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When I try to shutdown my computer (sudo shutdown now) or restart my computer (sudo restart) the computer never completely shuts down. It always gets partly shut down, then starts going through the startup process again. This has left me having to hard shutdown, and with EXT4, that corrupts everything. Can someone tell me how to get this thing to shutdown properly? My installs become corrupt because of this, and it is getting very annoying.
Where does the reboot start? At grub menu or at kernel booting?
My victim you are meant to be
No, you cannot hide nor flee
You know what I'm looking for
Pleasure your torture, I will endure...
And just to make sure, you're using the command "shutdown -h now", right?
Did this problem happen after an upgrade? Or is this a new computer that you still couldn't get to work correctly? Tried other distros to see if they work?
Anything suspicious on dmesg?
It starts when it says "Stopping Syslog" or whatever (I can't be sure it is that one). I use the command shutdown now (no -h). Should I use the -h? And it was working, but I had to reinstall Arch and so it doesn't work anymore. I haven't checked dmesg, I will have to when I restart again (soon, but not quite yet since I got some stuff to do).
When I try to shutdown my computer (sudo shutdown now) or restart my computer (sudo restart) the computer never completely shuts down. It always gets partly shut down, then starts going through the startup process again. This has left me having to hard shutdown, and with EXT4, that corrupts everything. Can someone tell me how to get this thing to shutdown properly? My installs become corrupt because of this, and it is getting very annoying.
Should like your not calling it to halt, sudo shutdown -h now, or just sudo halt
To hell with shutdown parameters; I just use poweroff (which apparently is the same as halt)
Without -h the computer just goes to single user mode.
I use the command shutdown now (no -h). Should I use the -h?
Definitely. That should fix your problem (unless there is another problem besides not using the -h in the command). No idea why that did work before for you, it shouldn't.
Ok, thanks. Now that that is solved, I just reinstalled all the packages from cache to fix the problem of corruption. Thanks everyone!