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De Mysteriis wrote:Daisuke_Aramaki wrote:i was about to link the program again. Glad that you quoted my post already. thanks. the source is not easy to find. luckily cdf is something i knew and started loving in freebsd. so i got the source from one of the ports website. but building it on linux is no big deal. so just build the program from source. good luck with it.
FreshPorts points to this website.
yeah i know. but that site was notorious for giving a 404 some months back. thats when i saved the source. also i knew about the program only when i used freebsd, so getting from fresh ports was not a issue. if you hadn't used bsd, and didn'T know about it, it would be difficult to locate it.
Thank you very much for your quick answers!
Here are some screenies. This is Fluxbox. I think last time I posted screenshots I still was on dwm.
A centipede is an inchworm that has switched to the metric system.
wallpaper pls?
Thank you very much for your quick answers!
Here are some screenies. This is Fluxbox. I think last time I posted screenshots I still was on dwm.
Jello is one of my favorite fluxbox themes.
"You know what I found? Right in the kernel, in the heart of the operating system, I found a developer's comment that said, `Does this belong here?`" -- Simon Lok about Linux kernel in 2005
Reflections on the Strange and the not so Strange
what kind of monitor have u ?? or that is a 22" wide rotated ??
it's good for coding, u see almost the whole document, i think
Last edited by hBd (2009-04-26 17:31:53)
fits the other side:
ive always wanted to customize my laptop in a similat way, unfortunatly the lid on mine is a thin plastic, bumpy material that would not paint well
changed things around a bit. yeah i forgot about it 'till recently. used to play it loads in the early 90's.
@gigamo: cool font ain't it.
Nice..may I see your config.h (I assume it's dwm, isn't it?)
changed things around a bit. yeah i forgot about it 'till recently. used to play it loads in the early 90's.
@gigamo: cool font ain't it.
Xdefaults please.
"You know what I found? Right in the kernel, in the heart of the operating system, I found a developer's comment that said, `Does this belong here?`" -- Simon Lok about Linux kernel in 2005
Reflections on the Strange and the not so Strange
@Barghest: yeah, it's dwm.
@rivo what player in console?
changed things around a bit. yeah i forgot about it 'till recently. used to play it loads in the early 90's.
@gigamo: cool font ain't it.
How'd you manage to get such tiling layout with dwm?
Last edited by yettenet (2009-04-26 19:41:28)
what kind of monitor have u ?? or that is a 22" wide rotated ??
it's good for coding, u see almost the whole document, i think
20.1" vertical left of a 24" horizontal.
Coding and web-perusing. The index page of the forums cuts off right below the dust/troll-bin.
Only problem is finding wallpapers (and a strange problem with awesome rendering borders, which I haven't looked into yet).
Nice desk Ashren, got a link for the workspace icons?
3nd3r wrote:wallpaper pls?
Proud Arch i686 & x86_64 User
Share your knowledge!
Arch Linux Forum Etiquette
@yettenet: just via floating layout, resizing & changing "static unsigned int snap" from 35 to 5 in config.h.
Hey Ashren whats the app your using to display the time in the top window, the large digital readout ? cheers.
3nd3r, I would be much obliged for a copy of your system specs script.
3nd3r, I would be much obliged for a copy of your system specs script.
check here:
alias info=" perl /home/ender/scripts/;inxi -v5 - if multicore detected, create new frequency line, per cpu"
use Switch;
use strict;
use File::Basename;
## Config options ##
## What distro logo to use to use, Available "Archlinux Debian Ubuntu None" ##
my $distro = "Archlinux";
my $myArchVersion = "ArchLinux (2009.2)";
## what values to display. Use "OS Kernel DE WM win_theme Theme Font Icons" ##
my $display = "OS Kernel DE WM Win_theme Theme Icons Font Background";
## Takes a screen shot if set to 0 ##
my $shot = 1;
## Command to run to take screen shot ##
#my $command = "scrot -d 10";
## What colors to use for the variables. ##
my $textcolor = "\e[0m";
## Prints little debugging messages if set to 0 ##
my $quite = 1;
## Script starts here ##
## Define some thing to work with strict ##
my @line = ();
my $found = 0;
my $DE = "NONE";
my $WM = "Beryl";
## Hash of WMs and the process they run ##
my %WMlist = ("Beryl", "beryl",
"Fluxbox", "fluxbox",
"Openbox", "openbox",
"Blackbox", "blackbox",
"Xfwm4", "xfwm4",
"Metacity", "metacity",
"Kwin", "kwin",
"FVWM", "fvwm",
"Enlightenment", "enlightenment",
"IceWM", "icewm",
"Window Maker", "wmaker",
"PekWM","pekwm" );
## Hash of DEs and the process they run ##
my %DElist = ("Gnome", "gnome-session",
"Xfce4", "xfce-mcs-manage",
"KDE", "ksmserver");
## Get Kernel version ##
if ( $display =~ "Kernel"){
print "\::$textcolor Finding Kernel version\n" unless $quite == 1;
my $kernel = `uname -r`;
$kernel =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$kernel = " Kernel:$textcolor $kernel";
push(@line, "$kernel");
## Find running processes ##
print "\::$textcolor Getting processes \n" unless $quite == 1;
my $processes = `ps -A | awk {'print \$4'}`;
## Find DE ##
while( (my $DEname, my $DEprocess) = each(%DElist) ) {
print "\::$textcolor Testing $DEname process: $DEprocess \n" unless $quite == 1;
if ( $processes =~ m/$DEprocess/ ) {
$DE = $DEname;
print "\::$textcolor DE found as $DE\n" unless $quite == 1;
if( $display =~ m/DE/ ) {
push(@line, " DE:$textcolor $DE");
## Find WM ##
while( (my $WMname, my $WMprocess) = each(%WMlist) ) {
print "\::$textcolor Testing $WMname process: $WMprocess \n" unless $quite == 1;
if ( $processes =~ m/$WMprocess/ ) {
$WM = $WMname;
print "\::$textcolor WM found as $WM\n" unless $quite == 1;
if( $display =~ m/WM/ ) {
push(@line, " WM:$textcolor $WM");
## Find WM theme ##
if ( $display =~ m/Win_theme/ ){
switch($WM) {
case "Openbox" {
print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1;
open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.config/openbox/rc.xml")
|| die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n";
while( <FILE> ) {
if( /<name>(.+)<\/name>/ ) {
while ( $found == 0 ) {
print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1");
$found = 1;
case "Metacity" {
print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1;
my $gconf = `gconftool-2 -g /apps/metacity/general/theme`;
print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $gconf\n" unless $quite == 1;
chomp ($gconf);
push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $gconf");
case "Fluxbox" {
print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1;
open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.fluxbox/init")
|| die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n";
while( <FILE> ) {
if( /session.styleFile:.*\/(.+)/ ) {
print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1");
case "Blackbox" {
print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1;
open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.blackboxrc")
|| die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n";
while( <FILE> ) {
if( /session.styleFile:.*\/(.+)/ ) {
print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1");
case "Xfwm4" {
print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1;
open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.config/xfce4/mcs_settings/xfwm4.xml")
|| die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n";
while( <FILE> ) {
if( /<option name="Xfwm\/ThemeName" type="string" value="(.+)"\/>/ ) {
print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1");
case "Kwin" {
print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1;
open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.kde/share/config/kwinrc")
|| die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n";
while( <FILE> ) {
if( /PluginLib=kwin3_(.+)/ ) {
print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1");
case "Enlightenment" {
print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1;
my $remote = `enlightenment_remote -theme-get theme` ;
if( $remote =~ m/.*FILE="(.+).edj"/ ) {
print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1");
case "IceWM" {
print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1;
open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.icewm/theme")
|| die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n";
while( <FILE> ) {
if( /Theme="(.+)\/.*.theme/ ) {
while( $found == 0 ) {
print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1");
$found = 1;
case "PekWM" {
print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1;
open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.pekwm/config")
|| die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n";
while( <FILE> ) {
if( /Theme.*\/(.*)"/ ) {
print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1");
## Find Theme Icon and Font ##
if ( $display =~ m/[Theme, Icons, Font, Background]/) {
switch($DE) {
case "Gnome" {
print "\::$textcolor Finding $DE variables\n" unless $quite == 1;
if ( $display =~ m/Theme/ ) {
my $gconf = `gconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/interface/gtk_theme`;
chomp ($gconf);
print "\::$textcolor GTK Theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " GTK Theme:$textcolor $gconf");
if ( $display =~ m/Icons/ ) {
my $gconf = `gconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/interface/icon_theme`;
chomp ($gconf);
push(@line, " Icons:$textcolor $gconf");
if ( $display =~ m/Font/ ) {
my $gconf = `gconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/interface/font_name`;
chomp ($gconf);
push(@line, " Font:$textcolor $gconf");
if ( $display =~ m/Background/ ) {
my $gconf = `gconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename`;
chomp ($gconf);
my $bname = basename($gconf);
push(@line, " Background:$textcolor $bname");
case "Xfce4" {
my @sort = ();
print "\::$textcolor Finding $DE variables\n" unless $quite == 1;
open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.config/xfce4/mcs_settings/gtk.xml")
|| die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n";
while( <FILE> ) {
if ( $display =~ m/Theme/ ) {
if (/<option name="Net\/ThemeName" type="string" value="(.+)"\/>/ ) {
print "\::$textcolor GTK Theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
unshift(@sort, " GTK Theme:$textcolor $1");
if ( $display =~ m/Icons/ ) {
if (/<option name="Net\/IconThemeName" type="string" value="(.+)"\/>/ ) {
print "\::$textcolor Icons found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
unshift(@sort, " Icons:$textcolor $1");
if ( $display =~ m/Font/ ) {
if ( /<option name="Gtk\/FontName" type="string" value="(.+)"\/>/ ) {
print "\::$textcolor Font found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
unshift(@sort, " Font:$textcolor $1");
## Sort variables so they're ordered "Theme Icon Font" ##
foreach my $i (@sort) {
push(@line, "$i");
case "KDE" {
print "\::$textcolor Finding $DE variables\n" unless $quite == 1;
open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.kde/share/config/kdeglobals")
|| die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n";
while( <FILE> ) {
if ( $display =~ m/Theme/ ) {
if ( /widgetStyle=(.+)/ ) {
print "\::$textcolor Wiget Style found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " Wiget Style:$textcolor $1");
if (/colorScheme=(.+).kcsrc/ ) {
print "\::$textcolor Color Scheme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " Color Scheme:$textcolor $1");
if ( $display =~ m/Icons/ ) {
if ( /Theme=(.+)/ ) {
print "\::$textcolor Icons found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " Icons:$textcolor $1");
if ( $display =~ m/Font/ ) {
if ( /font=(.+)/ ) {
my $font = (split/,/, $1)[0];
print "\::$textcolor Font found as $font\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " Font:$textcolor $font");
else {
my @files = ("$ENV{HOME}/.gtkrc-2.0", "$ENV{HOME}/.gtkrc.mine",);
foreach my $file (@files) {
if ( -e $file ) {
print "\::$textcolor Opening $file\n" unless $quite == 1;
open(FILE, $file)
|| die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n";
while( <FILE> ) {
if ( $display =~ m/Theme/ ) {
if( /include ".*themes\/(.+)\/gtk-(1|2)\.0\/gtkrc"/ ){
print "\::$textcolor GTK theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " GTK Theme:$textcolor $1");
if ( $display =~ m/Icons/ ) {
if( /.*gtk-icon-theme-name.*"(.+)"/ ) {
print "\::$textcolor Icons found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " Icons:$textcolor $1");
if ( $display =~ m/Font/ ) {
if( /.*gtk-font-name.*"(.+)"/ ) {
print "\::$textcolor Font found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
push(@line, " Font:$textcolor $1");
## Display the system info ##
if ( $distro =~ m/Archlinux/ ) {
## Get Archlinux version ##
if ( $display =~ "OS"){
print "\::$textcolor Finding Archlinux version\n" unless $quite == 1;
my $version = $myArchVersion;
$version =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$version = " OS:$textcolor $version";
unshift(@line, "$version");
my $c1 = "\e[1;36m";
my $c2 = "\e[0;36m";
print "
${c1} -`
${c1} .o+`
${c1} `ooo/
${c1} `+oooo:
${c1} `+oooooo:
${c1} -+oooooo+:
${c1} `/:-:++oooo+: $c1@line[0]
${c1} `/++++/+++++++: $c1@line[1]
${c1} `/++++++++++++++: $c1@line[2]
${c1} `/+++${c2}ooooooooooooo/` $c1@line[3]
${c2} ./ooosssso++osssssso+` $c1@line[4]
${c2} .oossssso-````/ossssss+` $c1@line[5]
${c2} -osssssso. :ssssssso. $c1@line[6]
${c2} :osssssss/ osssso+++. $c1@line[7]
${c2} /ossssssss/ +ssssooo/- $c1@line[8]
${c2} `/ossssso+/:- -:/+osssso+-
${c2} `+sso+:-` `.-/+oso:
${c2} `++:. `-/+/
${c2} .` ``
#system("scrot -d 1");
Proud Arch i686 & x86_64 User
Share your knowledge!
Arch Linux Forum Etiquette
A bit off topic, but cdf should be on the AUR
Is there someone able and interested to do that?
archlinux on Macbook Pro 10,1
"You know what I found? Right in the kernel, in the heart of the operating system, I found a developer's comment that said, `Does this belong here?`" -- Simon Lok about Linux kernel in 2005
Reflections on the Strange and the not so Strange