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I'm following the beginner's install guide in the wiki. When I get to the section "Test X" and run the command "X -config /etc/X11/xorg.conf," the test fails. I just see a dark screen, but not the hollow X which is supposed to respond to the touchpad. And I'm unable to ^C my way out. Although if I switch to another console and switch back, then I see the messages from when X started up and can use ^C to stop it (and no errors are returned).
Strangely, the other test in the beginners guide works, in the "Simple Baseline X Test" section. Xterm starts, my keyboard works, I get the hollow X and can move it with my touchpad.
Should I be worried about the first of the two X tests not working? Does this have to do with Xorg 1.6? I installed Arch on the same computer a couple weeks ago, before Xorg 1.6 came out and the X test worked fine. I'm reinstalling now, for various reasons. I'm pretty certain I did the install exactly the same way this time (I kept meticulous notes from the first time), but as I said this time the first of the two X tests in the beginners guide didn't work.
Also, Gnome starts up fine.
that's supposed to happen. It does that so u dnt start any other applications during ur creation of ur configuration of the new xorg.conf.
Thanks for the response. I guess I thought I was supposed to see a hollow X that I can move with the touchpad, during the test. That's what the beginner's installation guide says should happen. And the first time I installed Arch that did happen, just not this second time a couple weeks later.
If gnome starts up fine and everything else works alright, why bother?
Yeah, my system seems to be okay, so I'm not that worried. But if something has changed with X and this test is no longer a valid way to check one's installation, then it seems like the beginners installation guide in the wiki should be edited. So it still seems worthwhile figuring out if there's an issue or not. If I were installing Arch for the first time and got to that point in the wiki guide, doing the test as instructed, only to have it fail, I mgiht spend a lot of time trouble shooting the problem, before going on, without realizing it doesn't matter.
Pages: 1