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Wanted to share my big love with you guys.
Edit: do not use large images with url tags - Allan
She has served me well and hopefully she will do it in the future aswell
11 x 1TB + 32GB raptor system disc
<3 Archlinux
Last edited by Allan (2009-04-10 11:02:22)
What would you ever need all of that for?
One word: overkill
Next word: Cool
My coding blog (or an attempt at it)
Archer start page (or an attempt at it)
Last edited by Barrucadu (2009-04-10 14:52:35)
Cool, but not as cool as
Cool, but not as cool as
if it would run linux, yes. but vista is just ridculous.
Cannot see that Arctic Pro 7 cooling that lot
Mr Green I like Landuke!
What would you ever need all of that for?
Well, I store my personal pictures of myself nekkid
Cannot see that Arctic Pro 7 cooling that lot
Actually its pretty cool. My HDDs are at ~30 C
And the CPU at ~40 C
I use an Antec Nine Hundred chassie and Cooler Master modules that can hold 4x 3.5" discs instead of default 3. In front of the discs is a 120mm fan that cool very nicely.
I also use 2 sata controller cards since the motherboard can only hold 4 sata contacts.
One of which name I do not recall atm but the other one is Adaptec AAR 2610SA
Perhaps not the fastest controllers but thats not the aim either.
The UPS is a Powerware 5110 600 Watt - 1000 VA
Which can run the server for about 30mins without power.
Antec Nine Hundred
Cooler Master Module … il&id=2542
(PW 5110 1000i model)
So how much of those ~11 TB (or prob. less depending on raid setup) are you actually using up atm?
What sort of raid setup?
Just curious. No problem with overkill, if you got a spare two grand to spend on HDs and still feed yourself, y not?
we have some machines of similar size on our campus, mostly for sharing porn and movies
Dosent help if your still on dial up!
And that samsung video is amazing,
Arch Linux since 2006
Python Web Developer + Sys Admin (Gentoo/BSD)
And people think that my 6x750GB drive array is overkill! Does anyone want to send me 24 SSD drives?
Cool, but not as cool as
talk about overkill
2kw PSU... *facepalm*
Wow... That's absolutely impressive!
I'm planning on buying an Antec 1200 and filling that up this summer.
-- jwc | blog
dotman - manage your dotfiles across multiple environments
icsy - an alarm for powernappers
You need more HDDs.
So how much of those ~11 TB (or prob. less depending on raid setup) are you actually using up atm?
What sort of raid setup?
Just curious. No problem with overkill, if you got a spare two grand to spend on HDs and still feed yourself, y not?
Im using RAID5. Was thinking of raid6 but that would mean -2 disks and I thought what the hell.
Currently Im using up about 4TiB but Its growing.
Well about the feeding...Im atleast still here
edit: Im on 100/100 at the moment so no dial up here
Last edited by maz (2009-04-14 00:53:10)
Just wow. I do have plans to buy an Antec 1200 soon and then some sata drives. I didn't know they made expansion cards for that many drives though. How much was that alone?
Also, the Samsung SSD video is awesome, makes me wanna track down the people and go steal it . I wonder if the 'IT' guy got to keep it to
I bought the card from ebay. Cost me about 65 EUR. It was brand new and six yellow sata cables with clips were included aswell.
hey is it Thermaltake Big Typhon? seems too heavy for the board, very cool with full tower and arch logos lol :D:D
I LOVE archlinux
hehe, its an artic pro "something" cooling an amd athlon 3700+ processor (thinking of upgrading it to a x2 4400+)
thanks arch <3
Last edited by maz (2009-04-15 12:40:41)
Pages: 1