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#1 2004-12-03 02:00:31

From: Belgium
Registered: 2004-07-31
Posts: 286

[new] webmin(-minimal)

Heya all,

since there were quite some requests for this. I made a PKGBUILD for webmin. I have to say ... this wasn't an easy one for me. I choose for webmin-minimal so that peopel can add the modules they want.

However, when you look at the code, you'll see that it needs improvements ...

What is done:

it builds and installs. It creates a new user and group, both called webmin. these groups will be deleted when you uninstall the package (see comments if this is good or bad).


* No SSL can be used ... this is pretty critical I think. There is an SSLeay package in testing I saw, but webmin couldn't find it.
* I also get an error in the webmin-log that it can find  a/the perl PAM-module ...
* The web-interface seems to function, but you can't request a proces-list: this is maybe a bug in the program?? Webmin requests "proc/index_.cgi", but that file doesn't exist. The file "proc/index.cgi" exists however.
* I've written code the generate a random initial password. However, this code doesn't seem to function. For the moment there is a static password ... but I suppose you'll change it when you install webmin. Anyway, Ithink it would be better if the initial one would be a random password. This code belongs in the install-file to my opinion and not in the PKGVUILD like now, but this requires some effort to implement since there is some code for setting up the password in the setup-file.
* A lot of comments in the code ...

Now it's time to sleep ... smile.


#Michel Branbants <>
pkgdesc="Webmin is a web-based interface for system administration for Unix. Using any browser that supports tables and forms (and Java for the File Manager module), you can setup user accounts, Apache, DNS, file sharing and so on. Webmin consists of a simple web server, and a number of CGI programs which directly update system files like /etc/inetd.conf and /etc/passwd. The web server and all CGI programs are written in Perl version 5, and use no non-standard Perl modules."
depends=('perl>=5.0' 'coreutils')
md5sums=('a2bc5d04524c52af8955c703179e8af4' '0332a42a04a9c522d483e8d2d61fcee1'
         '72f5472f6b8fedf02cf8222cf962053b' '521d14ee48a8203f3765cadc9fbd9379')

build() {
  cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver
  patch ./ $startdir/
  patch ./ $startdir/

  declare -r local installDir="/usr/share/webmin"
  #configdir must be an absolute path
  declare -r local configDir="/etc/webmin"
  #this is the var_dir-variable
  declare -r local logAndPidDir="/var/webmin"
  #I added 2 new dirs to the setup-script, but I'm not completely sure if I just may add them. And what's var_dir's purpose now?So, for the log and run-files these directories should be used
  declare -r local logDir="/var/log/webmin"
  declare -r local pidDir="/var/run/webmin"
  declare -r local os_type="generic-linux"
  declare -r local os_version="2.6"
  declare -r local real_os_type="Generic Linux"
  declare -r local real_os_version="2.6"

  declare -r local webminServerport="10000"
  #username maybe not contain a ':' or a ' '(a space :)) and may not be "webmin"
  declare -r local adminLoginname="admin"
  #password may not contain a ':'.

  #dit moet eigenlijk  in de install-file
  echo "generating initial administrator password ..."
  declare -r local adminpass=$(genPassword 8)
  echo "#The first and last quote of the loginpass-value are only to delimit the password and aren't part of the password!

initial webmin administrator-account:
        loginpass:"$adminpass"" > $startdir/SHRED or REMOVE ME-webminAdminAccount
  echo "info written to "SHRED or REMOVE ME-webminAdminAccount""

  #no SSL need SSLeay installed somewhere perl can find it!
  #post-setup-script: (line 735)

   ./ "$installDir" "$startdir/pkg" "$configDir" "$logAndPidDir" "$webminServerport" "$adminLoginname" "$adminpass" "$os_type" "$os_version" "$real_os_type" "$real_os_version" "$logDir" "$pidDir"

   echo "administrator-account-info written to "$startdir/SHRED or REMOVE ME-webminAdminAccount""


#$1 = length of Password. Must be AT LEAST 8 CHARACTERS. Some people will say this is not necessary maybe or not enough. Anyway this password is the initial password.
genPassword() {

declare -r local passLength=$1
if [[ 8 -gt $passLength ]]; then
        #writing to stderr
        echo "password length needs to be at least 8 characters" 1>&2
        return 1

declare local pass=$(genRandomString $passLength)

#the password may not contain ':'.
#Replace all occurences of ':' with another character. Mayeb first check if there is a problem ...
#could be endless loop .. but I would suppose it is a random generator ... I try maximum 3 times
#to avoid an endless loop, else the character 'A' will be chosen to replace ':'
declare  local replacement=':';
declare -i local iter=1;
while [[ ':' == $replacement ]] && [[ $iter -le 3 ]]; do
         replacement=`head -c 1 /dev/random`
if [[ ':' == $replacement ]]; then

echo "$pass"

return 0

#$1 = length of string.
genRandomString() {

declare -ri local stringLength=$1;

#/dev/random instead od /dev/urandom will be used for more chance on a good random values.
#/dev/random can however block if not enough input is available
declare local string
read -n $stringLength string < /dev/random

#echo "$string"
echo "QueCeraCera"


#Contributor: Michel Brabants <>

# This is a default template for a post-install scriptlet.  You can
# remove any functions you don't need (and this header).

# arg 1:  the new package version
pre_install() {

# arg 1:  the new package version
post_install() {
  declare -r local USER="webmin"
  declare -r local GROUP="webmin"

  #searching for free gid in range of 1-100 : error should be captured : todo
  declare -ri freeGid=$(getFreeGid);
  echo -n "Creating  group  $GROUP : ";
  if [[ 0 -eq `/usr/sbin/groupadd -g $freeGid $GROUP` ]]; then
        echo "  OK";
        echo "  FAILED";
  #searching for free uid in range of 1-1000 : error should be captured : todo
  declare -ri freeUid=$(getFreeUid);
  echo -n "Creating user  $USER  with primary group  $GROUP";
  if [[ 0 -eq `/usr/sbin/useradd -c "user for webmin" -g "$GROUP" -G "$AUDIO_GROUP" -s "/bin/false" -u $freeUid $USER` ]]; then
        echo "  OK";
        echo "  FAILED;"

  update_permissions $USER $GROUP;

# arg 1:  the new package version
# arg 2:  the old package version
pre_upgrade() {

# arg 1:  the new package version
# arg 2:  the old package version
post_upgrade() {
  #we don't add the user again ... or should we check if it still exists?
  declare -r local USER="webmin"
  declare -r local GROUP="webmin"

  update_permissions $USER $GROUP;

# arg 1:  the old package version
pre_remove() {

# arg 1:  the old package version
post_remove() {
  rm -rf /var/log/webmin
  rm -rf /var/run/webmin

  declare -r local USER="webmin"
  declare -r local GROUP="webmin"

  #delete the webmin user. Mayeb to tricky? Somebody may be using it already

  #userdel seems to delete the user and the group
  echo -n "Deleting user  $USER  and group $GROUP:  ";
  if [[ 0 -eq `/usr/sbin/userdel $USER` ]]
        echo "  OK";
        echo "  FAILED";
  #echo -n "Deleting group  $GROUP  :  ";
  #if [[ 6 -eq `/usr/sbin/groupdel $GROUP` ]]
#       echo "  OK";
 # else
#       echo "  FAILED";


# arg 1: username
# arg 2: groupname
#would be better if we used the file-list that is in the package?
update_permissions() {
  declare -r local USER=$1;
  declare -r local GROUP=$2;
  echo "Setting owner:group of webmin-files to $USER:$GROUP and setting permissions ...";
  #change file- and directory-permissions

  chown -R $USER:$GROUP /etc/webmin
  chmod -R o= /etc/webmin
  chown -R $USER:$GROUP /usr/share/webmin
  chmod -R o= /usr/share/webmin
  chown -R $USER:$GROUP /var/log/webmin
  chmod u+s,g+s,o=,o+t /var/log/webmin
  chown -R $USER:$GROUP /var/run/webmin
  chmod u+s,g+s,o=,o+t /var/run/webmin

  echo "Setting owner:group and permissions : DONE"


#the almighty bash :). You can use functions together with pipes :).
getFreeUid() {
        echo "$(uidRangeFilter 1 1000 | sort -g | getFreeId 1 1000)";

getFreeGid() {
        echo "$(gidRangeFilter 1 100 | sort -g | getFreeId 1 100)"

#give all existing uid's back within the range of $1-$2
uidRangeFilter() {
#going into restricted mode
set -r;

declare -ri local minId=$1;
declare -ri local maxId=$2;

if [[ $maxId -lt $minId ]]; then
        echo "maximum rangebound is smaller than minimum rangebound.";
        echo "command: ./uidRangeFilter minimumBound maximumBound"
        exit 1;

#should mayeb check on overflow. Surely since this is a critical file
#IFS = internal field separator/delimiter
while read name passwd uid theRest; do
        if [[ $uid -ge $minId ]] && [[  $uid -le $maxId ]]; then
                echo "$uid";
done < /etc/passwd;

#give all existing gid's back within the range of $1-$2
gidRangeFilter() {
#going into restricted mode
set -r;

declare -ri local minId=$1;
declare -ri local maxId=$2;

if [[ $maxId -lt $minId ]]; then
        echo "maximum rangebound is smaller than minimum rangebound.";
        echo "command: ./gidRangeFilter minimumBound maximumBound"
        exit 1;

#should mayeb check on overflow. Surely since this is a critical file
#IFS = internal field separator/delimiter
while read name passwd gid theRest; do
        if [[ $gid -ge $minId ]] && [[  $gid -le $maxId ]]; then
                echo "$gid";
done < /etc/group;


#find a freeId that is in the range of $1-$2 given that the input-stream contains already occupied id's, sorted from small to big.
getFreeId() {
#enter restricted mode
set -r;

declare -ri local minId=$1;
declare -ri local maxId=$2;

if [[ $maxId -lt $minId ]]; then
        echo "maximum id is smaller than minimum id.";
        echo "command: ./freeId minimumId maximumId"
        exit 1;

declare -i local freeId=$minId;

#uid's are within the requested range and sorted from small to big
while read uid; do
        #userId is occupied
        if [[ $freeId -eq $uid ]]; then
                let freeId+=1;
                echo "$freeId";

if [[ $maxId -ge $freeId ]]; then
        echo "$freeId";

#no free userId found
echo "";

$op $*

---    2004-12-03 01:19:35.000000000 +0100
+++    2004-12-03 01:53:42.000000000 +0100
@@ -32,6 +32,22 @@
+declare -r local DESTDIR=$2;
+declare -r local config_dir=$3;
+#what is the purpose for var_dir?
+declare -r local var_dir=$4;
+#what is the influence of placing the log- and pid-files in another directory than var_dir?
+declare -r local os_type=$8;
+#leaned something new: from $9 paramters need to be surrounded by brackets!!
+declare -r local os_version=${9};
+declare -r local real_os_type=${10};
+declare -r local real_os_version=${11};
+declare -r local port=$5;
+declare -r local login=$6;
+declare -r local password=$7;
+declare -r local log_dir=${12};
+declare -r local pid_dir=${13};
 echo "***********************************************************************"
 echo "*            Welcome to the Webmin setup script, version $ver        *"
 echo "***********************************************************************"
@@ -40,40 +56,40 @@
 echo ""
 # Only root can run this
-id | grep "uid=0(" >/dev/null
-if [ $? != "0" ]; then
-    uname -a | grep -i CYGWIN >/dev/null
-    if [ $? != "0" ]; then
-        echo "ERROR: The Webmin install script must be run as root";
-        echo "";
-        exit 1;
-    fi
+#id | grep "uid=0(" >/dev/null
+#if [ $? != "0" ]; then
+#    uname -a | grep -i CYGWIN >/dev/null
+#    if [ $? != "0" ]; then
+#        echo "ERROR: The Webmin install script must be run as root";
+#        echo "";
+#        exit 1;
+#    fi
 # Use the supplied destination directory, if any
 if [ "$1" != "" ]; then
-    echo "Installing Webmin from $srcdir to $wadir ..."
-    if [ ! -d "$wadir" ]; then
-        mkdir "$wadir"
+    echo "Installing Webmin from $srcdir to $DESTDIR$wadir ..."
+    if [ ! -d "$DESTDIR$wadir" ]; then
+        mkdir -p "$DESTDIR$wadir"
         if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
-            echo "ERROR: Failed to create $wadir"
+            echo "ERROR: Failed to create $DESTDIR$wadir"
             echo ""
             exit 1
         # Make sure dest dir is not in use
-        ls "$wadir" | grep -v rpmsave >/dev/null 2>&1
-        if [ "$?" = "0" -a ! -r "$wadir/" ]; then
-            echo "ERROR: Installation directory $wadir contains other files"
+        ls "$DESTDIR$wadir" | grep -v rpmsave >/dev/null 2>&1
+        if [ "$?" = "0" -a ! -r "$DESTDIR$wadir/" ]; then
+            echo "ERROR: Installation directory $DESTDIR$wadir contains other files"
             echo ""
             exit 1
-    echo "Installing Webmin in $wadir ..."
+    echo "Installing Webmin in $DESTDIR$wadir ..."
-cd "$wadir"
+cd "$DESTDIR$wadir"
 # Validate source directory
 allmods=`cd "$srcdir"; echo */ | sed -e 's//'`
@@ -108,16 +124,16 @@
     echo ""
     exit 2
-if [ ! -d $config_dir ]; then
-    mkdir $config_dir;
+if [ ! -d $DESTDIR$config_dir ]; then
+    mkdir -p $DESTDIR$config_dir;
     if [ $? != 0 ]; then
-        echo "ERROR: Failed to create directory $config_dir"
+        echo "ERROR: Failed to create directory $DESTDIR$config_dir"
         echo ""
         exit 2
-if [ -r "$config_dir/config" ]; then
-    echo "Found existing Webmin configuration in $config_dir"
+if [ -r "$DESTDIR$config_dir/config" ]; then
+    echo "Found existing Webmin configuration in $DESTDIR$config_dir"
     echo ""
@@ -197,9 +213,9 @@
     rm -f $config_dir/module.infos.cache
     # Config directory exists .. make sure it is not in use
-    ls $config_dir | grep -v rpmsave >/dev/null 2>&1
+    ls $DESTDIR$config_dir | grep -v rpmsave >/dev/null 2>&1
     if [ "$?" = "0" -a "$config_dir" != "/etc/webmin" ]; then
-        echo "ERROR: Config directory $config_dir is not empty"
+        echo "ERROR: Config directory $DESTDIR$config_dir is not empty"
         echo ""
         exit 2
@@ -223,14 +239,55 @@
         exit ""
         exit 3
-    if [ ! -d $var_dir ]; then
-        mkdir $var_dir
+    if [ ! -d $DESTDIR$var_dir ]; then
+        mkdir -p $DESTDIR$var_dir
         if [ $? != 0 ]; then
-            echo "ERROR: Failed to create directory $var_dir"
+            echo "ERROR: Failed to create directory $DESTDIR$var_dir"
             echo ""
             exit 3
+    abspath=`echo $log_dir | grep "^/"`
+    if [ "$abspath" = "" ]; then
+        echo "Log-file-directory(log_dir) must be an absolute path"
+        echo ""
+        exit 3
+    fi
+    if [ "$log_dir" = "/" ]; then
+        echo "Log directory(log_dir) cannot be /"
+        echo ""
+        exit 3
+    fi
+    if [ ! -d $DESTDIR$log_dir ]; then
+        mkdir -p $DESTDIR$log_dir;
+        if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
+            echo "ERROR: Failed to create directory $DESTDIR$log_dir"
+            echo ""
+            exit 3
+        fi
+    fi
+    abspath=`echo $pid_dir | grep "^/"`
+    if [ "$abspath" = "" ]; then
+        echo "Pid-file-directory(pid_dir) must be an absolute path"
+        echo ""
+        exit 3
+    fi
+    if [ "$pid_dir" = "/" ]; then
+         echo "Pid directory(pid_dir) cannot be /"
+         echo ""
+         exit 3
+    fi
+    if [ ! -d $DESTDIR$pid_dir ]; then
+        mkdir -p $DESTDIR$pid_dir;
+        if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
+            echo "ERROR:Failed to create directory $DESTDIR$log_dir"
+            echo ""
+            exit 3
+        fi
+    fi
     echo ""
     # Ask where perl is installed
@@ -256,7 +313,7 @@
             printf "Full path to perl (default $perldef): "
-            read perl
+#            read perl
             if [ "$perl" = "" ]; then
@@ -386,6 +443,7 @@
         echo ""
         exit 14
     printf "Login password: "
     if [ "$password" = "" -a "$crypt" = "" ]; then
         stty -echo
@@ -425,82 +483,84 @@
     # Ask whether to run at boot time
-    if [ "$atboot" = "" ]; then
-        initsupp=`grep "^os_support=" "$srcdir/init/" | sed -e 's/os_support=//g' | grep $os_type`
-        atboot=0
-        if [ "$initsupp" != "" ]; then
-            printf "Start Webmin at boot time (y/n): "
-            read atbootyn
-            if [ "$atbootyn" = "y" -o "$atbootyn" = "Y" ]; then
-                atboot=1
-            fi
-        else
-            echo "Webmin does not support being started at boot time on your system."
-        fi
-    fi
+    #if [ "$atboot" = "" ]; then
+    #    initsupp=`grep "^os_support=" "$srcdir/init/" | sed -e 's/os_support=//g' | grep $os_type`
+    #    atboot=0
+    #    if [ "$initsupp" != "" ]; then
+    #        printf "Start Webmin at boot time (y/n): "
+    #        read atbootyn
+    #        if [ "$atbootyn" = "y" -o "$atbootyn" = "Y" ]; then
+    #            atboot=1
+    #        fi
+    #    else
+    #        echo "Webmin does not support being started at boot time on your system."
+    #    fi
+    #fi
+    #user has to decide this for him/herself
+    atboot=0
     # Copy files to target directory
     echo "***********************************************************************"
-    if [ "$wadir" != "$srcdir" ]; then
-        echo "Copying files to $wadir .."
-        (cd "$srcdir" ; tar cf - . | (cd "$wadir" ; tar xf -))
+    if [ "$DESTDIR$wadir" != "$srcdir" ]; then
+        echo "Copying files to $DESTDIR$wadir .."
+        (cd "$srcdir" ; tar cf - . | (cd "$DESTDIR$wadir" ; tar xf -))
         echo "..done"
         echo ""
     # Create webserver config file
-    echo $perl > $config_dir/perl-path
-    echo $var_dir > $config_dir/var-path
+    echo $perl > $DESTDIR$config_dir/perl-path
+    echo $var_dir > $DESTDIR$config_dir/var-path
     echo "Creating web server config files.."
-    echo "port=$port" >> $cfile
-    echo "root=$wadir" >> $cfile
-    echo "mimetypes=$wadir/mime.types" >> $cfile
-    echo "addtype_cgi=internal/cgi" >> $cfile
-    echo "realm=Webmin Server" >> $cfile
-    echo "logfile=$var_dir/miniserv.log" >> $cfile
-    echo "errorlog=$var_dir/miniserv.error" >> $cfile
-    echo "pidfile=$var_dir/" >> $cfile
-    echo "logtime=168" >> $cfile
-    echo "ppath=$ppath" >> $cfile
-    echo "ssl=$ssl" >> $cfile
-    echo "env_WEBMIN_CONFIG=$config_dir" >> $cfile
-    echo "env_WEBMIN_VAR=$var_dir" >> $cfile
-    echo "atboot=$atboot" >> $cfile
-    echo "logout=$config_dir/logout-flag" >> $cfile
-    echo "listen=10000" >> $cfile
-    echo "denyfile=\.pl$" >> $cfile
-    echo "log=1" >> $cfile
-    echo "blockhost_failures=5" >> $cfile
-    echo "blockhost_time=60" >> $cfile
-    echo "syslog=1" >> $cfile
+    echo "port=$port" >> $DESTDIR$cfile
+    echo "root=$wadir" >> $DESTDIR$cfile
+    echo "mimetypes=$wadir/mime.types" >> $DESTDIR$cfile
+    echo "addtype_cgi=internal/cgi" >> $DESTDIR$cfile
+    echo "realm=Webmin Server" >> $DESTDIR$cfile
+    echo "logfile=$log_dir/miniserv.log" >> $DESTDIR$cfile
+    echo "errorlog=$log_dir/miniserv.error" >> $DESTDIR$cfile
+    echo "pidfile=$pid_dir/" >> $DESTDIR$cfile
+    echo "logtime=168" >> $DESTDIR$cfile
+    echo "ppath=$ppath" >> $DESTDIR$cfile
+    echo "ssl=$ssl" >> $DESTDIR$cfile
+    echo "env_WEBMIN_CONFIG=$config_dir" >> $DESTDIR$cfile
+    echo "env_WEBMIN_VAR=$var_dir" >> $DESTDIR$cfile
+    echo "atboot=$atboot" >> $DESTDIR$cfile
+    echo "logout=$config_dir/logout-flag" >> $DESTDIR$cfile
+    echo "listen=10000" >> $DESTDIR$cfile
+    echo "denyfile=\.pl$" >> $DESTDIR$cfile
+    echo "log=1" >> $DESTDIR$cfile
+    echo "blockhost_failures=5" >> $DESTDIR$cfile
+    echo "blockhost_time=60" >> $DESTDIR$cfile
+    echo "syslog=1" >> $DESTDIR$cfile
     if [ "$allow" != "" ]; then
-        echo "allow=$allow" >> $cfile
+        echo "allow=$allow" >> $DESTDIR$cfile
     if [ "$session" != "" ]; then
-        echo "session=$session" >> $cfile
+        echo "session=$session" >> $DESTDIR$cfile
-        echo "session=1" >> $cfile
+        echo "session=1" >> $DESTDIR$cfile
     if [ "$pam" != "" ]; then
-        echo "pam=$pam" >> $cfile
+        echo "pam=$pam" >> $DESTDIR$cfile
     md5pass=`$perl -e 'print crypt("test", "\$1\$A9wB3O18\$zaZgqrEmb9VNltWTL454R/") eq "\$1\$A9wB3O18\$zaZgqrEmb9VNltWTL454R/" ? "1n" : "0n"'`
     if [ "$crypt" != "" ]; then
-        echo "$login:$crypt:0" > $ufile
+        echo "$login:$crypt:0" > $DESTDIR$ufile
         if [ "$md5pass" = "1" ]; then
-            $perl -e 'print "$ARGV[0]:",crypt($ARGV[1], "$1$XXXXXXXX"),":0n"' "$login" "$password" > $ufile
+            $perl -e 'print "$ARGV[0]:",crypt($ARGV[1], "$1$XXXXXXXX"),":0n"' "$login" "$password" > $DESTDIR$ufile
-            $perl -e 'print "$ARGV[0]:",crypt($ARGV[1], "XX"),":0n"' "$login" "$password" > $ufile
+            $perl -e 'print "$ARGV[0]:",crypt($ARGV[1], "XX"),":0n"' "$login" "$password" > $DESTDIR$ufile
-    chmod 600 $ufile
-    echo "userfile=$ufile" >> $cfile
+    chmod 600 $DESTDIR$ufile
+    echo "userfile=$ufile" >> $DESTDIR$cfile
     openssl version >/dev/null 2>&1
@@ -517,74 +577,74 @@
         if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then
-            cat $tempdir/cert $tempdir/key >$kfile
+            cat $tempdir/cert $tempdir/key >$DESTDIR$kfile
         rm -f $tempdir/cert $tempdir/key
     if [ ! -r $kfile ]; then
         # Fall back to the built-in key
-        cp "$wadir/miniserv.pem" $kfile
+        cp "$DESTDIR$wadir/miniserv.pem" $DESTDIR$kfile
-    chmod 600 $kfile
-    echo "keyfile=$config_dir/miniserv.pem" >> $cfile
+    chmod 600 $DESTDIR$kfile
+    echo "keyfile=$config_dir/miniserv.pem" >> $DESTDIR$cfile
-    chmod 600 $cfile
+    chmod 600 $DESTDIR$cfile
     echo "..done"
     echo ""
     echo "Creating access control file.."
-    rm -f $afile
+    rm -f $DESTDIR$afile
     if [ "$defaultmods" = "" ]; then
-        echo "$login: $allmods" >> $afile
+        echo "$login: $allmods" >> $DESTDIR$afile
-        echo "$login: $defaultmods" >> $afile
+        echo "$login: $defaultmods" >> $DESTDIR$afile
-    chmod 600 $afile
+    chmod 600 $DESTDIR$afile
     echo "..done"
     echo ""
     if [ "$login" != "root" -a "$login" != "admin" ]; then
         # Allow use of RPC by this user
-        echo rpc=1 >>$config_dir/$login.acl
+        echo rpc=1 >>$DESTDIR$config_dir/$login.acl
 if [ "$noperlpath" = "" ]; then
     echo "Inserting path to perl into scripts.."
-    (find "$wadir" -name '*.cgi' -print ; find "$wadir" -name '*.pl' -print) | $perl "$wadir/" $perl -
+    (find "$DESTDIR$wadir" -name '*.cgi' -print ; find "$DESTDIR$wadir" -name '*.pl' -print) | $perl "$DESTDIR$wadir/" $perl -
     echo "..done"
     echo ""
 echo "Creating start and stop scripts.."
-rm -f $config_dir/stop $config_dir/start $config_dir/restart
-echo "#!/bin/sh" >>$config_dir/start
-echo "echo Starting Webmin server in $wadir" >>$config_dir/start
-echo "trap '' 1" >>$config_dir/start
-echo "LANG=" >>$config_dir/start
-echo "export LANG" >>$config_dir/start
-echo "#PERLIO=:raw" >>$config_dir/start
-echo "unset PERLIO" >>$config_dir/start
-echo "export PERLIO" >>$config_dir/start
-echo "PERLLIB=$PERLLIB" >>$config_dir/start
-echo "export PERLLIB" >>$config_dir/start
+rm -f $DESTDIR$config_dir/stop $DESTDIR$config_dir/start $DESTDIR$config_dir/restart
+echo "#!/bin/sh" >>$DESTDIR$config_dir/start
+echo "echo Starting Webmin server in $wadir" >>$DESTDIR$config_dir/start
+echo "trap '' 1" >>$DESTDIR$config_dir/start
+echo "LANG=" >>$DESTDIR$config_dir/start
+echo "export LANG" >>$DESTDIR$config_dir/start
+echo "#PERLIO=:raw" >>$DESTDIR$config_dir/start
+echo "unset PERLIO" >>$DESTDIR$config_dir/start
+echo "export PERLIO" >>$DESTDIR$config_dir/start
+echo "PERLLIB=$PERLLIB" >>$DESTDIR$config_dir/start
+echo "export PERLLIB" >>$DESTDIR$config_dir/start
 uname -a | grep -i 'HP/*UX' >/dev/null
 if [ $? = "0" ]; then
-    echo "exec '$wadir/' $config_dir/miniserv.conf &" >>$config_dir/start
+    echo "exec '$wadir/' $config_dir/miniserv.conf &" >>$DESTDIR$config_dir/start
-    echo "exec '$wadir/' $config_dir/miniserv.conf" >>$config_dir/start
+    echo "exec '$wadir/' $config_dir/miniserv.conf" >>$DESTDIR$config_dir/start
-echo "#!/bin/sh" >>$config_dir/stop
-echo "echo Stopping Webmin server in $wadir" >>$config_dir/stop
-echo "pidfile=`grep "^pidfile=" $config_dir/miniserv.conf | sed -e 's/pidfile=//g'`" >>$config_dir/stop
-echo "kill `cat $pidfile`" >>$config_dir/stop
+echo "#!/bin/sh" >>$DESTDIR$config_dir/stop
+echo "echo Stopping Webmin server in $wadir" >>$DESTDIR$config_dir/stop
+echo "pidfile=`grep "^pidfile=" $config_dir/miniserv.conf | sed -e 's/pidfile=//g'`" >>$DESTDIR$config_dir/stop
+echo "kill `cat $pidfile`" >>$DESTDIR$config_dir/stop
-echo "#!/bin/sh" >>$config_dir/restart
-echo "$config_dir/stop && $config_dir/start" >>$config_dir/restart
+echo "#!/bin/sh" >>$DESTDIR$config_dir/restart
+echo "$config_dir/stop && $config_dir/start" >>$DESTDIR$config_dir/restart
-chmod 755 $config_dir/start $config_dir/stop
+chmod 755 $DESTDIR$config_dir/start $DESTDIR$config_dir/stop
 echo "..done"
 echo ""
@@ -593,13 +653,13 @@
     echo "Copying config files.."
-$perl "$wadir/" "$os_type" "$os_version" "$wadir" $config_dir "" $allmods
+$perl "$DESTDIR$wadir/" "$os_type" "$os_version" "$wadir" $config_dir "$DESTDIR"  "" $allmods
 if [ "$upgrading" != 1 ]; then
     # Store the OS and version
-    echo "os_type=$os_type" >> $config_dir/config
-    echo "os_version=$os_version" >> $config_dir/config
-    echo "real_os_type=$real_os_type" >> $config_dir/config
-    echo "real_os_version=$real_os_version" >> $config_dir/config
+    echo "os_type=$os_type" >> $DESTDIR$config_dir/config
+    echo "os_version=$os_version" >> $DESTDIR$config_dir/config
+    echo "real_os_type=$real_os_type" >> $DESTDIR$config_dir/config
+    echo "real_os_version=$real_os_version" >> $DESTDIR$config_dir/config
     if [ -r /etc/system.cnf ]; then
         # Found a caldera system config file .. get the language
         source /etc/system.cnf
@@ -608,61 +668,62 @@
         elif [ "$CONF_LST_LANG" = "uk" ]; then
-        grep "lang=$CONF_LST_LANG," "$wadir/lang_list.txt" >/dev/null 2>&1
+        grep "lang=$CONF_LST_LANG," "$DESTDIR$wadir/lang_list.txt" >/dev/null 2>&1
         if [ "$?" = 0 ]; then
-            echo "lang=$CONF_LST_LANG" >> $config_dir/config
+            echo "lang=$CONF_LST_LANG" >> $DESTDIR$config_dir/config
     # Turn on logging by default
-    echo "log=1" >> $config_dir/config
+    echo "log=1" >> $DESTDIR$config_dir/config
     # one-off hack to set log variable in config from miniserv.conf
-    grep log= $config_dir/config >/dev/null
+    grep log= $DESTDIR$config_dir/config >/dev/null
     if [ "$?" = "1" ]; then
-        grep log= $config_dir/miniserv.conf >> $config_dir/config
-        grep logtime= $config_dir/miniserv.conf >> $config_dir/config
-        grep logclear= $config_dir/miniserv.conf >> $config_dir/config
+        grep log= $DESTDIR$config_dir/miniserv.conf >> $DESTDIR$config_dir/config
+        grep logtime= $DESTDIR$config_dir/miniserv.conf >> $DESTDIR$config_dir/config
+        grep logclear= $DESTDIR$config_dir/miniserv.conf >> $DESTDIR$config_dir/config
-echo $ver > $config_dir/version
+echo $ver > $DESTDIR$config_dir/version
 echo "..done"
 echo ""
 # Set passwd_ fields in miniserv.conf from global config
 for field in passwd_file passwd_uindex passwd_pindex passwd_cindex passwd_mindex; do
-    grep $field= $config_dir/miniserv.conf >/dev/null
+    grep $field= $DESTDIR$config_dir/miniserv.conf >/dev/null
     if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
-        grep $field= $config_dir/config >> $config_dir/miniserv.conf
+        grep $field= $DESTDIR$config_dir/config >> $DESTDIR$config_dir/miniserv.conf
-grep passwd_mode= $config_dir/miniserv.conf >/dev/null
+grep passwd_mode= $DESTDIR$config_dir/miniserv.conf >/dev/null
 if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
-    echo passwd_mode=0 >> $config_dir/miniserv.conf
+    echo passwd_mode=0 >> $DESTDIR$config_dir/miniserv.conf
 # If Perl crypt supports MD5, then make it the default
 if [ "$md5pass" = "1" ]; then
-    echo md5pass=1 >> $config_dir/config
+    echo md5pass=1 >> $DESTDIR$config_dir/config
 # Set a special theme if none was set before
 if [ "$theme" = "" ]; then
-    theme=`cat "$wadir/defaulttheme" 2>/dev/null`
+    theme=`cat "$DESTDIR$wadir/defaulttheme" 2>/dev/null`
-oldthemeline=`grep "^theme=" $config_dir/config`
+oldthemeline=`grep "^theme=" $DESTDIR$config_dir/config`
 oldtheme=`echo $oldthemeline | sed -e 's/theme=//g'`
-if [ "$theme" != "" ] && [ "$oldthemeline" = "" ] && [ -d "$wadir/$theme" ]; then
-    echo "theme=$theme" >> $config_dir/config
-    echo "preroot=$theme" >> $config_dir/miniserv.conf
+if [ "$theme" != "" ] && [ "$oldthemeline" = "" ] && [ -d "$DESTDIR$wadir/$theme" ]; then
+    echo "theme=$theme" >> $DESTDIR$config_dir/config
+    echo "preroot=$theme" >> $DESTDIR$config_dir/miniserv.conf
 # Set the product field in the global config
-grep product= $config_dir/config >/dev/null
+grep product= $DESTDIR$config_dir/config >/dev/null
 if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
-    echo product=webmin >> $config_dir/config
+    echo product=webmin >> $DESTDIR$config_dir/config
+#I disbled makeboot. If enabled, then $DESTIDIR needs tp be added to this section
 if [ "$makeboot" = "1" ]; then
     echo "Configuring Webmin to start at boot time.."
     (cd "$wadir/init" ; WEBMIN_CONFIG=$config_dir WEBMIN_VAR=$var_dir "$wadir/init/")
@@ -671,8 +732,8 @@
 if [ "$nouninstall" = "" ]; then
-    echo "Creating uninstall script $config_dir/ .."
-    cat >$config_dir/ <<EOF
+    echo "Creating uninstall script $DESTDIR$config_dir/ .."
+    cat >$DESTDIR$config_dir/ <<EOF
 printf "Are you sure you want to uninstall Webmin? (y/n) : "
 read answer
@@ -688,89 +749,91 @@
     echo "Done!"
-    chmod +x $config_dir/
+    chmod +x $DESTDIR$config_dir/
     echo "..done"
     echo ""
 echo "Changing ownership and permissions .."
-chown -R root $config_dir
-chgrp -R bin $config_dir
-chmod -R og-rw $config_dir
-chmod 755 $config_dir/{sendmail,qmailadmin,postfix}*/config >/dev/null 2>&1
-chmod 755 $config_dir/{sendmail,qmailadmin,postfix}*/ >/dev/null 2>&1
-chmod 755 $config_dir/{sendmail,qmailadmin,postfix}*/ >/dev/null 2>&1
-chmod 755 $config_dir/squid*/ >/dev/null 2>&1
-chmod 755 $config_dir/squid*/users >/dev/null 2>&1
-chmod +r $config_dir/version
+chown -R root $DESTDIR$config_dir
+chgrp -R bin $DESTDIR$config_dir
+chmod -R og-rw $DESTDIR$config_dir
+chmod 755 $DESTDIR$config_dir/{sendmail,qmailadmin,postfix}*/config >/dev/null 2>&1
+chmod 755 $DESTDIR$config_dir/{sendmail,qmailadmin,postfix}*/ >/dev/null 2>&1
+chmod 755 $DESTDIR$config_dir/{sendmail,qmailadmin,postfix}*/ >/dev/null 2>&1
+chmod 755 $DESTDIR$config_dir/squid*/ >/dev/null 2>&1
+chmod 755 $DESTDIR$config_dir/squid*/users >/dev/null 2>&1
+chmod +r $DESTDIR$config_dir/version
 if [ "$nochown" = "" ]; then
-    chown -R root "$wadir"
-    chgrp -R bin "$wadir"
-    chmod -R og-w "$wadir"
-    chmod -R a+rx "$wadir"
-if [ $var_dir != "/var" ]; then
-    chown -R root $var_dir
-    chgrp -R bin $var_dir
-    chmod -R og-rwx $var_dir
+    chown -R root "$DESTDIR$wadir"
+    chgrp -R bin "$DESTDIR$wadir"
+    chmod -R og-w "$DESTDIR$wadir"
+    chmod -R a+rx "$DESTDIR$wadir"
+if [ $DESTDIR$var_dir != "/var" ]; then
+    chown -R root $DESTDIR$var_dir
+    chgrp -R bin $DESTDIR$var_dir
+    chmod -R og-rwx $DESTDIR$var_dir
 echo "..done"
 echo ""
 # Save target directory if one was specified
-if [ "$wadir" != "$srcdir" ]; then
-    echo $wadir >$config_dir/install-dir
+if [ "$DESTDIR$wadir" != "$srcdir" ]; then
+    echo $wadir >$DESTDIR$config_dir/install-dir
-    rm -f $config_dir/install-dir
+    rm -f $DESTDIR$config_dir/install-dir
-if [ "$nopostinstall" = "" ]; then
-    echo "Running postinstall scripts .."
-    (cd "$wadir" ; WEBMIN_CONFIG=$config_dir WEBMIN_VAR=$var_dir "$wadir/")
-    echo "..done"
-    echo ""
+#This is not for now ... this is for in the install-script
+#if [ "$nopostinstall" = "" ]; then
+#    echo "Running postinstall scripts .."
+#    (cd "$wadir" ; WEBMIN_CONFIG=$config_dir WEBMIN_VAR=$var_dir "$wadir/")
+#    echo "..done"
+#    echo ""
 # Run package-defined post-install script
-if [ -r "$srcdir/" ]; then
-    . "$srcdir/"
-if [ "$nostart" = "" ]; then
-    if [ "$inetd" != "1" ]; then
-        echo "Attempting to start Webmin mini web server.."
-        $config_dir/start
-        if [ $? != "0" ]; then
-            echo "ERROR: Failed to start web server!"
-            echo ""
-            exit 14
-        fi
-        echo "..done"
-        echo ""
-    fi
-    echo "***********************************************************************"
-    echo "Webmin has been installed and started successfully. Use your web"
-    echo "browser to go to"
-    echo ""
-    host=`hostname`
-    if [ "$ssl" = "1" ]; then
-        echo "  https://$host:$port/"
-    else
-        echo "  http://$host:$port/"
-    fi
-    echo ""
-    echo "and login with the name and password you entered previously."
-    echo ""
-    if [ "$ssl" = "1" ]; then
-        echo "Because Webmin uses SSL for encryption only, the certificate"
-        echo "it uses is not signed by one of the recognized CAs such as"
-        echo "Verisign. When you first connect to the Webmin server, your"
-        echo "browser will ask you if you want to accept the certificate"
-        echo "presented, as it does not recognize the CA. Say yes."
-        echo ""
-    fi
+#if [ -r "$srcdir/" ]; then
+#    . "$srcdir/"
+#don't start the webserver
+#if [ "$nostart" = "" ]; then
+#    if [ "$inetd" != "1" ]; then
+#        echo "Attempting to start Webmin mini web server.."
+#        $config_dir/start
+#        if [ $? != "0" ]; then
+#            echo "ERROR: Failed to start web server!"
+#            echo ""
+#            exit 14
+#        fi
+#        echo "..done"
+#        echo ""
+#    fi
+#    echo "***********************************************************************"
+#    echo "Webmin has been installed and started successfully. Use your web"
+#    echo "browser to go to"
+#    echo ""
+#    host=`hostname`
+#    if [ "$ssl" = "1" ]; then
+#        echo "  https://$host:$port/"
+#    else
+#        echo "  http://$host:$port/"
+#    fi
+#    echo ""
+#    echo "and login with the name and password you entered previously."
+#    echo ""
+#    if [ "$ssl" = "1" ]; then
+#        echo "Because Webmin uses SSL for encryption only, the certificate"
+#        echo "it uses is not signed by one of the recognized CAs such as"
+#        echo "Verisign. When you first connect to the Webmin server, your"
+#        echo "browser will ask you if you want to accept the certificate"
+#        echo "presented, as it does not recognize the CA. Say yes."
+#        echo ""
+#    fi
 if [ "$oldwadir" != "$wadir" -a "$upgrading" = 1 -a "$deletedold" != 1 ]; then
     echo "The directory from the previous version of Webmin"

---    2004-12-02 23:17:37.000000000 +0100
+++    2004-12-03 01:00:26.000000000 +0100
@@ -9,12 +9,13 @@
 $ver = $ARGV[1];
 $wadir = $ARGV[2];
 $confdir = $ARGV[3];
 # Find all clones
-opendir(DIR, $wadir);
+opendir(DIR, $DESTDIR.$wadir);
 foreach $f (readdir(DIR)) {
-    if (readlink("$wadir/$f")) {
-        @st = stat("$wadir/$f");
+    if (readlink("$DESTDIR.$wadir/$f")) {
+        @st = stat("$DESTDIR.$wadir/$f");
         push(@{$clone{$st[1]}}, $f);
@@ -24,7 +25,7 @@
 @mods = @ARGV[4..$#ARGV];
 foreach $m (@mods) {
     # Find any range-number config files
-    $srcdir = "$wadir/$m";
+    $srcdir = "$DESTDIR.$wadir/$m";
     $rangefile = undef;
     opendir(DIR, $srcdir);
     while($f = readdir(DIR)) {


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