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#1001 2009-03-03 02:15:30

Registered: 2008-09-24
Posts: 26

Re: Daily KDE4 Subversion Packages


#1002 2009-03-03 04:31:17

From: Gainesville, Florida
Registered: 2007-10-07
Posts: 117

Re: Daily KDE4 Subversion Packages

Looks very interesting. If we wanted to try these, what's the correct procedure?  Just put the repo at the top of pacman.conf, and do a pacman -Syu?   Or, first remove markc's/Stephan's packages? 

Maybe a brief yet precise quick rundown as to the correct method/command(s) is in order? 

Do we start here?

As far as I know, kdemod has no svn packages (maybe i just missed them), so it's a bit confusing in that your server here  lists all your apparently kde svn packages with a "kdemod" prefix.

If I understand correctly, your packages aren't related to kdemod per se, and are entirely your own builds- is that correct?


#1003 2009-03-03 06:32:50

Registered: 2008-09-24
Posts: 26

Re: Daily KDE4 Subversion Packages

install kdesupport and remove package from extra repo with conflict .
to install min or all use
pacman -S kdemod or pacman -S kdemod-complete
( this is trunk 1 day old & on first start disable strigi and reboot )

Last edited by bgmiki (2009-03-03 10:00:53)


#1004 2009-03-03 14:39:34

From: Gainesville, Florida
Registered: 2007-10-07
Posts: 117

Re: Daily KDE4 Subversion Packages

Thanks much,
I assume by "install kdesupport" you mean the kdesupport package in your repo- correct?

Also, we remove any other kde packages, such as markc's svn stuff first- correct?

I was also wondering- since these builds apparently have nothing to do with markc's other than they are kde svn packages too, shouldn't you start a new thread so as not to start posting about these particular builds here?

Last edited by wrc1944 (2009-03-03 14:40:01)


#1005 2009-03-03 14:56:03

Registered: 2008-09-24
Posts: 26

Re: Daily KDE4 Subversion Packages

no need for new topic ... #archlinux-rs

Last edited by bgmiki (2009-03-03 17:32:32)


#1006 2009-03-03 21:40:37

From: Gainesville, Florida
Registered: 2007-10-07
Posts: 117

Re: Daily KDE4 Subversion Packages

Tried your packages, both minimal and complete installs- had some problems. On reboot all I could get was the normal blue kde desktop wallpaper. I could add a desktop widget application launcher, but no app or system settings item would launch, and I couldn't shutdown/reboot from it.  If I tried to add a panel, I got an immediate plasma-workspace segfault, then a hard crash and black screen, with a frozen keyboard and system.

The install seemed to go normally, but system was essentially non-functional- had to remove the entire thing. sad

Re-installed your "kde-svn-all" packages, but strangely had to manually download the kde-dummy package, and put it in the /var/cache/pacman/pkg.  When I tried to use pacman it said kde-dummy package was "forbidden," and wouldn't continue the installation roll   After i put the package in the pkg cache, pacman was satisfied. smile

Other than that little hiccup, things work as good as usual, except we're still using the older kdelibs and kdebase. sad


#1007 2009-03-04 02:09:28

Registered: 2008-09-24
Posts: 26

Re: Daily KDE4 Subversion Packages

as I say come to #archlinux-rs ( no1 have this problem like u so...)

Last edited by bgmiki (2009-03-04 02:10:58)


#1008 2009-03-07 09:33:51

From: Gold Coast, Australia
Registered: 2007-05-15
Posts: 502

Re: Daily KDE4 Subversion Packages

Well well, there is a kdebase-4.3.0-2009030708-i686.pkg.tar.bz2 being uploaded as I write this.

It's rather embarrasing but I found 20+ kdebases in my /home/packages area! It seems they were building all along but were not being installed because of some silly small number of file conflicts so my mpkg script did not complete the job of pushing the package into the binary repo. That would explain why my log files did not show any obvious errors but I don't have much excuse for not checking the next most obvious place to look for why kdebase was not being uploaded.


#1009 2009-03-07 09:59:42

Registered: 2007-06-18
Posts: 258

Re: Daily KDE4 Subversion Packages

Whats the current state of kde-svn? Is it usable at the moment or are there greater glitches? Thinking of trying it again....


#1010 2009-03-08 12:45:53

From: Gainesville, Florida
Registered: 2007-10-07
Posts: 117

Re: Daily KDE4 Subversion Packages

Just saw markc's post, so I'll definitely be updating my 64 bit on Arch today.  I can confirm as of yesterday on Gentoo both 32bit and 64bit kde-svn from the kde-testing overlay are really good- probably the best yet.  I'm pretty confident markc's packages will be fine too- they always have been comparable to my custom compiled Gentoo kde-svn.


#1011 2009-03-08 12:46:10

Last of the Wolves
From: Kaiserslautern - Germany
Registered: 2008-12-03
Posts: 55

Re: Daily KDE4 Subversion Packages

I'm using kde-svn as productive Desktop Environment for weeks now and I have to say that there are some problems for example with a crashing krunner but they aren't that bad that I wouldn't be able to work.

My packages are uploading right now and should be useable. But I still have some problems with getting my script to upload automatically (last night it only worked for kdesupport). So if you want you can add

Server =

to your /etc/pacman.conf.

Actually I have both markc's and mine in my configuration and it's working fine and I always get the newest packages of both of them.



#1012 2009-03-08 14:50:58

From: Gainesville, Florida
Registered: 2007-10-07
Posts: 117

Re: Daily KDE4 Subversion Packages

Last of The Wolves wrote:

Actually I have both markc's and mine in my configuration and it's working fine and I always get the newest packages of both of them.

You mean you have both repos enabled at the same time, and all the packages in each are interchangable with each other?

I just installed all of markc's 20090307 packages.  On first restart (after removing .kde first, of course), the splash screen hung about 2-3 minutes, then eventually produced a frozen blue desktop wallpaper with an empty panel. Then about a minute later , the kickoff menu started working, and I could disable strigi, nepomuk, and bouncing cursor (why are these things on by default roll ).  However, Dolphin and Konqueror (and a few other kde apps) took literally 2-3 minutes to open- responsiveness was horrible.  A few other kde apps like konsole and System Monitor opened normally, as well as Firefox. System Monitor showed nothing weird- cpu and memory usage was normal and low.  However, network was sending and receiving 4-5kb per  second each, as if a torrent was in progress, which I hadn't started.  Very strange.

From there, it went downhill, with responsiveness dropping to virtually nothing, and weird multiple windows (like 10-20 duplicates of konsole trailing as you dragged the konsole window). All apps started doing that, and the screen became a huge mess of countless windows.

Strangely, after a cold reboot of the computer, EVERYTHING now seems perfectly normal.  None of the problems mentioned above are ocurring, and responsiveness is great. 
What could have happened, and why did all the problems mysteriously disappear?  I would have expected minor problems if I hadn't removed the old .kde directory first, but since I had, I'm at a loss to explain these events.

But, things are apparently normal right now.


#1013 2009-03-09 05:02:22

From: Gold Coast, Australia
Registered: 2007-05-15
Posts: 502

Re: Daily KDE4 Subversion Packages

@Last of the Wolves: good to hear but let me know what errors you get so I can tweak the upload section of the mpkg script. Your upload facility is a bit ornery so it might take a few attempts to get uploads working smoothly.

The idea of Stephans packages is that you can have both [kde-svn] and [kde-stephan] repos in /etc/pacman.conf and whichever one is updated is the one you get next OR just stick to one or the other by commenting out the other one. They are both based on the same set of source packages so the packages themselves are the same and should install over each other without having to uninstall the other set. It may seem redundant to have two lots of the essentially the same packages but I was out of action for a few weeks and now Stephan has his own source packages and may tweak them slightly differently so it's just simply good to have some redundancy and an option to try things in one or the other package set. Any positive changes that prove to work in one set will get carried across to the other set.

I hope to eventually get a [kde-stable] (4.2.1 now) set done one day too. If anyone wants to do an i686 version then please say so. The mpkg build script could do with a bit more exposure to systems other than just mine.

@wrc1944: that is quite bizarre and thanks for the great description. I got as far as the "frozen blue desktop wallpaper" and gave up after a few minutes. Perhaps I should have waited longer so I'll try again thanks to your positive post.

extragear-multimedia is not building (for me) and qt-copy has been ornery so I just now copied extra/qt and modified it to pull in trunk/qt-copy and now it seems to be building okay.

Any opinions as to whether we could go with qt 4.5 directly from Nokia?

(this is the sort of thing either Stephan or I could try while the other package set remains with qt-copy)


#1014 2009-03-09 15:03:52

Registered: 2006-09-04
Posts: 268

Re: Daily KDE4 Subversion Packages

markc wrote:

extragear-multimedia is not building (for me) and qt-copy has been ornery so I just now copied extra/qt and modified it to pull in trunk/qt-copy and now it seems to be building okay.

Any opinions as to whether we could go with qt 4.5 directly from Nokia?

(this is the sort of thing either Stephan or I could try while the other package set remains with qt-copy)

Hmmm, should work fine, but fixes go in qt-copy first of course.

-=] life sucks deeply [=-


#1015 2009-03-09 15:21:32

From: Gainesville, Florida
Registered: 2007-10-07
Posts: 117

Re: Daily KDE4 Subversion Packages

Thanks for the "repos" explanation. smile

I just successfully rebuilt my Gentoo kde-svn on both 32bit and 64bit systems, using Gentoo's qt-4.5.0 final that is now finally in portage.  I was previously using the qting-edge qt overlay RC's and 9999 "live" versions, which may have been patched qt-copy versions.

The portage ebuild refers to


so I'm reasonably sure it's not the kde qt-copy version from kde svn trunk.  I'm assuming "qtsoftware" would mean the Nokia version, since IIRC qt is now "Nokia," but I could be wrong. 

The qting-edge qt overlay RC's and 9999 are pretty confusing to me.  The RC ebuilds eventially went to portage final, and they have two other "sets" for qt called "Nokia" and "Live," both of which are listed as .9999 ebuilds.   To me, in Gentoo .9999 has always referred to "svn" versions of any package, so I'm not sure if they are saying Nokia is also "svn, or not.

Anyway, for what it's worth, I can confirm on Gentoo I have no problems building kde-svn with qt-4.5.0 final, as opposed to qt-copy (which also worked fine- I just thought I'd go with 4.5.0 final for a while, and save compiling qt-copy so much).

As I understood your post, you were wishing opinions on qt-4.5.0 final from "Nokia," or did I misunderstand? I guess I'm not even sure if the "Nokia" version is a final, or always refers to a "testing" or RC version. roll

Last edited by wrc1944 (2009-03-09 15:25:34)


#1016 2009-03-09 15:56:42

Registered: 2006-09-04
Posts: 268

Re: Daily KDE4 Subversion Packages

Old Trolltech => Qt Software (a Nokia company)
Qt 4.5.0 should be almost the same as qt-copy. qt-copy does have regular additions of small patches that fix issues which arose during development.
Qt development is open, so it is possible the .9999 ebuilds are based on the nightly snapshots or even strait from git.

Officially, KDE should build against any equal-or-later version of Qt it was released upon. In case of KDE 4.2.1 we recommend 4.5 due to the performance improvements and many bugfixes in Qt. Development is done with qt-copy, and thus we recommend... wel, nothing, we don't recommend running trunk, but if you want to, qt-copy is the way to go. It is even possible that KDE 4.3SVN does not even compile without certain qt-copy patches during the development period. (unlikely, btw, as there is no qt version coming soon)



-=] life sucks deeply [=-


#1017 2009-03-10 18:33:13

From: Gainesville, Florida
Registered: 2007-10-07
Posts: 117

Re: Daily KDE4 Subversion Packages

I see all the 20090310 packages in a broswer at
But I keep getting this with pacman:

bash-3.2# pacman -Syu
:: Synchronizing package databases...
error: failed retrieving file 'kde-svn.db.tar.gz' from : Not Found
error: failed to update kde-svn (Not Found)
 kde-extra is up to date
 testing is up to date
 core is up to date
 extra is up to date
 community is up to date
:: Starting full system upgrade...
warning: exiv2: local (0.18.1-1) is newer than extra (0.17.1-1)
resolving dependencies...
looking for inter-conflicts...

Targets (25): qt-copy-4.5.0-2009030913 [34.61 MB]  kdesupport-4.3.0-2009030918 [5.80 MB]  
              kdelibs-4.3.0-2009030919 [17.30 MB]  kdepimlibs-4.3.0-2009030919 [3.28 MB]  
              kdebase-4.3.0-2009030919 [87.74 MB]  extragear-base-4.3.0-2009030920 [1.30 MB]  
              kdenetwork-4.3.0-2009030919 [10.70 MB]  kdepim-4.3.0-2009030920 [20.45 MB]  
              extragear-network-4.3.0-2009030920 [4.41 MB]  extragear-pim-4.3.0-2009030920 [0.79 MB]  
              kdeaccessibility-4.3.0-2009030919 [6.69 MB]  kdeadmin-4.3.0-2009030919 [2.08 MB]  
              kdeartwork-4.3.0-2009030919 [27.73 MB]  kdeedu-4.3.0-2009030919 [58.29 MB]  
              kdegames-4.3.0-2009030919 [37.75 MB]  kdegraphics-4.3.0-2009030919 [3.44 MB]  
              kdemultimedia-4.3.0-2009030919 [2.22 MB]  kdeplasma-addons-4.3.0-2009030920 [5.61 MB]  
              kdesdk-4.3.0-2009030919 [8.44 MB]  kdetoys-4.3.0-2009030920 [1.42 MB]  
              kdeutils-4.3.0-2009030919 [3.24 MB]  kdevelop-4.3.0-2009030920 [2.42 MB]  
              kdevplatform-4.3.0-2009030919 [2.97 MB]  kdewebdev-4.3.0-2009030920 [4.68 MB]  
              playground-base-plasma-4.3.0-2009030920 [7.85 MB]  

Total Download Size:    189.05 MB
Total Installed Size:   885.99 MB

Naturally, I want the 20090310's, and not the 0309's (presently have 0307's installed). Anyway, the 0309's aren't even there. Did a pacman -Scc, but still get same result. My pacman.conf file says:

which has always worked.  I also tried Server = but no luck.  Is it that the repo just isn't activated yet, but shows up in firefox?


#1018 2009-03-11 06:49:07

Registered: 2006-09-04
Posts: 268

Re: Daily KDE4 Subversion Packages

the packages work pretty decently since a few days. Plasma is slightly unstable, KWin has a few graphical glitches, but overall - it's nice. One thing I'm missing is gwenview. It does not seem to be available in the kdegraphics package, despite being there according to KDE's SVN ;-)

Any idea what is going on?

-=] life sucks deeply [=-


#1019 2009-03-11 11:51:12

From: Gainesville, Florida
Registered: 2007-10-07
Posts: 117

Re: Daily KDE4 Subversion Packages

@superstoned and markc,
Are you still getting daily packages?  I can't seem to get past 20090309 showing up in pacman, when apparently it's not even on the server.  Do I have a pacman configuration problem? Is my server right as posted above? I'm still getting:

 :: Synchronizing package databases...
error: failed retrieving file 'kde-svn.db.tar.gz' from : Not Found
error: failed to update kde-svn (Not Found)

Very frustrating, as I haven't changed pacman.conf from what worked before.


#1020 2009-03-11 22:25:35

Last of the Wolves
From: Kaiserslautern - Germany
Registered: 2008-12-03
Posts: 55

Re: Daily KDE4 Subversion Packages


The following isn't correct.

wrc1944 wrote:
Server =
Server =

It should be

Server =
Server =

The repos are located in an folder kde/$repo/$arch. That's the reason pacman can't find kde-svn.


#1021 2009-03-12 11:24:59

From: Gainesville, Florida
Registered: 2007-10-07
Posts: 117

Re: Daily KDE4 Subversion Packages

Well, I guess all I can say about this is,  DOH!
Can't believe I missed my own stupid pacman.conf copy/paste error while looking right at it for days. roll

Many thanks to Last of the Wolves. smile

EDIT:  Just installed the 20090310's (kde-svn-all)-  very nice, markc! 
Easily comparable to my Gentoo kde-svn custom compiled installs.

Last edited by wrc1944 (2009-03-12 12:51:50)


#1022 2009-03-12 17:24:10

From: Gold Coast, Australia
Registered: 2007-05-15
Posts: 502

Re: Daily KDE4 Subversion Packages

@wrc1944: heh, I triple checked your post and I couldn't pick the error either... just as well the mr last wolf is on the ball! Good to hear the packages are working (mostly) okay.

FWIW-type ramble, it's "safer" to use rather than By safer, I mean that just redirects to but it allows me to use a different backend server(s) and just redirect from the host and, in theory, no ones pacman.conf needs changing. Stephans packages are actually on the server but I think I'll change things around so everything gets pushed to directly and then rsync the lot to (atm I rsync kde-svn directly to No big deal as backend changes are not likely to happen very often but I am on the lookout for a Dreamhost-like provider for another vhost in EU.

And as anyone can see here, Stephan has added quite a few tweaks to his package set...


#1023 2009-03-13 10:23:54

Registered: 2007-06-18
Posts: 258

Re: Daily KDE4 Subversion Packages

Is somebody using the virtuoso nepomuk beackend?

I just installed virtuoso-opensource from our and tried to setup it up, but soprano just finds redland beackend....


#1024 2009-03-13 14:29:11

From: Gold Coast, Australia
Registered: 2007-05-15
Posts: 502

Re: Daily KDE4 Subversion Packages

@Solid1986Snake: I think I read somewhere that Nepomuk needs to be built after Virtuoso is installed and there is a Virtuoso package in AUR... so I might get inspired to do this sometime soon as I'd like to get rid of the Java dependency (I think it's ony needed for the Sesame2 RDF backend). Maybe someone else will try to rebuild kdebase with Virtuoso installed sooner than me. Actually it may not be that hard if you want to try out the mpkg script, seeing you already have virtuoso-opensource installed, it may be as simple as "mpkg kde/svn/kdebase" after pulling the sources packages and doing some initial setup. … pomuk-kde/

This blog has a pretty good explanantion of the various backend search engines...


#1025 2009-03-13 14:40:06

Registered: 2007-06-18
Posts: 258

Re: Daily KDE4 Subversion Packages

Hi markc...

i am working on it... i installed virtuoso-opensource from aur... bigger problem is that virtuoso backend depends on iodbc package which conflicts with unixodbc which is needed by your qt-copy build...
At the moment I just Rd'd it and installed iodbc... now i am building kdesupport with virtuoso backend and hope that kde will start again without recompiling everything.

Maybe we try to get around to build a virtuoso pkg in your repository and compile the librarys against libiodbc which is in community!

Greetz SolidSnake

Finished compiling:

So i were right, virtuoso is working here now perfectly... Maybe we really should think about adding a virtuoso package in repo...
trueg complained about spliting up the package because not really much is needed by the backend... i am not sophiticated enough to get this work done...

Just can say that virtuoso and iodbc package from community was missing.

I really vote for getting away from the java dependency and get this virtuoso done, even when it is a new big dependency but with much more performance!

Last edited by Solid1986Snake (2009-03-13 14:58:26)


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