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I installed Arch for the first time this weekend, and am very happy with it. In a wiki on desktop environments I read that you can start xfce4 from the command line--that is, without using a display manager such as GDM or KDM. I tried this and it worked--but it doesn't work when I enter "startkde" at the command line. I get the following errors:
xsetroot: unable to open display ''
[repeated several times]
ksplash: cannot connect to xserver
$DISPLAY is not set
I'm not sure what this means. Can one skip KDM and the whole splash business with KDE?
Thanks for any suggestions.
x needs to be running to use kde. edit your .xinitrc file and add startkde to it, then run startx, that will start kde when you start the x server.
I edited the .xinitrc file as suggested, but when startx is entered it attempts to load and then shuts down with the message
line 9: exec wmaker : not found
Am I putting "startkde" in the wrong place? I put it right after the line "#start some nice programs" in .xinitrc. (It's follow by some lines that I think have to do with TWM.)
you need to comment out wmaker
put # at the start of that line to comment it out...
your .xinitrc should therefor only contain one line without #
and that line sould say "startkde" or "exec startkde" (dont remember/dont know the difference)
(if I remember correctly, "startkde" or "exec startkde" is already in the default .xinitrc file... just remove the # infront of it, and put # in front of wmaker, and it should be ok)
Thanks, this worked. It turns out I was mucking about with the wrong .xinitrc file!
Pages: 1