman -Qo /usr/man/man8/rshd.8.gz
/usr/man/man8/rshd.8.gz is owned by netkit-rsh 0.17-2
[root@gateway ~]# pacman --version

 .--.                  Pacman v2.9.2
/ _.-' .-.  .-.  .-.   Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Judd Vinet <>
  '-. '-'  '-'  '-'
 '--'                  This program may be freely redistributed under
                       the terms of the GNU General Public License

[root@gateway ~]#

Little addon ... maybe pacman could say something about "overwriting" files...
if its intended to.. or should never ever happen... whatever.. maybe with msg's the pkg-distributer made himself (cuz at least he should know WHY of IF it should happen smile )

this could be achieved by putting info in the pgk that there will be files to overwrite... so the user still is able to say "oh no don't touch it!" if he doesn't want pac'y to do that...
REWORKDESTINATION=" /usr/man/man8/rshd.8.gz  /foo/bar"
REWORKMESSAGE="1. just cuz im funny... <split> 2. heavy bugs fixed"

[root@gateway ~]# pacman -S heimdal

Targets: heimdal-0.6.2-1

Total Package Size:   1.3 MB

Proceed with upgrade? [Y/n]

checking package integrity... done.
loading package data... done.
checking for file conflicts...
error: the following file conflicts were found:

  heimdal: /usr/man/man8/rshd.8.gz: exists in filesystem
  reworkinfo: Just cuz im funny...

  do you want to overwrite? (YES/no) :_

so you could also -f pac'y and he simply overwrites exept things on the <b>HoldPkg !</b> (so you still feel save with some things wink )


it would be nice to make pacman capable to download/install pgk with given versions... but as far as i see there are a lot threats about that smile


it would also be nice if a pkg you install could add things to the pacman.conf like NoUpgrade and HoldPkg. ... eg. updating cups ... it saves the configfiles.. yeah... but as .pacsave and cups is after restarting the deamons unuseable cuz it loads with the new ones ... the other way round would be nicer...

so if you install cups the first time the pkg it self writes into pacman.conf:

NoUpgrade /etc/cups/cupsd.conf /etc/cups/classes.conf /etc/cups/client.conf /etc/cups/mime.convs /etc/cups/mime.types /etc/cups/printes.conf

maybe with a update function like:

Syntax: update(file, method, string1, string2);

update(pacman.conf,add,"NoUpdate NoUpgrade /etc/cups/cupsd.conf /etc/cups/classes.conf /etc/cups/client.conf /etc/cups/mime.convs /etc/cups/mime.types /etc/cups/printes.conf, )

and when you remove the pkg it does automatically:

update(pacman.conf, remove, "NoUpgrade /etc/cups/cupsd.conf /etc/cups/classes.conf /etc/cups/client.conf /etc/cups/mime.convs /etc/cups/mime.types /etc/cups/printes.conf", )

this could also work with a substitute-method so in pkg-updates you can also update pacman. smile

i think that would heavily increase the power of pacman - wich already is a realy mighty thing big_smile


#2 2004-10-18 21:27:05

Arch Overlord
From: behind you
Registered: 2003-10-29
Posts: 7,879

Re: pacman - his error messages - and clarity

I like 1 and 3.... very good ideas - especially number 1.. it'd be nice to have overwrite functionality in packages

about number 2 - this issue has been brought up ad nauseum.... Arch is considered by users and developers a "bleeding edge distro" - that is, Arch uses the newest packages, assuming they work.  allowing users to manually grab a non-bleeding edge package, or even downgrade their packages is, for lack of a better phrase, against policy.  If something is not functional in a given package, then Arch as a whole should be downgraded until the package is working.  If a new version replaces the old with differing functionality, the packages should be installed side-by-side (as is the case with gtk1 & gtk2, imlib & imlib2, and many more).

In a bleeding edge distro, downgrading a package simply because a user "likes SomePackage 0.9 better than 1.0" is not worthwhile.  Package management would become so much more difficult and require much more space.

If there is a problem with a package (i.e. "I upgraded to Blah 0.6.5 from 0.6.3 and it doesn't work now") then the problem is most likely on your system and should be fixed.  Blame the developers, blame yourself, whatever... the fact of the matter is you need to expect this sort of thing with Arch...


#3 2004-10-18 22:00:25

Registered: 2004-04-24
Posts: 62

Re: pacman - his error messages - and clarity

thanks  big_smile

well 2 is a hard point... manly concearning the drivespace on the servers... shurely it should not get wasted for "old" stuff  wink
but some ability to backdate would be nice
now ... simply don't pacman --clean ... so you can install from cach  smile
but that eats up discspace

maybe some addon for pacmanconf like:

StoreLastVersion: [value]

0 means he just stores the last one
1 the one before too
2 stores 3 versions at total
and so on...

rest gets deleted within the pacman -Syu and within a pacman --clean he also just clears configured versions

pacman --backdate {value} [pkg]

fetches it from the cache ( just would be a pacman -R [pkg]; pacman -A [path/to/cache/[pkgold] )

what do you think about that?


#4 2004-10-18 23:07:28

Arch Overlord
From: behind you
Registered: 2003-10-29
Posts: 7,879

Re: pacman - his error messages - and clarity

ok, that's not too bad - a "StoreLastVersion" flag would be acceptable.  It makes sense in a way:

Hmm the new PackageX is out, lets pacman it.... oh crap errors.... rollback to old version.

I like that... but I would make sure to have some sort of warning...

[root@animus ~]# pacman --rollback PackageX

Targets: PackageX-0.3.2-1

Total Package Size:   9.8 MB

Warning: Rolling back a working package is not supported by ArchLinux
Please only roll back a package if it is broken, and submit a proper bug report.
Proceed with rollback? [y/N]


#5 2004-10-19 08:29:58

Mr Green
Forum Fellow
From: U.K.
Registered: 2003-12-21
Posts: 5,914

Re: pacman - his error messages - and clarity

not rollback again ....

Mr Green


#6 2004-10-19 15:39:12

From: Middle of Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 2,975

Re: pacman - his error messages - and clarity

roll back will never die Mr. Green. people seem to think that that is the fix for everything. not upgrading/introducing some of the larger or key packages so quickly would do just as well. 

i almost never upgrade gcc or kernels when they first appear on the arch servers as they usually have only been out for a short time and many bugs have not been found.  trying to stay cutting edge is just not for me.

AKA uknowme

I am not your friend


#7 2004-10-19 21:23:37

Registered: 2004-04-24
Posts: 62

Re: pacman - his error messages - and clarity

in a pacman -Syu you don't see how long a pkg is already "open"  :evil:

or you rly do a -Syu just to know what you could update
than lookup every pkg how long its out and
than update every single pkg?

btw.. kernel doesnt update with a -Syu ... dunno if this goes for other pkg's too  wink

< new idea > a variable in the pacman.conf for updating only if the pkg is already out for TIME < /new idea >


#8 2004-10-19 23:21:31

From: Malmoe, Sweden
Registered: 2004-04-23
Posts: 1,249

Re: pacman - his error messages - and clarity

do you mean something like this?

arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy


#9 2004-10-30 18:18:36

Registered: 2004-03-01
Posts: 143

Re: pacman - his error messages - and clarity

rollback via cache is an excellent idea. No hassle as far as the servers are concerned, and seems like it would be rather simple to implement. Now whats an easy way to use it?

"Ignorance is bliss, for stupid people."
"open-source is [...] programming Darwinism."


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