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compiz alone (pypanel). using gmrun is much better than the deskmenu thing.
@diasuke, why not go for the sandwich?
Last edited by fuscia (2009-04-28 19:50:45)
compiz alone (pypanel). using gmrun is much better than the deskmenu thing.
@diasuke, why not go for the sandwich?
why didn't i think of that? now, if only i could relay the thought to both of them.
"You know what I found? Right in the kernel, in the heart of the operating system, I found a developer's comment that said, `Does this belong here?`" -- Simon Lok about Linux kernel in 2005
Reflections on the Strange and the not so Strange
ewwww (at the Xubuntu part )
I want that image there. please tell me it's big enough to use as a wallpaper
Last edited by Wra!th (2009-04-28 20:37:38)
7f 45 4c 46 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
fuscia wrote:compiz alone (pypanel). using gmrun is much better than the deskmenu thing.
@diasuke, why not go for the sandwich?
why didn't i think of that?
now, if only i could relay the thought to both of them.
you may have to persuade them with rare and exotic condiments.
LeoSolaris wrote:Ooh, nice wallpaper. Mind sharing?
Sure, it's from here's it up on photobucket for ya'll:
I keep getting distracted from my webserver project...
huh? oooh... shiny!
The day Microsoft makes a product that doesn't suck, is the day they make a vacuum cleaner.
But if they tell you that I've lost my mind, maybe it's not gone just a little hard to find...
Changed the background, but nothing else.
What is your dock/panel?
Switched to wmii, really like it so far
Desided to go brownish to match the wall (thanks YtseJammin!)
Your fonts in firefox are smooth. Can you post your font.conf please?
Am I standing too close? Should I proceed to breath out my arse--Charlie Utter, Deadwood
Joe_Arch wrote:3nd3r, I would be much obliged for a copy of your system specs script.
check here:
alias info=" perl /home/ender/scripts/;inxi -v5 - if multicore detected, create new frequency line, per cpu"
#!/usr/bin/perl use Switch; use strict; use File::Basename; #################### ## Config options ## #################### ## What distro logo to use to use, Available "Archlinux Debian Ubuntu None" ## my $distro = "Archlinux"; my $myArchVersion = "ArchLinux (2009.2)"; ## what values to display. Use "OS Kernel DE WM win_theme Theme Font Icons" ## my $display = "OS Kernel DE WM Win_theme Theme Icons Font Background"; ## Takes a screen shot if set to 0 ## my $shot = 1; ## Command to run to take screen shot ## #my $command = "scrot -d 10"; ## What colors to use for the variables. ## my $textcolor = "\e[0m"; ## Prints little debugging messages if set to 0 ## my $quite = 1; ######################## ## Script starts here ## ######################## ## Define some thing to work with strict ## my @line = (); my $found = 0; my $DE = "NONE"; my $WM = "Beryl"; ## Hash of WMs and the process they run ## my %WMlist = ("Beryl", "beryl", "Fluxbox", "fluxbox", "Openbox", "openbox", "Blackbox", "blackbox", "Xfwm4", "xfwm4", "Metacity", "metacity", "Kwin", "kwin", "FVWM", "fvwm", "Enlightenment", "enlightenment", "IceWM", "icewm", "Window Maker", "wmaker", "PekWM","pekwm" ); ## Hash of DEs and the process they run ## my %DElist = ("Gnome", "gnome-session", "Xfce4", "xfce-mcs-manage", "KDE", "ksmserver"); ## Get Kernel version ## if ( $display =~ "Kernel"){ print "\::$textcolor Finding Kernel version\n" unless $quite == 1; my $kernel = `uname -r`; $kernel =~ s/\s+/ /g; $kernel = " Kernel:$textcolor $kernel"; push(@line, "$kernel"); } ## Find running processes ## print "\::$textcolor Getting processes \n" unless $quite == 1; my $processes = `ps -A | awk {'print \$4'}`; ## Find DE ## while( (my $DEname, my $DEprocess) = each(%DElist) ) { print "\::$textcolor Testing $DEname process: $DEprocess \n" unless $quite == 1; if ( $processes =~ m/$DEprocess/ ) { $DE = $DEname; print "\::$textcolor DE found as $DE\n" unless $quite == 1; if( $display =~ m/DE/ ) { push(@line, " DE:$textcolor $DE"); } last; } } ## Find WM ## while( (my $WMname, my $WMprocess) = each(%WMlist) ) { print "\::$textcolor Testing $WMname process: $WMprocess \n" unless $quite == 1; if ( $processes =~ m/$WMprocess/ ) { $WM = $WMname; print "\::$textcolor WM found as $WM\n" unless $quite == 1; if( $display =~ m/WM/ ) { push(@line, " WM:$textcolor $WM"); } last; } } ## Find WM theme ## if ( $display =~ m/Win_theme/ ){ switch($WM) { case "Openbox" { print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1; open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.config/openbox/rc.xml") || die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n"; while( <FILE> ) { if( /<name>(.+)<\/name>/ ) { while ( $found == 0 ) { print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1; push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1"); $found = 1; } } } close(FILE); } case "Metacity" { print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1; my $gconf = `gconftool-2 -g /apps/metacity/general/theme`; print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $gconf\n" unless $quite == 1; chomp ($gconf); push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $gconf"); } case "Fluxbox" { print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1; open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.fluxbox/init") || die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n"; while( <FILE> ) { if( /session.styleFile:.*\/(.+)/ ) { print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1; push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1"); } } close(FILE); } case "Blackbox" { print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1; open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.blackboxrc") || die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n"; while( <FILE> ) { if( /session.styleFile:.*\/(.+)/ ) { print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1; push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1"); } } close(FILE); } case "Xfwm4" { print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1; open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.config/xfce4/mcs_settings/xfwm4.xml") || die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n"; while( <FILE> ) { if( /<option name="Xfwm\/ThemeName" type="string" value="(.+)"\/>/ ) { print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1; push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1"); } } close(FILE); } case "Kwin" { print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1; open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.kde/share/config/kwinrc") || die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n"; while( <FILE> ) { if( /PluginLib=kwin3_(.+)/ ) { print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1; push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1"); } } close(FILE); } case "Enlightenment" { print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1; my $remote = `enlightenment_remote -theme-get theme` ; if( $remote =~ m/.*FILE="(.+).edj"/ ) { print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1; push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1"); } } case "IceWM" { print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1; open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.icewm/theme") || die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n"; while( <FILE> ) { if( /Theme="(.+)\/.*.theme/ ) { while( $found == 0 ) { print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1; push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1"); $found = 1; } } } close(FILE); } case "PekWM" { print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1; open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.pekwm/config") || die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n"; while( <FILE> ) { if( /Theme.*\/(.*)"/ ) { print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1; push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1"); } } close(FILE); } } } ## Find Theme Icon and Font ## if ( $display =~ m/[Theme, Icons, Font, Background]/) { switch($DE) { case "Gnome" { print "\::$textcolor Finding $DE variables\n" unless $quite == 1; if ( $display =~ m/Theme/ ) { my $gconf = `gconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/interface/gtk_theme`; chomp ($gconf); print "\::$textcolor GTK Theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1; push(@line, " GTK Theme:$textcolor $gconf"); } if ( $display =~ m/Icons/ ) { my $gconf = `gconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/interface/icon_theme`; chomp ($gconf); push(@line, " Icons:$textcolor $gconf"); } if ( $display =~ m/Font/ ) { my $gconf = `gconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/interface/font_name`; chomp ($gconf); push(@line, " Font:$textcolor $gconf"); } if ( $display =~ m/Background/ ) { my $gconf = `gconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename`; chomp ($gconf); my $bname = basename($gconf); push(@line, " Background:$textcolor $bname"); } } case "Xfce4" { my @sort = (); print "\::$textcolor Finding $DE variables\n" unless $quite == 1; open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.config/xfce4/mcs_settings/gtk.xml") || die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n"; while( <FILE> ) { if ( $display =~ m/Theme/ ) { if (/<option name="Net\/ThemeName" type="string" value="(.+)"\/>/ ) { print "\::$textcolor GTK Theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1; unshift(@sort, " GTK Theme:$textcolor $1"); } } if ( $display =~ m/Icons/ ) { if (/<option name="Net\/IconThemeName" type="string" value="(.+)"\/>/ ) { print "\::$textcolor Icons found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1; unshift(@sort, " Icons:$textcolor $1"); } } if ( $display =~ m/Font/ ) { if ( /<option name="Gtk\/FontName" type="string" value="(.+)"\/>/ ) { print "\::$textcolor Font found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1; unshift(@sort, " Font:$textcolor $1"); } } } close(FILE); ## Sort variables so they're ordered "Theme Icon Font" ## foreach my $i (@sort) { push(@line, "$i"); } } case "KDE" { print "\::$textcolor Finding $DE variables\n" unless $quite == 1; open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.kde/share/config/kdeglobals") || die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n"; while( <FILE> ) { if ( $display =~ m/Theme/ ) { if ( /widgetStyle=(.+)/ ) { print "\::$textcolor Wiget Style found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1; push(@line, " Wiget Style:$textcolor $1"); } if (/colorScheme=(.+).kcsrc/ ) { print "\::$textcolor Color Scheme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1; push(@line, " Color Scheme:$textcolor $1"); } } if ( $display =~ m/Icons/ ) { if ( /Theme=(.+)/ ) { print "\::$textcolor Icons found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1; push(@line, " Icons:$textcolor $1"); } } if ( $display =~ m/Font/ ) { if ( /font=(.+)/ ) { my $font = (split/,/, $1)[0]; print "\::$textcolor Font found as $font\n" unless $quite == 1; push(@line, " Font:$textcolor $font"); } } } close(FILE); } else { my @files = ("$ENV{HOME}/.gtkrc-2.0", "$ENV{HOME}/.gtkrc.mine",); foreach my $file (@files) { if ( -e $file ) { print "\::$textcolor Opening $file\n" unless $quite == 1; open(FILE, $file) || die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n"; while( <FILE> ) { if ( $display =~ m/Theme/ ) { if( /include ".*themes\/(.+)\/gtk-(1|2)\.0\/gtkrc"/ ){ print "\::$textcolor GTK theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1; push(@line, " GTK Theme:$textcolor $1"); } } if ( $display =~ m/Icons/ ) { if( /.*gtk-icon-theme-name.*"(.+)"/ ) { print "\::$textcolor Icons found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1; push(@line, " Icons:$textcolor $1"); } } if ( $display =~ m/Font/ ) { if( /.*gtk-font-name.*"(.+)"/ ) { print "\::$textcolor Font found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1; push(@line, " Font:$textcolor $1"); } } } close(FILE); } } } } } ## Display the system info ## if ( $distro =~ m/Archlinux/ ) { ## Get Archlinux version ## if ( $display =~ "OS"){ print "\::$textcolor Finding Archlinux version\n" unless $quite == 1; my $version = $myArchVersion; $version =~ s/\s+/ /g; $version = " OS:$textcolor $version"; unshift(@line, "$version"); } my $c1 = "\e[1;36m"; my $c2 = "\e[0;36m"; system("clear"); print " ${c1} -` ${c1} .o+` ${c1} `ooo/ ${c1} `+oooo: ${c1} `+oooooo: ${c1} -+oooooo+: ${c1} `/:-:++oooo+: $c1@line[0] ${c1} `/++++/+++++++: $c1@line[1] ${c1} `/++++++++++++++: $c1@line[2] ${c1} `/+++${c2}ooooooooooooo/` $c1@line[3] ${c2} ./ooosssso++osssssso+` $c1@line[4] ${c2} .oossssso-````/ossssss+` $c1@line[5] ${c2} -osssssso. :ssssssso. $c1@line[6] ${c2} :osssssss/ osssso+++. $c1@line[7] ${c2} /ossssssss/ +ssssooo/- $c1@line[8] ${c2} `/ossssso+/:- -:/+osssso+- ${c2} `+sso+:-` `.-/+oso: ${c2} `++:. `-/+/ ${c2} .` `` ${c2} \e[0m"; } #system("scrot -d 1");
Much obliged, 3nd3r!
I had never heard of inxi, it's pretty awesome. Now if only I could find a script that recognizes awesome
celettu wrote:Changed the background, but nothing else.
What is your dock/panel?
That's bmpanel with the arch theme. Needs xcompmgr
Keep it Simple, Sexy
3nd3r wrote:Joe_Arch wrote:3nd3r, I would be much obliged for a copy of your system specs script.
check here:
alias info=" perl /home/ender/scripts/;inxi -v5 - if multicore detected, create new frequency line, per cpu"
#!/usr/bin/perl use Switch; use strict; use File::Basename; #################### ## Config options ## #################### ## What distro logo to use to use, Available "Archlinux Debian Ubuntu None" ## my $distro = "Archlinux"; my $myArchVersion = "ArchLinux (2009.2)"; ## what values to display. Use "OS Kernel DE WM win_theme Theme Font Icons" ## my $display = "OS Kernel DE WM Win_theme Theme Icons Font Background"; ## Takes a screen shot if set to 0 ## my $shot = 1; ## Command to run to take screen shot ## #my $command = "scrot -d 10"; ## What colors to use for the variables. ## my $textcolor = "\e[0m"; ## Prints little debugging messages if set to 0 ## my $quite = 1; ######################## ## Script starts here ## ######################## ## Define some thing to work with strict ## my @line = (); my $found = 0; my $DE = "NONE"; my $WM = "Beryl"; ## Hash of WMs and the process they run ## my %WMlist = ("Beryl", "beryl", "Fluxbox", "fluxbox", "Openbox", "openbox", "Blackbox", "blackbox", "Xfwm4", "xfwm4", "Metacity", "metacity", "Kwin", "kwin", "FVWM", "fvwm", "Enlightenment", "enlightenment", "IceWM", "icewm", "Window Maker", "wmaker", "PekWM","pekwm" ); ## Hash of DEs and the process they run ## my %DElist = ("Gnome", "gnome-session", "Xfce4", "xfce-mcs-manage", "KDE", "ksmserver"); ## Get Kernel version ## if ( $display =~ "Kernel"){ print "\::$textcolor Finding Kernel version\n" unless $quite == 1; my $kernel = `uname -r`; $kernel =~ s/\s+/ /g; $kernel = " Kernel:$textcolor $kernel"; push(@line, "$kernel"); } ## Find running processes ## print "\::$textcolor Getting processes \n" unless $quite == 1; my $processes = `ps -A | awk {'print \$4'}`; ## Find DE ## while( (my $DEname, my $DEprocess) = each(%DElist) ) { print "\::$textcolor Testing $DEname process: $DEprocess \n" unless $quite == 1; if ( $processes =~ m/$DEprocess/ ) { $DE = $DEname; print "\::$textcolor DE found as $DE\n" unless $quite == 1; if( $display =~ m/DE/ ) { push(@line, " DE:$textcolor $DE"); } last; } } ## Find WM ## while( (my $WMname, my $WMprocess) = each(%WMlist) ) { print "\::$textcolor Testing $WMname process: $WMprocess \n" unless $quite == 1; if ( $processes =~ m/$WMprocess/ ) { $WM = $WMname; print "\::$textcolor WM found as $WM\n" unless $quite == 1; if( $display =~ m/WM/ ) { push(@line, " WM:$textcolor $WM"); } last; } } ## Find WM theme ## if ( $display =~ m/Win_theme/ ){ switch($WM) { case "Openbox" { print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1; open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.config/openbox/rc.xml") || die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n"; while( <FILE> ) { if( /<name>(.+)<\/name>/ ) { while ( $found == 0 ) { print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1; push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1"); $found = 1; } } } close(FILE); } case "Metacity" { print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1; my $gconf = `gconftool-2 -g /apps/metacity/general/theme`; print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $gconf\n" unless $quite == 1; chomp ($gconf); push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $gconf"); } case "Fluxbox" { print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1; open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.fluxbox/init") || die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n"; while( <FILE> ) { if( /session.styleFile:.*\/(.+)/ ) { print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1; push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1"); } } close(FILE); } case "Blackbox" { print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1; open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.blackboxrc") || die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n"; while( <FILE> ) { if( /session.styleFile:.*\/(.+)/ ) { print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1; push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1"); } } close(FILE); } case "Xfwm4" { print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1; open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.config/xfce4/mcs_settings/xfwm4.xml") || die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n"; while( <FILE> ) { if( /<option name="Xfwm\/ThemeName" type="string" value="(.+)"\/>/ ) { print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1; push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1"); } } close(FILE); } case "Kwin" { print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1; open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.kde/share/config/kwinrc") || die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n"; while( <FILE> ) { if( /PluginLib=kwin3_(.+)/ ) { print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1; push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1"); } } close(FILE); } case "Enlightenment" { print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1; my $remote = `enlightenment_remote -theme-get theme` ; if( $remote =~ m/.*FILE="(.+).edj"/ ) { print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1; push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1"); } } case "IceWM" { print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1; open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.icewm/theme") || die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n"; while( <FILE> ) { if( /Theme="(.+)\/.*.theme/ ) { while( $found == 0 ) { print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1; push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1"); $found = 1; } } } close(FILE); } case "PekWM" { print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1; open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.pekwm/config") || die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n"; while( <FILE> ) { if( /Theme.*\/(.*)"/ ) { print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1; push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1"); } } close(FILE); } } } ## Find Theme Icon and Font ## if ( $display =~ m/[Theme, Icons, Font, Background]/) { switch($DE) { case "Gnome" { print "\::$textcolor Finding $DE variables\n" unless $quite == 1; if ( $display =~ m/Theme/ ) { my $gconf = `gconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/interface/gtk_theme`; chomp ($gconf); print "\::$textcolor GTK Theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1; push(@line, " GTK Theme:$textcolor $gconf"); } if ( $display =~ m/Icons/ ) { my $gconf = `gconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/interface/icon_theme`; chomp ($gconf); push(@line, " Icons:$textcolor $gconf"); } if ( $display =~ m/Font/ ) { my $gconf = `gconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/interface/font_name`; chomp ($gconf); push(@line, " Font:$textcolor $gconf"); } if ( $display =~ m/Background/ ) { my $gconf = `gconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename`; chomp ($gconf); my $bname = basename($gconf); push(@line, " Background:$textcolor $bname"); } } case "Xfce4" { my @sort = (); print "\::$textcolor Finding $DE variables\n" unless $quite == 1; open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.config/xfce4/mcs_settings/gtk.xml") || die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n"; while( <FILE> ) { if ( $display =~ m/Theme/ ) { if (/<option name="Net\/ThemeName" type="string" value="(.+)"\/>/ ) { print "\::$textcolor GTK Theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1; unshift(@sort, " GTK Theme:$textcolor $1"); } } if ( $display =~ m/Icons/ ) { if (/<option name="Net\/IconThemeName" type="string" value="(.+)"\/>/ ) { print "\::$textcolor Icons found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1; unshift(@sort, " Icons:$textcolor $1"); } } if ( $display =~ m/Font/ ) { if ( /<option name="Gtk\/FontName" type="string" value="(.+)"\/>/ ) { print "\::$textcolor Font found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1; unshift(@sort, " Font:$textcolor $1"); } } } close(FILE); ## Sort variables so they're ordered "Theme Icon Font" ## foreach my $i (@sort) { push(@line, "$i"); } } case "KDE" { print "\::$textcolor Finding $DE variables\n" unless $quite == 1; open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.kde/share/config/kdeglobals") || die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n"; while( <FILE> ) { if ( $display =~ m/Theme/ ) { if ( /widgetStyle=(.+)/ ) { print "\::$textcolor Wiget Style found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1; push(@line, " Wiget Style:$textcolor $1"); } if (/colorScheme=(.+).kcsrc/ ) { print "\::$textcolor Color Scheme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1; push(@line, " Color Scheme:$textcolor $1"); } } if ( $display =~ m/Icons/ ) { if ( /Theme=(.+)/ ) { print "\::$textcolor Icons found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1; push(@line, " Icons:$textcolor $1"); } } if ( $display =~ m/Font/ ) { if ( /font=(.+)/ ) { my $font = (split/,/, $1)[0]; print "\::$textcolor Font found as $font\n" unless $quite == 1; push(@line, " Font:$textcolor $font"); } } } close(FILE); } else { my @files = ("$ENV{HOME}/.gtkrc-2.0", "$ENV{HOME}/.gtkrc.mine",); foreach my $file (@files) { if ( -e $file ) { print "\::$textcolor Opening $file\n" unless $quite == 1; open(FILE, $file) || die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n"; while( <FILE> ) { if ( $display =~ m/Theme/ ) { if( /include ".*themes\/(.+)\/gtk-(1|2)\.0\/gtkrc"/ ){ print "\::$textcolor GTK theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1; push(@line, " GTK Theme:$textcolor $1"); } } if ( $display =~ m/Icons/ ) { if( /.*gtk-icon-theme-name.*"(.+)"/ ) { print "\::$textcolor Icons found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1; push(@line, " Icons:$textcolor $1"); } } if ( $display =~ m/Font/ ) { if( /.*gtk-font-name.*"(.+)"/ ) { print "\::$textcolor Font found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1; push(@line, " Font:$textcolor $1"); } } } close(FILE); } } } } } ## Display the system info ## if ( $distro =~ m/Archlinux/ ) { ## Get Archlinux version ## if ( $display =~ "OS"){ print "\::$textcolor Finding Archlinux version\n" unless $quite == 1; my $version = $myArchVersion; $version =~ s/\s+/ /g; $version = " OS:$textcolor $version"; unshift(@line, "$version"); } my $c1 = "\e[1;36m"; my $c2 = "\e[0;36m"; system("clear"); print " ${c1} -` ${c1} .o+` ${c1} `ooo/ ${c1} `+oooo: ${c1} `+oooooo: ${c1} -+oooooo+: ${c1} `/:-:++oooo+: $c1@line[0] ${c1} `/++++/+++++++: $c1@line[1] ${c1} `/++++++++++++++: $c1@line[2] ${c1} `/+++${c2}ooooooooooooo/` $c1@line[3] ${c2} ./ooosssso++osssssso+` $c1@line[4] ${c2} .oossssso-````/ossssss+` $c1@line[5] ${c2} -osssssso. :ssssssso. $c1@line[6] ${c2} :osssssss/ osssso+++. $c1@line[7] ${c2} /ossssssss/ +ssssooo/- $c1@line[8] ${c2} `/ossssso+/:- -:/+osssso+- ${c2} `+sso+:-` `.-/+oso: ${c2} `++:. `-/+/ ${c2} .` `` ${c2} \e[0m"; } #system("scrot -d 1");
Much obliged, 3nd3r!
I had never heard of inxi, it's pretty awesome. Now if only I could find a script that recognizes awesome
ask around in their forums?
btw u tried my image upload script yet?
Proud Arch i686 & x86_64 User
Share your knowledge!
Arch Linux Forum Etiquette
Switched to wmii, really like it so far
Desided to go brownish to match the wall (thanks YtseJammin!)
Haha, mine is almost the same:
That is Awesome 3.3.
@LeoSolaris: second Sakurina. Lovely wall. Link please.
Can't decide between Sayaka Isoyama, and Haruna Yabuki.
Haruna Yabuki, definitely.
Keep it Simple, Sexy
Switched to wmii, really like it so far
Desided to go brownish to match the wall (thanks YtseJammin!)
Care to share the [down: up: seed: leech:] etc part of your wmii statusbar?
xdefaults go to Daisuke, only small editing
ncmpcpp and vifm config are edited versions of wraiths to fit the .Xdefaults
WM is musca
Last edited by kolbycrouch (2009-04-29 11:33:08)
Take a look at this thread: rtorrent stats in conky
fonts.conf? Don't know where to find that file..
The only fonts I have changed are gtk and wmii, the gtk font is DejaVu Sans.
there's no place like ~/
my new Arch desktop:
Nicely done. Could you provide some info? What's the DE, dock, theme, windows decorations, font?
Keep it Simple, Sexy
ichigo wrote:my new Arch desktop:
Nicely done. Could you provide some info? What's the DE, dock, theme, windows decorations, font?
DE: Xfce 4.6
Dock: Avant Window Navigator
Thème: Nodoka-Rounded (need gtk-engine-nodoka)
WM: Emerald (ichigo 1.0)
Font: ArabBrud
Wallpaper: i forget a name
Conky: Date, Time, Cpu info, Top Cpu,Ram, Network info, To do, Notification of update Pacman, Music info
Gnome + Compiz + AWN … _april.png … _april.png
If anyone knows how to change the ubuntu logo in the top left to an arch logo, please let me know!
Find folder with your icons,and in places find start-here.png icon,just change that one with arch logo.
oew wrote:Switched to wmii, really like it so far
Desided to go brownish to match the wall (thanks YtseJammin!)Haha, mine is almost the same:
That is Awesome 3.3.
Wow...looks great!
May I see your configs?
What do you use for transparency and will your rc.lua work with the git version?
@Joe_Arch, may I see your rc.lua, too (just diving into awesome)?