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hey, which nvidia-rt-173xx driver works? I keep getting errors...
*** Unable to determine the target kernel version. ***
make: *** [select_makefile] Error 1
install: cannot stat `nvidia.ko': No such file or directory
I've tried 173.14.12 and 173.14.18
do I need kernel-firmware from testing??
I removed the kernel-firmware when I tried rt1
this was mentioned, thanx to fackamato...
Yeah it fails because it can't find the kernel sources/headers... I had to manually do sudo sh --with-kernel-source=/path/to/kernel26-rt/src/linux- .
185.19 works for me this way. I guess something should be changed in the PKGBUILD in order for this not to be needed...
one problem, can you explain this: "--with-kernel-source=/path/to/kernel26-rt/src/linux-"
that fails with this command: sudo sh
Linux modules install into a kernel directory under /lib/modules/ depending on the kernel version. You need to force nvidia to install its modules into the right directory. Change the _kernver variable to your kernel version that uname gives you, and change the dependencies etc. to follow.
thanx Ranguvar but this is the PKGBUILD I'm using that I got from AUR and edited for the latest kernel26rt.
pkgdesc="NVIDIA legacy drivers for kernel26rt 173xx branch."
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
[ "$CARCH" = "i686" ] && ARCH=x86
[ "$CARCH" = "x86_64" ] && ARCH=x86_64
depends=('kernel26rt>=' 'nvidia-173xx-utils')
conflicts=('nvidia' 'nvidia-96xx' 'nvidia-71xx' 'nvidia-legacy')
[ "$CARCH" = "x86_64" ] && md5sums=()
# Extract
cd $startdir/src/
sh NVIDIA-Linux-$ARCH-${pkgver} --extract-only
cd NVIDIA-Linux-$ARCH-${pkgver}-pkg1
# Any extra patches are applied in here...
cd usr/src/nv/
ln -s Makefile.kbuild Makefile
make SYSSRC=/lib/modules/${_kernver}/build module
# install kernel module
mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/lib/modules/${_kernver}/kernel/drivers/video/
install -m644 nvidiafb.ko $startdir/pkg/lib/modules/2.6.29-rt/kernel/drivers/video/
sed -i -e "s/KERNEL_VERSION='.*'/KERNEL_VERSION='2.6.29-rt'/" $startdir/*.install
Where am I going wrong?
you can just use kernver=$(uname -r)
you can just use kernver=$(uname -r)
don't I need to be booting into that kernel for it to work? I can boot the kernel but it end at a dark screen. Can't get into X or to console screen.
I tried forcing it as mentioned earlier by dropping into console mode but it still said that X was running after I killed it all.
maybe my explanation is not too clear... I'm running both kernel-2.6.29-ARCH and kernel-2.6.29-rt.
The nvidia-173xx works on the kernel-2.6.29-ARCH but not the real-time.
I've been using both ARCH and rt kernel for a few years now and never had an issue upgrading.
When I build the nvidia-rt-173xx, it says it can't find the rt kernel.
My kernel builds fine. I built it from AUR many times and the lateset at least 5 tries.
Does anyone know what is going on?
*** Unable to determine the target kernel version. ***
make: *** [select_makefile] Error 1
install: cannot stat `nvidia.ko': No such file or directory
I cannot boot into console screen for the RT kernel... the kernel boots to a flashing cursor. I can't ctrl+alt+F1 or ctrl+alt+backspace, etc.
Last edited by funkmuscle (2009-04-10 02:24:32)
Hi funkmuscle, what about booting once without X in order to have a working CLI to work with ? It's also very usefull to set / test X or video drivers.
JF, what's the command for that? I know how to get there from X but not from booting. The maintainer of the nvidia-rt is having the same issue as me so I'll wait to see what he resolves.
Thanx JF but can you still tell me how to boot without X.
Well there are several ways to start X during boot, you can try looking in your /etc/rc.conf if your display manager (eg: kdm for KDE, gdm for Gnome) is listed here, in the "DAEMON=" line.
If yes just add a "!" before the daemon's name to disable it. When you want x to start again during boot, just remove the "!".
oh yeah, I forgot that one... thanx again.
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