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After I type startx, I see the nvidia logo and then the screen goes blank (black). Atl+Ctrl+Backspace doesn't work, nothing I can think of to try does - it seems frozen.
This is on a fresh 0.7 beta2 install. The only packages I have installed (besides base) are xorg, fluxbox, nvidia, and their dependancies.
The also freezes the same way if I use nv instead of nvidia.
I've got a GeForce FX 5700 video card and an nForce motherboard, but I don't think it's a hardware issue because the same version of xorg with the same xorg.conf setup worked perfectly on Gentoo.
Is there anything I can do?
have you checked your logs for clues.
sounds to me like there is some refresh rate that is jamming things up
AKA uknowme
I am not your friend
I figured it out. xorgconfig's default for the mouse is /dev/mouse, but there is no /dev/mouse! (which is odd, Gentoo had a /dev/mouse...) I changed it to /dev/psaux and it's working great now.
yeah well arch uses a devfs/udev naming standard which is then symlinked to /dev/psaux which is another common static mouse naming convention.
AKA uknowme
I am not your friend
Thank you. I hadn't realized that different distros had different entries in/configurations for /dev. I'll try to learn more about it so I don't run into more trouble.
Pages: 1