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Pages: 1
Teach a man to fish and he has food for the rest of his life(and doesn't expect others to fish for him).
In my own experience, 95% of issues i have, are of the same character and can be fixed easily. For noobies however it might not be totally obvious what to do. We should make a list of the most common issues and perhaps later make links in the wiki, mainpage, forum etc. This so we can reduce noise-to signal ratio, on our Bugtracker, Forums, Mailing List, Etc,...
I know there are things i have missed and my head is a bit soft at the moment so i know i could have done better. Feel free to edit the article, add new items, fix style-issues, change name of article. Whatever is needed to make it clearer.
Last edited by test1000 (2009-03-19 21:17:21)
KISS = "It can scarcely be denied that the supreme goal of all theory is to make the irreducible basic elements as simple and as few as possible without having to surrender the adequate representation of a single datum of experience." - Albert Einstein
Pages: 1