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ok. so impretty new to arch but so far i feel like i have a decent handle on everything. the only problem im having right now is that when i go to install catalyst and catalyst-utils from the repos it goes all the way through the process and then at the end it says:
loading package data...
checking dependencies...
error: replacing packages with -U is not supported yet
error: you can replace packages manually using -Rd and -U
error: failed to prepare transaction (conflicting dependencies)
:: catalyst-utils-old: conflicts with libgl
==> WARNING: Your package is saved in /tmp/yaourt-tmp-david/catalyst-utils-old-9.3-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz
i am stuck at what to do next and i desperately need 3d support. any help would be much appreciated
I having same extract problem with catalyst 9.4-0.5 + catalyst-utils 9.4-0.4, I am gonna try installing catalyst-old 9.3-2
i tried the old packages as well but with no luck, it was the same problem. i searched every thread and tried every option, i hope someone comes up with a solution
error: you can replace packages manually using -Rd and -U
pacman -Rd will remove a package without removing everything it depends on:
pacman -Rd catalyst catalyst-utils
Since you're using yaourt, you can try again after doing the above. If you get the same error with libgl, you can also remove that with the -Rd switch. I recommend that you drop out of X when you do this.
thank you so much for the quick reply, and yes, that did it! after removing libgl i was able to install and use the catalyst driver. just curious though, after i removed libgl it said some othe programs were missing it as a dependency, will this break any other applications?
just curious though, after i removed libgl it said some othe programs were missing it as a dependency, will this break any other applications?
Here's what you can do to check. Use:
pacman -Ql catalyst-utils | grep -i libgl
pacman -Ql will list all files owned by a package. grep should show you that the ATI driver provides I say should because I've never used the ATI driver before.
Of course looking at the provides line of the PKGBUILD would work. And, 'pacman -Qi | grep -i provides' would also work. There's a bunch of different ways to check.
i just wanted to check and see if anyone else tried this fix and had it work. as far as i can tell everything is fine but for some reason elisa wont open anymore. i get no errors when running from the terminal and the elisa splash come up but after that nothing. and the system monitor says it is running
Hello, I have found that I am having similar issues, but with an annoying twist on things. I removed libgl but when I attempted to install the catalyst drivers after installing catalyst-utils, I found that I was now running into this error:
missing dependency for ati-dri : libgl>=7.2
Thinking that it still might work, I went and rebooted so that I could hopefully enjoy my new nifty drivers. But when attempting to start x it kept hanging on me when it had half loaded my wallpaper.
Now in trying to reinstall libgl I got a message that it was conflicting with the catalyst-utils. So in having removed catalyst-utils, and reinstalling libgl, I am at least able to boot the x server without it hanging on me. But now it seems I am basically back to square one with no working 3d accelerated drivers now.
How exactly did you go about resolving this issue. Or did you just install the catalyst drivers on their own by some fashion? I would very much appreciate the help.
Or should I just attempt to completely remove whatever drivers I have installed and start from scratch in this area?
Thank you!
Last edited by Chii (2009-04-11 16:48:15)
originally i used yaourt -Rd libgl" then installed catalyst. most everything seemed fine but i was running into that error for a few things when i tried to uninstall a few things, they all depended on libgl! but, since my install was only a little more than a day old i did a clean install, installed yaourt before xorg, and installed catalyst before xorg as well and let it install the xorg and xorg-server dependencies without libgl. now everything seems perfect but oddly i still cant open elisa. is this just a graphics card issue? im sorry i didnt have a better fix than doing a clean install, i know it probably isnt the preferred way to do things in arch. hopefully some other ideas pop up
Im tempted to try a clean install since my install is not that old either, but I am rather worried that I will not be able to get online again since my friend who was helping me to install arch inserted a bunch of random lines, one of which made my wired lan card work, and I am unsure as to *how* he did this, or where he would have inserted it. Now I'm quite sure that I could get by with everything else on my own if I can get the cabled connection (thank god for the links browser.)
As far as elisa goes, maybe this is just a niggle with the program that it looks for a certain libgl or looks for it in a certain place? I really do not know much about this as I am relatively new to linux (been using Ubuntu for a year or so and can make my way around it and do some basic things but thats about it)
Last edited by Chii (2009-04-11 17:15:56)
Im tempted to try a clean install since my install is not that old either, but I am rather worried that I will not be able to get online again since my friend who was helping me to install arch inserted a bunch of random lines, one of which made my wired lan card work, and I am unsure as to *how* he did this, or where he would have inserted it. Now I'm quite sure that I could get by with everything else on my own if I can get the cabled connection (thank god for the links browser.)
The Beginner's Guide covers how to set up wired lan. Just make sure that if you have a static IP address that you have it handy before you reinstall.
As far as elisa goes, it won't know the difference in libgl versions other than .so numbers. It's possible that differences in how they behave may be the problem though. But, since this thread was started about catalyst not installing, and the solution to that is already here, many people are just going to over look this thread.
What I suggest is starting a new thread in the Multimedia section specifically about elisa so that people who use the software will get interested. Just explain the situation and post a link back here so user can get an idea of what you've done.
Hmmm if it is not one issue or another. I managed to get a wired connection established and then went about installing yaourt and started the install of the catalyst package with the command:
yaourt -Sy catalyst
And it starts doing it's thing like normal until I get to the point where I see libgl has already been installed by default. So I go about removing it by using:
pacman -RD libgl
and continue on my way typing yauourt -Sy catalyst again. This time I get a new set of error message which dumps me out saying that madwifi, and ndiswrapper need a certain kernel version. Figuring I can deal with this later I continue on my way by typing yaour -sy catalyst
Now that seems to have finished, is there any way that I may check if did install correctly? Or do I just move on trying to get xorg and the rest working?
Last edited by Chii (2009-04-11 20:25:24)
as long as it installed with no errors your should be fine, you can always just double check to see if catalyst installed and whether or not libgl is installed. one thing, when i did this and ran Xorg -configure it was unable to detect me graphics card and aticonfig refused to do anything until i already had a working xorg.conf. so i had to make one from scratch before using the aticonfig --initial command and then X and my graphics card worked fine
Yep that's how far I am now.
Now Im stuck at a "Fatal server error: no screens found" after changing the entry in there from vesa to fglrx.
Ive yet to try aticonfig --initial since this just returns No supported adapters detected
I've looked in the wiki and I am still quite stuck, might you have an idea?
Never mind! I just noticed that my laptops video card is no longer supported by the latest driver (9.4) so I've got to try the 9.3 drivers or catalyst-old.
Last edited by Chii (2009-04-12 05:33:11)
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