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#51 2009-03-19 00:54:20

From: all over the place
Registered: 2006-11-18
Posts: 684

Re: Pre-965 intel chipsets: user repository for old i810 and intel drivers

karabaja4 wrote:

mutlu_inek, you are welcome to put this in your first post if you want.

I just did. I hope this works for all those who had problems with 915 and 830 chipsets.


#52 2009-03-19 01:04:13

From: Croatia
Registered: 2008-09-14
Posts: 1,001

Re: Pre-965 intel chipsets: user repository for old i810 and intel drivers

mutlu_inek wrote:
karabaja4 wrote:

mutlu_inek, you are welcome to put this in your first post if you want.

I just did. I hope this works for all those who had problems with 915 and 830 chipsets.


BTW, I would love to help you with your hosting problems, but this one I used is from my ISP and it only has 25mb of space which is not enough for both repos. The free hosts I tried around the internet usually have filesize limit to 5mb, so that won't work either. The only one I found without a filesize limit was - maybe you can try that one smile


#53 2009-03-19 04:52:00

From: all over the place
Registered: 2006-11-18
Posts: 684

Re: Pre-965 intel chipsets: user repository for old i810 and intel drivers

karabaja4 wrote:

The free hosts I tried around the internet usually have filesize limit to 5mb, so that won't work either. The only one I found without a filesize limit was - maybe you can try that one smile

I will try it out. However, I am not sure for how long they'd host the repository, as the terms of service state:

izFree prohibits the usage of our free hosting services for the sole purpose of file storage or hotlinking from other websites.

It might depend on what the definition of "sole" is. (Do I sound like Bill Clinton?)


#54 2009-04-01 08:06:08

Registered: 2008-03-10
Posts: 31

Re: Pre-965 intel chipsets: user repository for old i810 and intel drivers

Thank you for providing these packages, tries karabaja4's repository and everything went fine with my 855GM - X seemed to be quite fast (even 2D) compared to recent version, really nice.
Nevertheless your packages were not able to solve my brightness-not-changeable-after-suspend issue (which was the reason I tried to use them, thought maybe it's the intel driver) - so it maybe is relatd to the kernel...


#55 2009-04-02 17:17:54

Registered: 2009-04-02
Posts: 9

Re: Pre-965 intel chipsets: user repository for old i810 and intel drivers

HAL doesn't work with xorg anymore after installing intel-repo.

I have a synaptics touchpad, which needs the option SHMConfig, which I set in /etc/hal/fdi/policy/10-x11-synaptics.fdi.
I see that - and other options I set in that file as well - with lshal but they have no effect.

Any Ideas?


#56 2009-04-04 23:10:39

From: all over the place
Registered: 2006-11-18
Posts: 684

Re: Pre-965 intel chipsets: user repository for old i810 and intel drivers

@cywhale: I had a look at the post, but I can't make sense of it. If the acpi state can be altered, this should have an impact on the system. I agree that this is probably a kernel issue. You could try an older kernel version to check.

@lostgeek: Xorg uses hal's hotplugging only since version 1.5. Since you joined the forum recently, I assume that (unlike for users using Arch since at least fall 2008) for you, xorg 1.5 is what seems 'normal.' You basically experience the opposite effect of what happened to others when Xorg was upgraded. For you, this means that X has no hal support and that all input devices have to be specified in xorg. conf. For an example see what I posted in the first post of this thread. To make sense of this change, you can also read … otplugging which, however, addresses what's _new_ in 1.5, that is, what is now _missing_ for you.


#57 2009-04-05 01:46:01

Registered: 2008-10-25
Posts: 57

Re: Pre-965 intel chipsets: user repository for old i810 and intel drivers

karabaja4... THANK YOU

My i915 has been nothing but a pain since I put Arch on my laptop, glitching like hell. I've configured and configured my xorg.conf, but I would always get a flickering mess inbetween resolution changes and starting Wine and such. THIS FIXED IT.

My computer feels so happy now big_smile


#58 2009-04-05 03:25:31

Registered: 2008-10-25
Posts: 57

Re: Pre-965 intel chipsets: user repository for old i810 and intel drivers

Somewhat of a bad glitch when downgrading with the i915-repo. My fonts get way big when I start GDM and beyond. I mean astronomically big... Help?


#59 2009-04-05 22:34:25

From: Croatia
Registered: 2008-09-14
Posts: 1,001

Re: Pre-965 intel chipsets: user repository for old i810 and intel drivers

CaptainShanks wrote:

Somewhat of a bad glitch when downgrading with the i915-repo. My fonts get way big when I start GDM and beyond. I mean astronomically big... Help?

Sorry, I have no idea since I don't use GDM...


#60 2009-04-06 20:56:27

From: all over the place
Registered: 2006-11-18
Posts: 684

Re: Pre-965 intel chipsets: user repository for old i810 and intel drivers

The new stack in [testing] seems to work beautifully with the xf86-video-intel-legacy, which is also provided there. See my posting in the [testing] forum: … 32#p530232


#61 2009-04-06 21:05:55

From: Croatia
Registered: 2008-09-14
Posts: 1,001

Re: Pre-965 intel chipsets: user repository for old i810 and intel drivers

mutlu_inek wrote:

The new stack in [testing] seems to work beautifully with the xf86-video-intel-legacy, which is also provided there. See my posting in the [testing] forum: … 32#p530232

wow, great!

is this xf86-video-intel-legacy compatible with xorg 1.6?


#62 2009-04-06 21:23:14

Registered: 2003-12-03
Posts: 1,664

Re: Pre-965 intel chipsets: user repository for old i810 and intel drivers

I have patched them to compile with xorg-server 1.6.0 and libdrm 2.4.5, so yes, they work with xorg-server 1.6.0. I don't know if it works with the xorg-server-1.5.3 version from extra, but I'm not interested in that.


#63 2009-04-11 17:45:25

Registered: 2009-04-02
Posts: 9

Re: Pre-965 intel chipsets: user repository for old i810 and intel drivers

mutlu_inek wrote:

@lostgeek: Xorg uses hal's hotplugging only since version 1.5. Since you joined the forum recently, I assume that (unlike for users using Arch since at least fall 2008) for you, xorg 1.5 is what seems 'normal.' You basically experience the opposite effect of what happened to others when Xorg was upgraded. For you, this means that X has no hal support and that all input devices have to be specified in xorg. conf. For an example see what I posted in the first post of this thread. To make sense of this change, you can also read … otplugging which, however, addresses what's _new_ in 1.5, that is, what is now _missing_ for you.

I'm using Arch Linux for like a month now, but was using debian-ish systems before that. I already thought of that and upgraded xorg-server back to 1.5. Now I have a mix of the i810-repo and the current arch repo, and everything works fine. OpenGL screensavers work perfectly.

My current setup:

Name           : intel-dri
Version        : 7.2-2
Name           : libdrm
Version        : 2.3.1-3
Name           : libgl
Version        : 7.2-1
Name           : libxfont
Version        : 1.4.0-1
Name           : mesa
Version        : 7.2-1
Name           : xf86-input-evdev
Version        : 2.1.2-1
Name           : xf86-input-keyboard
Version        : 1.3.2-1
Name           : xf86-video-intel
Version        : 2.4.3-1
Name           : xf86-video-vesa
Version        : 2.1.0-1
Name           : xorg-server
Version        : 1.5.3-5


#64 2009-04-11 18:41:20

From: all over the place
Registered: 2006-11-18
Posts: 684

Re: Pre-965 intel chipsets: user repository for old i810 and intel drivers

lostgeek wrote:

Now I have a mix of the i810-repo and the current arch repo, and everything works fine. OpenGL screensavers work perfectly.

You might want to try the new set of xorg packages moving to [extra] today. Have a look at the announcement on the home page.


#65 2009-04-11 20:02:14

Registered: 2008-12-17
Posts: 134

Re: Pre-965 intel chipsets: user repository for old i810 and intel drivers


i have a box (865G desktop) that

worked perfectly with 1.4
works somewhat with 1.4
does not work with 1.5
works very bad with 1.6 (and intel legacy !)

so 1.4 is still needed i think

i have a big bunch of packages that i saved and install with a bash script. if you want something from it just ask


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