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Hi, i'm compiling the following code with gcc with this command:
gcc -c plc2c.c -o plc2c.o -Wa,-a
void plc2c(void)
(*(unsigned short*)(*(unsigned long int*)(2818076))) = (*(unsigned short *)(*(unsigned long int*)(2818072)));
((*(((unsigned short*)(*(unsigned long int*)(2818048)))+0) & 2 ) == 2)
*(((unsigned short*)(*(unsigned long int*)(2818048)))+0) |= 1;
the assembly list is the follow:
1 .file "plc2c.c"
2 .h8300s
3 .section .text
4 .align 1
5 .global _plc2c
6 _plc2c:
7 0000 01006DF6 mov.l er6,@-er7
8 0004 0FF6 mov.l er7,er6
9 0006 7A02002B mov.l #2818076,er2
9 001C
10 000c 01006922 mov.l @er2,er2
11 0010 0FA3 mov.l er2,er3
12 0012 7A02002B mov.l #2818072,er2
12 0018
13 0018 01006922 mov.l @er2,er2
14 001c 6922 mov.w @er2,r2
15 001e 69B2 mov.w r2,@er3
16 0020 7A02002B mov.l #2818048,er2
16 0000
17 0026 01006922 mov.l @er2,er2
18 002a 6922 mov.w @er2,r2
19 002c 79620002 and.w #2,r2
20 0030 0D22 mov.w r2,r2
21 0032 4700 beq .L3
22 0034 7A02002B mov.l #2818048,er2
22 0000
23 003a 01006922 mov.l @er2,er2
24 003e 0FA3 mov.l er2,er3
25 0040 7A02002B mov.l #2818048,er2
25 0000
26 0046 01006922 mov.l @er2,er2
27 004a 6922 mov.w @er2,r2
28 004c 700A bset #0,r2l
29 004e 69B2 mov.w r2,@er3
30 .L3:
31 0050 01006D76 mov.l @er7+,er6
32 0054 5470 rts
33 .size _plc2c, .-_plc2c
34 .ident "GCC: (GNU) 4.3-GNUH8_v0901"
35 .end
Is there a option argument to force gcc to doesn't generate a .L3 and forcing a "linear" compilation?
Pages: 1