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Hi everyone,
I installed Awesome 3.2 from the repo yesterday and I have to say I'm glad that all the posts I read about it convinced me enough to install and try using it. After a couple of hours of getting myself around the change, eventually, I ended up changing the wallpaper.
The only thing is I can't do it.
One is supposed to alter the wallpaper_cmd field on the theme file, right? The default looked something like awsetbg /path/to/file.png , and I changed only the path to my wallpaper. But it doesn't display the wallpaper.
Tried with diferent bg setter, nitrogen (as someone sugested in another thread), but nothing. I'm almost 90% sure that I'm doing something wrong, since I'm using it since yesterday as I said before.
Thanks in advance
Last edited by s3kt0r (2009-04-02 15:05:18)
box1: Arch (linux-3.17-rc5)
box2: Gentoo (linux-3.17-rc5)
wm: subtle
awesome -k
what does this say?
post your .config/awesome/themes/default or whereever you define your wallpaper.
Quick and lazy:
1) Open /usr/share/awesome/themes/default/theme (or whatever your theme is) in a text editor.
2) Comment out the "wallpaper_cmd = awesetbg ..." line.
3) Add "nitrogen --restore &" to your .xinitrc.
4) Restart Awesome.
The included awesetbg never quite works. Or it if does, it always throws an error message on startup. It is one of the two bugs that never seems to go away, along with trying to position the layoutbox anywhere but the right corner.
Here's how i do it:
Install FEH - pacman -S feh
Comment out or remove the awsetbg line in your /usr/share/awesome/themes/default/theme file
Add to the theme file: wallpaper_cmd = feh --bg-scale PATH_TO _YOUR_IMAGE
Make sure your .config/awesome/rc.lua setting points to the correct theme path.
Should be good to go.
awesome -k
what does this say?
post your .config/awesome/themes/default or whereever you define your wallpaper.
[s3kt0r@myhost ~]$ awesome -k
✔ Configuration file syntax OK.
Now here's ~/.awesome/themes/default (after reading the replies I changed stuff):
-- Default awesome theme --
font = snap 8
bg_normal = #222222
bg_focus = #535d6c
bg_urgent = #ff0000
bg_minimize = #444444
fg_normal = #aaaaaa
fg_focus = #ffffff
fg_urgent = #ffffff
fg_minimize = #ffffff
border_width = 1
border_normal = #000000
border_focus = #535d6c
border_marked = #91231c
# There are another variables sets
# overriding the default one when
# defined, the sets are:
# [taglist|tasklist]_[bg|fg]_[focus|urgent]
# titlebar_[bg|fg]_[normal|focus]
# Example:
#taglist_bg_focus = #ff0000
# Display the taglist squares
taglist_squares_sel = /usr/share/awesome/themes/default/taglist/squarefw.png
taglist_squares_unsel = /usr/share/awesome/themes/default/taglist/squarew.png
tasklist_floating_icon = /usr/share/awesome/themes/default/tasklist/floatingw.png
# Variables set for theming menu
# menu_[bg|fg]_[normal|focus]
# menu_[border_color|border_width]
menu_submenu_icon = /usr/share/awesome/themes/default/submenu.png
menu_height = 15
menu_width = 100
# You can add as many variables as
# you wish and access them by using
# beautiful.variable in your rc.lua
#bg_widget = #cc0000
# Define the image to load
titlebar_close_button_normal = /usr/share/awesome/themes/default/titlebar/close.png
titlebar_close_button_focus = /usr/share/awesome/themes/default/titlebar/closer.png
# You can use your own command to set your wallpaper
wallpaper_cmd = feh --bg-scale /home/s3kt0r/Public/Pictures/Space_Artwork__WIP_by_DanteGr.png
# You can use your own layout icons like this:
layout_fairh = /usr/share/awesome/themes/default/layouts/fairhw.png
layout_fairv = /usr/share/awesome/themes/default/layouts/fairvw.png
layout_floating = /usr/share/awesome/themes/default/layouts/floatingw.png
layout_magnifier = /usr/share/awesome/themes/default/layouts/magnifierw.png
layout_max = /usr/share/awesome/themes/default/layouts/maxw.png
layout_tilebottom = /usr/share/awesome/themes/default/layouts/tilebottomw.png
layout_tileleft = /usr/share/awesome/themes/default/layouts/tileleftw.png
layout_tile = /usr/share/awesome/themes/default/layouts/tilew.png
layout_tiletop = /usr/share/awesome/themes/default/layouts/tiletopw.png
awesome_icon = /usr/share/awesome/icons/awesome16.png
I also commented the wallpaper_cmd line in /usr/share/awesome/themes/default/theme.
I believe my rc.lua is fine, I can see already the wallpaper I wanted.
So awsetbg was crazy after all. Thanks a lot for all your help people.
box1: Arch (linux-3.17-rc5)
box2: Gentoo (linux-3.17-rc5)
wm: subtle
Nice one. Glad you got it working.
Awesome is great btw.
Yeah, I'm in love with it. Widgets come next
More stuff to play with. Thanks for the tip on feh, neat little program.
box1: Arch (linux-3.17-rc5)
box2: Gentoo (linux-3.17-rc5)
wm: subtle
The included awesetbg never quite works. Or it if does, it always throws an error message on startup. It is one of the two bugs that never seems to go away, along with trying to position the layoutbox anywhere but the right corner.
from my theme-file:
# You can use your own command to set your wallpaper
#wallpaper_cmd = awsetbg /usr/share/awesome/themes/default/background.png
wallpaper_cmd = awsetbg /home/micha/system/wallpaper/the_darkness/td_1680x1050.png
#wallpaper_cmd = awsetbg /home/micha/system/wallpaper/darkwood/darkwood.jpg
#wallpaper_cmd = awsetbg /home/micha/system/wallpaper/nogods1680.png
works fine here
awsetbg always threw me an error, until I installed feh. Then it never threw the error anymore
@ koch, maybe you have a different version of awsetbg? I feel I'm out of my league on this one, why it does for you and not for us.
box1: Arch (linux-3.17-rc5)
box2: Gentoo (linux-3.17-rc5)
wm: subtle
why it does for you and not for us.
awsetbg is a shell script with a pre-selection of different applications that can set the wallpaper. It goes over the list and as soon as it finds one it tries to set the provided image with it. The selection ranges from versatile applications to very basic ones, some will throw an error, some do that but still set the wallpaper, some will just crap out, and so on. Ensure you have at least one of those applications installed on your system, or in case of multiple use "-u" to ensure that your prefered application is used.
You need to install an RTFM interface.
Got it. Thanks anxrc.
box1: Arch (linux-3.17-rc5)
box2: Gentoo (linux-3.17-rc5)
wm: subtle
is it possible to set two different wallpaper in dualhead mode? maybe even with xinerame enabled?
It is with nitrogen which is not supported by awsetbg. Once you have your bg-saved.cfg set up for multiple screens you can set your wallpaper_cmd to: nitrogen --restore
You need to install an RTFM interface.
It is supposed that awsetbg search for a suitable program to set the bg.
If it find none, it wont set it.
Install feh and it works as aspected...
Last edited by nicebloom (2009-06-01 20:58:17)
Here is a little trick:
theme.wallpaper_cmd = { "sh -c 'eval `cat ~/.fehbg`'" }
When using this, you can set any wallpaper at commandline, and you won't need to change the theme file. It's good if you are changing wallpapers often and so on.. tab-completion in terminal, you know Easier imo.