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Pages: 1
So this message is apparantly a common one among linux users.
Currently my system is not operative due to this error. I was working around in Gnome, and for some time my computer had been noisy, so I decided to open it up, and dust it off etc. I then found out that one of my drives (the one with my Linux installation) wasn't attached to the metal frame in the cabinet (probably due to old laziness). So in order to fix that I unplugged all cables from both harddrives and managed to fasten the loose harddrive. Anyway, I plugged both drives back in and turned power on, and then recived the message "Grub loading Error 21".
In bios the Linux drive no longer appears as connected, and I am no longer able to enter Grub and select Linux or Windows. I tried to attach a new cable to the motherboard, but no changes.
What could have happened? Did my HD drive stop working for some reason, or did I do something forbidden without knowing. Did anyone here suffer from the same error?
"Still learning"....
"Still learning"....
Pages: 1