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you need to use span tags, like so
"<span color='#(whatever color you want)'>" .. mpd_text .. "</span>"
the wiki is a real mess, it really needs cleaning up. I only found out about using span tags by looking through other people's configs.
edit: actually I'm not sure about how to do that with wicked, I suppose you could edit the wicked file itself and add the span tags to the output. there's probably a better way though
Last edited by ent (2009-05-14 03:52:15)
check this out
Offline've been looking through the Awesome wiki, however I can't seem to change the color of the MPD widget. Would anyone have any suggestions?
Background and font please kthxbye
Last edited by tomd123 (2009-05-14 05:47:49)
awesome wm … by_hBd.png
apps running: screen, ncmpcpp, vim, htop
Wow, I like your style: very neat Would you mind posting your rc.lua and your awesome theme?
FreeBSD7.2 on EEEPc 1000H. EvilWM in action.
Nice, been thinking about FreeBSD for a while now for my other laptop. Have to do some research about supported hardware.
Arch x86_64 on HP 6820s and on HP nx9420. Registered Linux User 350155, since 24-03-2004
"Everyone said that it could not be done, until someone came along who didn't know that."
Another openbox one for me, can never settle on one xD
Snowish! I wish those would work in kde4...
He hoped and prayed that there wasn't an afterlife. Then he realized there was a contradiction involved here and merely hoped that there wasn't an afterlife.
Douglas Adams
The font is Edges, which you can get in the Artwiz package.
Gnome + Awesome 3.3pre
/e: Wallpaper: … wheat.html
Last edited by mxforce (2009-05-14 10:38:33)
click and click
arch + e17, murrina-greenmod with slightly modified colours
where do you all get the nice scripts for checking the used wm/themes? - i had a glance at the sticky thread, but several pastebin links there are broken. Would be cool if this information could be added to the 1st post.
couldnt figure out how to get 'terminator' to antialias
since keegan and ootput frowned on what was bad choice of fonts..
here's a new snap, dropping terminator for urxvt and a font change. … 5_delaypng
WM: WMii
Apps: conky-cli, moc, screen, centerim, dzen2 for extra statusbar and menu i ran across in this forum, somewhere
I think you are the first person I've seen using Amazon to host a screenshot.
EDIT: Nevermind! is using Amazon.
Last edited by Agent69 (2009-05-14 14:13:08)
more PekWM goodness. Been messing around with conky, hope to have a better looking set up soon, but im pretty happy with the functionality of the WM... Awesome-git just requires a lot of work to stay up to date, and not something i have much time for with finals right now, haha.
Arch x86_64 - GitHub
awesome wm … by_hBd.png
apps running: screen, ncmpcpp, vim, htop
Wow your desktop looks totally awesome! (..haha..)
Would you mind sharing the wallpaper, Xdefaults and conky config?
I would be eternally thankful!
MreDD wrote:couldnt figure out how to get 'terminator' to antialias
since keegan and ootput frowned on what was bad choice of fonts..
here's a new snap, dropping terminator for urxvt and a font change. … 5_delaypng
WM: WMii
Apps: conky-cli, moc, screen, centerim, dzen2 for extra statusbar and menu i ran across in this forum, somewhereI think you are the first person I've seen using Amazon to host a screenshot.
EDIT: Nevermind! is using Amazon.
hahahah ya it's free. ;-)
:Go Away & Give My Pillow Back!!:
aur pkgbuilds - mostly fortune-mod's & fonts
Two things about wmii, help ..
after pacman -S artwiz-fonts
in wmiirc i set:
but The fonts doesn't actually change, in the title bar or status bar, nothing
I always wonder what all these -*-*-*-*mean... and the font name, is it equal to the name of the font file?
Is there something about font path or something that I should do before i can use the fonts?
In order to auto launch a predefined layout running three terminals at startup, i added in wmiirc, just before the last while loop.
eval $WMII_TERM &
eval $WMII_TERM &
eval $WMII_TERM &
sleep 1
echo send sel right | wmiir write /tag/sel/ctl
echo select 1 1 | wmiir write /tag/sel/ctl
thus once get wmii started, i get 3 terminals running in 2 columns, the left column split into 2 sections
i added 'sleep 1' because it doesn't work without it -- the layout can't be as intended, sometimes vertically split into 3 sections, sometimes all 3 terminals are maximized.
but with musca it works just fine: exec, split, add, use etc.
So I guess probably I missed something out, should be a better way to get a predefined layout at launch..How do you do it?
This silver ladybug at line 28...
Gnome + Awesome 3.3pre
Full: Wallpaper: … wheat.html
Nice job.
mind posting your config files, I'm interested in awesome been flopping backandforth w/wmii and awesome.
:Go Away & Give My Pillow Back!!:
aur pkgbuilds - mostly fortune-mod's & fonts
Two things about wmii, help ..
after pacman -S artwiz-fonts
in wmiirc i set:WMII_FONT='-artwiz-snap-normal-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*'
but The fonts doesn't actually change, in the title bar or status bar, nothing
I always wonder what all these -*-*-*-*mean... and the font name, is it equal to the name of the font file?
Is there something about font path or something that I should do before i can use the fonts?
In order to auto launch a predefined layout running three terminals at startup, i added in wmiirc, just before the last while loop.eval $WMII_TERM & eval $WMII_TERM & eval $WMII_TERM & sleep 1 echo send sel right | wmiir write /tag/sel/ctl echo select 1 1 | wmiir write /tag/sel/ctl
thus once get wmii started, i get 3 terminals running in 2 columns, the left column split into 2 sections
i added 'sleep 1' because it doesn't work without it -- the layout can't be as intended, sometimes vertically split into 3 sections, sometimes all 3 terminals are maximized.
but with musca it works just fine: exec, split, add, use etc.
So I guess probably I missed something out, should be a better way to get a predefined layout at launch..How do you do it?
edit your xorg.conf
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/artwiz-fonts"
also run 'fc-cache -vf'
may have to restart xorg.. then snap should work fine w/wmii
Last edited by MreDD (2009-05-14 14:54:09)
:Go Away & Give My Pillow Back!!:
aur pkgbuilds - mostly fortune-mod's & fonts
Trying wmii out... the way, Vimperator is awesome! Anyone know some way to make the tab bars look better? I'd like to make it black bg with white font which suits with the vimperator status bar. Thanks in advance.
wallpaper please
the wall is Dusk by alexander
EDIT::shit, i'm sorry... got the link fixed.
Last edited by lolilolicon (2009-05-14 16:41:32)
This silver ladybug at line 28...