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This is Sanjoy, a student from India.
I have been using Arch Linux for over a month and I have loved every moment. Arch Linux is probably the only distro which makes the best possible use of the openness, speed and configurability of Linux. Most distros end up hiding the elegance Linux is known for with chunky interfaces which only hide functionality, not expose it. Arch Linux is refreshingly different. It is truly the real GNU/Linux.
Hi, I'm Vernon. I've been trying out Arch for about a week now, and decided that it was time to make an account at the forums. Let's see... I haven't been into computers for very long... I really started getting really interested on an XP machine. Then I got a clunky laptop with Windows 2000 pro on it (that thing was a rock). I loved toying around with the settings and learning about the system. Finally, about a year ago, I got a wonderful new Sony Vaio 15.4'' laptop, core 2 duo 2Ghz, 2 GB ram, nvidia 8400, with an ability to play BluRay on my disk drive. In other words, my shiny new toy. It came with Vista home premium.
I must say my Windows experience was never horrible. Any problems I had I was able to fix. Basically the reason I came over to linux was because Windows was too rigid for me. I couldn't tweak anything other than a few small things.
My first distro was either Ubuntu 8.10 or PCLinuxOS 2007, I can't remember which, but I do know that Ubuntu stayed. I'm glad I didn't post a lot on Ubuntu Forums, because I was a pretty bad LY for awhile.
Anyway, long story cut short, I heard good things about Arch, and decided to give it a try. Still getting 40-second boot to gdm after minor tweaking; I'm planning to look into that.
Anyway, I'm now triple-booting Vista, Ubuntu, and Arch. I'm trying to keep Arch light, and I'm enjoying the customization I can do. I also really, really like the ABS.
Wow, that turned out longer than I thought it would. Oh well, in any case, Hi!
Just switched from mandriva because I wanted to learn more about linux and system customization. Thanks for all the work on the amazing wikis. Very useful. Wireless up in < 1 hour.
I just like experiments. So when my broter told me about Arch I made a small partition to test it. Then I started to work only with Arch and finally deleted the Ubuntu partition.
I like the Arch way, the Arch philosophy.
Welcome! ev1
Hello Everybody,
I'm ijsbeer from The Low Countries, Used to be on Kubuntu but that was to big for me in diskspace and looked for something faster and more "lean and mean' Arch is Perfect for me. using it since oktober '08.
The learningcurve is steep but very good.
Greetings: I'm Rob from Colorado and have had Arch on my Acer Aspire One (150) for about 3 days. I returned to Linux last year after almost a decade away. (In the mid-late 1990s I was using Slackware on a 486 that eventually died). I started last year with Ubuntu and had great fun, but was looking for something lighter and more reminiscent of Slack.
Granted, it is taking me longer to tweak my machine (separate post), but I believe I'm learning more than I would with other distros. I also think I'll end up with a faster, less lumpy system.
I've chosen wmii-3.5 as my window manager and am having fun with it as well.
Hi, I'm from Australia and I started using linux recently. I fell in love with the concept and ideology of linux and after using ubuntu for a little while I knew it had to be better than this. So I went distro hopping and before long I tried Arch. My first attempt failed badly but I tried again and succeeded and through my brief installation attempt over a weekend I learned more about linux than I did for the whole time I was using ubuntu. So I'm sticking with arch because I think it is a God.
Hello, i'm a Spaniard who started linux in xubuntu and gave a new life to his old laptop with Arch. I just find it too fun! I think i could use it even if it wouldn't be the fastest in my hard I really want to congratulate the whole community, it's really the best distro to me.
Linux makes you a better person
Hello Everybody. I have been an Ubuntu user for about a yaer and a half. I recently switched to Arch Linux because I wanted to learn how Linux really works. I've heard that "if you learn Red Hat, you'll know Red Hat, but if you learn Slackware, you'll know Linux." I figured it worked like if you learn Ubuntu, you'll know Ubuntu, but if you learn Arch, you'll know Linux. I have learned more in three weeks of using Arch than Ubuntu could ever teach me. Plus Arch is a lot faster and less buggy (mainly because I configured it myself:D).
Here are a few things you may want to know about me.
I love Arch because I love tweaking my OS.
I am definitely not Windows hater. (I am however determined to to leave it behind for good)
I am a free software fanboy.
I am completlly lost when it comes to networking.
There's no place like ~.
Hey every1 im fairly new to arch. Been using it about a two weeks now. But never said hello officially! so..hello i guess. lol. Anywho... a lil info about me. Im a freelance programmer and website designer. (self employment rocks! ) . Use to use Ubuntu and still plan to on my laptop,
. Also use to use fedora on my desktop. But decided it was time to move to a more light and easily modified distro, so here i am... thanks for any future help ev1.
I'm also new to Arch. Just finishing these days to setup my laptop. I begun with linux with Slackware 2.0 on my Amiga 1200 many years ago..., but my last 8 years I have been a SuSE user. Now trying Arch that someone in the spanish suse mailing list commented and want to give it a try.
Really tested one day in VirtualBox, and I see clear that this was a great distro, And switched to it on the next day :-D
Really I'm enjoying this.
Keep the good work.
Thanks to all that make this project possible.
Arch64 - Acer AX3950 - i5-650 3.2 GHz - 8 GB RAM - Nvidia GeForce 320 1 GB Ram
Arch32 - Samsung NC10 - 2 GB Ram
For the moment last...
but not least...
Hello World!
For more info please check:
Hi there!
An other newbie. I came from Mac OS a year ago and used Ubuntu until last month. Then I tried out some distributions which met most of my criterias while avoiding Arch because it takes more time to set up than the other systems i was interested in. But as my list got shorter I fortunately gave it a try. And it finally felt like home again - after one day of setting up and configuration. I've used it now for one week and think I will stick with it.
There are still a few aspects I miss when I think back to my Mac OS time. But overall Arch seems to be the best system I have met so far.
I hope I won't annoy you people too much. I am still somewhat new to the whole Linux thing.
(but that doesn't necessarily mean we're going to)
Installed Arch next to Ubuntu couple of weeks ago. So far I've managed to solve my problems, but I'm sure I'll be needing you guys.
Hi Everybody, I'm Snowpine. You may remember me from such distros as Ubuntu and SliTaz. I've been hearing a lot about Arch, so I decided my project for the weekend is to get Arch up and running on my Dell Mini 9. So far, I love it! There are still a few minor hardware/setting/etc issues to figure out, but I must say, the initial setup was a lot easier than I had feared. So far so good, I have a barebones LXDE desktop with Firefox. Nice!
Hi everyone,
I am new to Arch Linux. The system is up and running since Sunday. There is still a lot to do and not everything is working smooth yet. So, you probably going to see my a lot cruising around the forum asking lots of questions. The keyboard is not doing what its supposed, and also there seems to be something wrong with the interaction of Xmonad with the terminal of xfce4. Every time I put a (xfce4) terminal on a workspace, switching to or from that workspace is so DAMN slow. I don't even know where to look for the reason for that.
Well, so far so good, and nevertheless I am already happy to have switched to Arch Linux. You've got heaps of Haskell packages available! That's great! :)
I've used Arch Linux before, but i am starting to use it again, welcome back me!
ArchLinux + ZFS
Hey everyone,
I'm new to linux as i'm new to archlinux. Up to now i only installed some popular distributions to see if one of them fits me.
Arch Linux was a whole different experience to me. The installation challenged me and i couldn't let go until i got it to work. The last few days i spend reading the _great_ documentation on arch, learned to set up the system properly and with the help of the wiki and some google i got nearly everything to work.
I didn't really know what I've stumbled in, but now i love the fact that arch has rolling releases. Also the ABS really is great, as is pacman and the AUR!
Being able to configure very much in just one file - rc.conf - really is great and taught me to understand and appreciate the KISS principle.
So far i really enjoy archlinux. With finit-arc it even boots in around 30 secs (from pressing power to fully operative desktop) which is less than half the time it takes me to see the windows vista desktop.
Only downer is the noticeable higher power consumption on my notebook, but that's not specific to arch and i know there's a way to make arch consume almost as little as vista. I'm working on it and it's fun.
Last edited by demian (2011-04-30 15:08:42)
no place like /home
Hi, I've been using Arch for over a year and a half now, but I think I never thanked you for putting an end to my distro-hopping days back then...
... how ungrateful of me!
Hi there! I am a returning user. I have used Arch on secondary boxes for a while in the past, and am now returning as it were. My primary distro has been Gentoo for the last 6 years. I've got myself a new laptop and decided to give Arch a go on it, with the hope it will save me on maintenance time. This will be my main machine when I'm emigrating to China later this year.
I am from Belgium.
I have installed Arch, it is very fine.
I like pacman and the fact that The distrib has no version as debian, mandriva, etc.....
Hello out there,
I am French. Have lived abroad (Hawaii, now Chile) for the past 16 years. My story is similar to many I've read here: I started using Linux exclusively 3 years ago. I am a distro hoper, although 90% of my time was spent using Ubuntu. I have given a try to Arch a couple of weeks ago and have now entirely swicthed to it. So far so good. I like many facets of it. The simplicity, the robustness, the package manager, the fact that it empowers me to take full control of my system, that it teaches me about Linux, without patronizing me. The wiki is really top notch. Haven't found an equivalent in other distro. I also very much like the Arch philosophy and the rolling release scheme: other distro often spend effort in patching old versions, while Arch provide bugfixes from upstream directly, through access to the latest packages (e.g. look at the /proc/mtrr bug in jaunty).
To date, I haven't encountered big issues. Mostly, everything works, as expected, and better than in any other distro I have tested so far. I really feel at home with Arch.
A big thanks to all Arch developers, and to all wiki and forum contributors. Great job!
[edit] oh yeah, and I forgot the most important: Arch is fun, fun, fun!
Last edited by frigaut (2009-05-11 07:54:31)
Archer since 03/2009 - AUR packages
Hello World!
I am new to this forum(well, almost...).
Just installed Arch_2009.2_x86_64 on my Vostro 1400 laptop. Installed minimal GNOME. First time exp with 64bit for me. Enjoying everybit of it.
Hope to mutually benifit here...
A candle looses nothing by lighting other candles.
-- Khalil Zibran
It's been a while since i'm using ArchLinux, althought i didn't considered my self an advanced user when i switched, i do consider that was a step in the right direction.
Thanks to the begginer's guide authors, the wiki authors, and all contributors.
So far very happy with the distro. So, i decided to join the forum, and congratulate all the community people.
Keep the good work!
Best Regards
a Happy User
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