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When changing the theme in "theme preferences" only the window borders change... The icons and window controls remains as the same boring default.
Does anybody have a solution to the problem?
Err like what in KDE , Gnome etc ????
Mr Green
Oh, sorry... I just had to forget that
I use gnome 2.8 as my DE
Update: A nice little reboot fixed the problem. It may have been because I added fam to the startup...
Oh, sorry... I just had to forget that
I use gnome 2.8 as my DE----------
Update: A nice little reboot fixed the problem. It may have been because I added fam to the startup...
i always use ... "switch" and "switch2" from pacman. they're small programs to switch gtk/gtk2 themes... I don't have the whole gnome package so that works well for me.