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Indeed. So
[2009-02-16 09:01] upgraded libgnomeprint (2.18.3-4 -> 2.18.5-1)
[2009-02-16 09:01] upgraded libgnomeprintui (2.18.2-1 -> 2.18.3-1)
After that point printing in abiword causes the application to crash. I tried recompiling abiword with the new headers in abs hoping maybe that would fix it, but it does not. So I am not sure what to do here.
The same problem here. However, if I save a document in a .doc format it prints, as .abw it crushes
Same thing happens if you try to save the document in .ps or .pdf format. Hmmm...
I am having the problem too - should we file a bug-report od is it going to be fixed?
thought it might be something I did.
Though 2 days ago installed abiword for 1st time on fresh 2009.02 install
(don't use gnome DE)
try to print or print preview... dissapears from screen/crash
with scite trying to print the right side window of scite opens and I get:
>a2ps ""
sh: a2ps: command not found
>Exit code: 127
I WAS thinking my CUPS/HPlip was funny as I had to do a bit of playing with hp-setup, though not sure what's up obviously.
I CAN print from other apps, like firefox, no problem.
Yes it seems to be some kind of an 'upstream' bug - something with the gnome print ui - it is discussed on the mailing list of abiword - I compiled an svn version which still does not print, but at least I can now save a document as .pdf and print that - for the time being.
nice. thanks.
I seem to be able to do a few things though after a bad choice or two abiword likes to disappear/crash on other moves.
generally, it takes a strong resolve to work with it.
I looked for a tiny little wordprocessor and even though 'ted' which may be too ancient is in the repos it didn't seem to wanna run.
Plus, I think, abiword can do some great stuff and is worth it as a main big app. And to avoid the openoffice java thing.
Since replacing jedit with gvim i really don't want javaruntime nor ESPECIALLY wine on my main machine - wine's cool, though wow, I found folders relating to it in SO many programs, buried everywhere sorta - made backups a real slow horrible messy thing.
The modularity and coolness of Arch Linux just makes little bumps and bugs kinda charming actually. I love the way things get resolved.
Last edited by yvonney (2009-02-28 22:00:33)
very interesting the fact that I couldn't apply the hplip update today due to 'files already exist in filesystem'
So, I uninstalled hplip, and while I couldn't install the update due to the same errors/messages (as aside)
I found it interesting that I NOW get the print box in abiword. It says the printer is paused.
all in all very interesting.
Last edited by yvonney (2009-03-02 04:13:45)
To reinstall my hplip printer/cups stuff I renamed the older folders and files and then easily did the upgrade from 2.8.x to 3.9.2 hplip.
Interesting is that WHILE the old hplip was uninstalled I DID get the print box from abiword as mentioned.
Now that hplip is installed again abiword crashes/disappears upon invoking print command.
Anyone get abiword working...?
I reinstalled and still have same problem. it has been fixed though doesn't work for me.
I'm guessing there's a tip or two for what to do.
Same problem, has anyone found a fix yet?
nope. very much a problem.
Hate to re-revive a thread, but has anyone found anything? I need to print a lot and I would hate to have to install OO writer (its sooo big)
I'm using scribus which is good for me as I kinda prefer to use DTP style letter writing for the control I need. No fix yet though I've considered that it's my light installation and lack of gnome-ness that's causing it. That said, for what i wanted to achieve I'm happy to have pretty much no gnome specific parts in this install.
Last edited by yvonney (2009-04-20 21:10:08)
I found a way that the printing dialog and the preview does not crash!
First I start abiword by clicking on the entry in the kmenu (traditionell kmenu -- kde-user) . Saving a file to .rtf or .abw- extension and quitting abiword afterwards. Now I'm opening dolphin and click on the saved file( f. e. test.rtf).
Abiword starts by opening this file and printing and preview is working for me.
I'm not sure, but I think this could be a problem somewhere in kde. How do you think about my opinion and does work it for you too?
I have a non-gnome system. Just as little as possible with DWM/dmenu windows manager. I maybe have one gnome specific package on my main system. I am having good results with scribus and like to do letters with DTP program. thank you for tip! Could be useful I believe.
I have a good workaround. The problem is the .abw template. For some reason, once an .abw file is opened, the program can not print without crashing. This can be worked around. I have implemented it using .rtf, but it may work with other formats as well.
1) change the default template to a safe file.
1) Open Abiword and save a blank .rtf file called normal.rtf.
2) If ~/.AbiSuite/templates/ does not exist, create it and save normal.rtf in that directory.
3) rename normal.rtf to normal.awt. SAVE THE .rtf FILE THEN RENAME IT. DON't JUST CREATE THE .awt FILE!!
This essentially tricks abiword into opening an .rtf file thinking it is a normal abiword template.
2) To prevent abioword from saving files you will be unable to open and print later, make the default save format be .rtf
1)Open ~/AbiSuite/AbiWord.Profile
2)Navigate to the "<scheme" section that only has a few entries like "name=" _custom" and insert a line that says {DefaultSaveFormat=".rtf"} without the curly brackets, of course.
Now you should be able to open Abiword as usual, save files as usual (only in .rtf instead of .abw) and print as normal. One caveat: you will still be unable to print pre-existing .abw files, and if you open one you will be unable to print until you shut down the program and restart it.
Edit: fixed the typo. Fixed another too.
Last edited by jimmy the saint (2009-05-28 00:25:04)
Jimmy the saint is correct. One thing.
On step 2.2 DefaultSaveFormat-".rtf" should actually say DefaultSaveFormat=".rtf". So an equal sign instead of a dash.
Last edited by bruenig (2009-05-03 23:10:38)