You are not logged in.
pretty unoriginal, because i just stole a conky config from someone else on these here boards
You need to install some fonts. Namely, Martin Vogel's Symbols, RsbillsDng and StyleBats. Then conky will look nice.
Offline … 5ab2_m.jpg … a8d4_m.jpg
Openbox, conky, and bmpanel
Apps: xterm, thunar, songbird
Anything you want just ask
Joakin wrote: … 5ab2_m.jpg … a8d4_m.jpg
Openbox, conky, and bmpanel
Apps: xterm, thunar, songbird
Anything you want just ask
here's my new minimalist arch openbox setup
click for full sizeThe setup is openbox + xfce + thunar + pypanel + parcellite
mind if i grab that wallpaper from you?
pretty unoriginal, because i just stole a conky config from someone else on these here boards
Nice one! Could you please share your conky config and wallpaper?
sa wrote:pretty unoriginal, because i just stole a conky config from someone else on these here boards
Nice one! Could you please share your conky config and wallpaper?
My desktop, not very interesting at the moment. …
your wallpaper isn't bad either
The day Microsoft makes a product that doesn't suck, is the day they make a vacuum cleaner.
But if they tell you that I've lost my mind, maybe it's not gone just a little hard to find...
The day Microsoft makes a product that doesn't suck, is the day they make a vacuum cleaner.
But if they tell you that I've lost my mind, maybe it's not gone just a little hard to find...
GTK: clearlooks compact
Openbox: arch
firefox / tab tree/ vimperator
urxvt + screen + cmus + rtorrent + irssi
Last edited by scv5 (2009-05-14 13:14:11)
Here is my simple desktop. …
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # PyPanel v2.4 Configuration # # This configuration file is a Python script that will be executed when # PyPanel is started. In order for PyPanel to start properly, make sure that # this file contains proper Python formatting and no syntax errors. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VERSION = 2.4 # Config file version #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Colors: Format is hex triplet - 0xrrggbb #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BG_COLOR = "0x242424" # Panel background and tinting color TASK_COLOR = "0x656565" # Normal task name color 0x656565 FOCUSED_COLOR = "0x000000" # Focused task name color SHADED_COLOR = "0xFFFFFF" # Shaded task name color MINIMIZED_COLOR = "0xFFFFFF" # Minimized task name color DESKTOP_COLOR = "0x000000" # Desktop name color CLOCK_COLOR = "0xFFFFFF" # Clock text color LINE_COLOR = "0x000000" # Vertical line color # Text Shadow Colors TASK_SHADOW_COLOR = "0xffffff" FOCUSED_SHADOW_COLOR = "0xffffff" SHADED_SHADOW_COLOR = "0xffffff" MINIMIZED_SHADOW_COLOR = "0xffffff" DESKTOP_SHADOW_COLOR = "0xffffff" CLOCK_SHADOW_COLOR = "0xffffff" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Panel Spacing and Location Options: Measured in pixels #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ P_LOCATION = 1 # Panel placement: 0 = top, 1 = bottom P_WIDTH = 0 # Panel width: 1520 Use only part of screen P_START = 0 # Set to 160 only part of screen P_SPACER = 12 # Spacing between panel objects P_HEIGHT = 20 # Panel height P_L_BUFF = 0 P_R_BUFF = 0 P_T_BUFF = 0 P_B_BUFF = 0 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Icon Size Options: Measured in pixels #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I_HEIGHT = 16 # Panel application icon height I_WIDTH = 16 # Panel application icon Width APPL_I_HEIGHT = 24 # Application launcher icon height APPL_I_WIDTH = 24 # Application launcher icon width TRAY_I_HEIGHT = 14 # System tray icon height (usually 16 or 24) TRAY_I_WIDTH = 14 # System tray icon width (usually 16 or 24) # If TRAY_I_WIDTH is set to 0, then the # width specified by the tray app will be used #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Panel Clock Format: 'man strftime' for detailed formatting options and help #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLOCK_FORMAT = "%H:%M" # Ex: 2004-09-25 17:45 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Clock Delay: Seconds between each clock update during periods of inactivity #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLOCK_DELAY = 20 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Hidden Application List: Apps listed here will not be display on the panel # The application name is its WM_CLASS name, use 'xprop' to find WM_CLASS # Ex: ["xmms", "xine", "gDesklets"] #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HIDE_LIST = ["urxvt-desktop1", "urxvt-desktop2"] #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Hidden Panel Size: Size of the panel when it's hidden/minimized #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HIDDEN_SIZE = 2 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Panel Text Font: This option takes either a traditional or Xft font string # Ex: "-schumacher-clean-medium-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" # "aquafont-8" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FONT = "monospace-7" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Show All Applications: Show apps from all desktops or just the current # 0: Disabled - Only applications on the current desktop will be displayed # 1: Enabled - Selected apps are moved to the current desktop # 2: Enabled - Current desktop is changed to the selected apps desktop #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SHOWALL = 0 # 0, 1 or 2 - see descriptions above #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Show Minimized/Iconified Applications: Show only minimized apps or all apps # 0: Disabled - Show all applications on the panel # 1: Enabled - Show only minimized apps on the panel #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SHOWMINIMIZED = 0 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Application Icon List: List of custom icons for specific applications # The application name is its WM_CLASS name, use 'xprop' to find WM_CLASS # # The "default" entry is used for applications with no icon. If left "", # PyPanel will use the default icon distributed with the source. # # Add entries using the following format - # "<application name>" : "<full path to icon>", #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ICON_LIST = { "default" : "", "example" : "/usr/share/imlib2/data/images/audio.png", } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Application Launch List: Ordered list of icons and applications for the # application launcher. # # Add entries using the following format - # ("<executable>", "<full path to icon>") #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LAUNCH_LIST = [ ("gimp-2.2", "/usr/share/imlib2/data/images/paper.png"), ] #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Background Alpha/Shade Level: 0 (Fully Translucent) -> 255 (Fully Opaque) # BG_COLOR is used for tinting #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SHADE = 250 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Misc. Options: 1 = Enabled/Yes, 0 = Disabled/No #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ABOVE = 1 # Panel is always above other apps APPICONS = 0 # Show application icons AUTOHIDE = 0 # Autohide uses the CLOCK_DELAY timer above SHADOWS = 0 # Show text shadows SHOWLINES = 1 # Show object seperation lines SHOWBORDER = 0 # Show a border around the panel #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Desktop Names: Configure the names of your desktops # If the option is [], PyPanel will attempt to use the desktop name specified # by the XServer, if that fails it will use the desktop number as its name # Ex. ["One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight"] #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DESKTOP_NAMES = ["/One", "/Two", "/Three", "/Four"] #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Panel Layout: ----------------------------------- # [ 1 ][ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ][ 5 ] # ----------------------------------- # # The panel layout is split into 5 sections numbered 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 as shown # in the diagram above. Each of the following objects can be enabled by # assigning it a section number or disabled by assigning it 0: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DESKTOP = 0 # Desktop name section TASKS = 2 # Task names section TRAY = 3 # System tray section CLOCK = 4 # Clock section LAUNCHER = 0 # Application launcher section #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Button Event Function Definitions #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Left click - button 1 # Middle click - button 2 # Right click - button 3 # Wheel up - button 4 # Wheel down - button 5 # # changeDesktop(x) # - Change Desktop: Increase or decrease the current desktop by 'x' amount # # toggleShade(task) # - Shade or Unshade an application # # toggleHidden() # - Minimize the panel to the top or bottom depending on its start location # # toggleMinimize(task, traise=1) # - Minimize or Unminimize an application and optionally raise it # # taskRaise(task, focus=1) # - Raise an application to the top of the window list and optionally focus it # # taskLower(task, focus=0) # - Lower an app to the bottom of the window list and optionally focus it # # taskFocus(task) # - Give focus to the selected application, if it has focus then minimize it # # showDesktop() # - Toggle between hiding and unhiding ALL applications #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #---------------------------------- def desktopButtonEvent(pp, button): #---------------------------------- """ Button event handler for the panel's desktop object """ if button == 1: pp.changeDesktop(-1) elif button == 2: pp.changeDesktop(2) elif button == 3: pp.changeDesktop(1) elif button == 4: pp.changeDesktop(1) elif button == 5: pp.changeDesktop(-1) #-------------------------------- def clockButtonEvent(pp, button): #-------------------------------- """ Button event handler for the panel's clock object """ if button == 1: os.system("xclock &") elif button == 2: pass elif button == 3: pp.showDesktop() elif button == 4: pp.showDesktop() elif button == 5: pp.showDesktop() #-------------------------------- def panelButtonEvent(pp, button): #-------------------------------- """ Button event handler for the panel with no active tasks """ if button == 1: pass elif button == 2: pass elif button == 3: pass elif button == 4: pass elif button == 5: pass #------------------------------------- def taskButtonEvent(pp, button, task): #------------------------------------- """ Button event handler for the panel's tasks """ if button == 1: pp.taskFocus(task) elif button == 2: # Destroy the application task.obj.destroy() elif button == 3: # Ex. - XMMS doesn't shade, so we want to minimize it instead and # still use button 3 to shade other applications # task.tclass is the tasks class name (WM_CLASS) if "xmms" in task.tclass: pp.toggleMinimize(task) else: pp.toggleShade(task) elif button == 4: pp.taskRaise(task, focus=1) elif button == 5: pp.taskLower(task, focus=0)
If you want anymore info just ask
*edit*: nvm found it … ranch.html
Last edited by renrom (2009-05-14 18:58:14)
Joakin wrote:Openbox, conky, and bmpanel
Apps: xterm, thunar, songbird
Anything you want just ask
Would really appreciate having a look your conky and bmpanel configs. Cheers!
I changed again my desktop...
... right now it looks different than before, but i can tell you that bmpanel was with the theme transpy, only took out the desktop switcher because i dont use it, nothing else. About conky, i changed the font and the background, but its the same for everything else.
Here it is
#avoid flicker
double_buffer yes
#own window to run simultanious 2 or more conkys
own_window yes
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_type desktop
own_window_hints undecorate,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
draw_borders no
border_margin 0
draw_shades yes
gap_x 0
gap_y 0
alignment top_left
update_interval 2
default_color 8f8f8f
default_shade_color 000000
own_window_colour 444444
use_xft yes
#xftfont Serif:pixelsize=10
xftfont AvantGarde LT Medium:pixelsize=10
#to prevent window from moving
use_spacer false
minimum_size 1280 22
override_utf8_locale yes
#mpd_host localhost
#mpd_port 6600
${voffset 3} Cpu: ${color e0e0e0}${font}${cpu}% ${tab 25}${color}Mem: ${color e0e0e0}${font}${mem} ${color}Bat: ${color e0e0e0}${font}${battery_percent}% ${color} Up: ${color e0e0e0}${font}${uptime_short}${color} ${color}Fan: ${color e0e0e0}${font}${execi 5 ~/scripts/fan_speed} ${color}Tmax: ${color e0e0e0}${font}${execi 5 ~/scripts/temp_max} ºC ${color}Tavg: ${color e0e0e0}${font}${execi 5 ~/scripts/temp_avg} ºC${tab 510}${color}Root: ${color e0e0e0}${font}${fs_free /} ${color} Home: ${color e0e0e0}${font}${fs_free /home} ${color} Email: ${color e0e0e0}${execi 300 python ~/.conky/}${color}
Last edited by Joakin (2009-05-16 18:57:32)
@na12, realy nice desktop. Can you post your .bashrc for your prompt in the urxvt ?
@na12, realy nice desktop. Can you post your .bashrc for your prompt in the urxvt ?
# Check for an interactive session
[ -z "$PS1" ] && return
alias pac='sudo pacman-color'
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
alias cd..='cd ..'
alias grep='grep --color=auto'
export GREP_COLOR="1;33"
eval `dircolors -b`
PS1='\[\033[0;32m\]┌─[ \[\033[0m\033[0;32m\]\u\[\033[0m\] @ \[\033[0;36m\]\h\[\033[0m\033[0;32m\] ] - [ \[\033[0m\]\t \d\[\033[0;32m\] ] - [ \[\033[0m\]\w\[\033[0;32m\] ]\n\[\033[0;32m\]└─[\[\033[0m\033[0;32m\]\$\[\033[0m\033[0;32m\]]>\[\033[0m\] '
cd() {
if [ -n "$1" ]; then
builtin cd "$@" && ls
builtin cd ~ && ls
if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then
. /etc/bash_completion
Last edited by na12 (2009-05-18 21:58:56)
^what font is that?
^what font is that?
snap, and console font is terminus
Offline … directlink … directlink
Last edited by markp1989 (2009-05-20 10:32:45)
Desktop: E8400@4ghz - DFI Lanparty JR P45-T2RS - 4gb ddr2 800 - 30gb OCZ Vertex - Geforce 8800 GTS - 2*19" LCD
Server/Media Zotac GeForce 9300-ITX I-E - E5200 - 4gb Ram - 2* ecogreen F2 1.5tb - 1* wd green 500gb - PicoPSU 150xt - rtorrent - xbmc - ipazzport remote - 42" LCD
Offline … 8f92_o.jpg
My own theme, I call it "Pinotage".
Wallpaper =>
OB/GTK/Conky/Pypanel/Configs => … ent=105629
Running programs:
- LXDE Settings Daemon
- Conky
- Pypanel
- Xterms
- Wicd
- Pidgin
- Xscreensaver
- Wallpaper with ImageMagick
Last edited by impulsief (2009-05-27 16:14:50)
@impulsief thats not bad
Mr Green I like Landuke!
@impulsief thats not bad
Last edited by impulsief (2009-05-27 16:11:57)
[shameless self promotion]
I've created a GUI theme editor for Openbox. Some users in this thread will probably find it useful:
[/shameless self promotion]
My Arch Linux Stuff • Forum Etiquette • Community Ethos - Arch is not for everyone
@Xyne: Sound's interesting, I try it
wbar with all my most common apps, and a nice subtle green tone
I spent an hour and a half tinkering with my terminator_config to get the colors just how I wanted it, so by all means, use it! (Terminator is awesome because it does split screens, IMO)
font = Mono 12
# Run the system-wide support stuff
# Programs to launch at startup
# =============================
# Start session manager
lxsession &
# Enable power management
gnome-power-manager &
# Set keyboard map if different than UK
# Uncomment one to enable, or define your own.
# setxkbmap us & # United States
# setxkbmap ca & # Canada
# setxkbmap fr & # Francais
# setxkbmap br & # Brazil
# setxkbmap de & # Germany
# setxkbmap cz & # Czech Republic
# setxkbmap it & # Italy
# setxkbmap pl & # Poland
# setxkbmap nl & # Netherlands
# etc.
# Force to use GTK theme
# enable this if you install openoffice
export OOO_FORCE_DESKTOP=gnome
# Set-up automounting
pcmanfm --daemon-mode &
# Set desktop wallpaper
nitrogen --restore &
# Enable Eyecandy - off by default
# see "/usr/bin/crunchbang/xcompmgr-crunchbang" for more info
#xcompmgr-crunchbang --startstop &
# Start screensaver deamon
gnome-screensaver &
# Launch panel
(sleep 2s && pypanel) &
# Launch network manager applet
(sleep 1s && nm-applet) &
# Launch clipboard manager
(sleep 1s && parcellite) &
# Uncomment to enable system updates at boot
#(sleep 180s && system-update) &
# Check for restricted hardware
(sleep 5s && jockey-gtk --check) &
# Launch Conky
#conky -q &
(sleep 2s && conky -c ~/.conkyrc-clock) &
(sleep 2s && conky -c ~/.conkyrc-top-right) &
# Launch Tilda
(sleep 5s; tilda) &
# Lauch Desktop Terminator
# Launch Wbar
(sleep 4s; wbar -pos top) &
# Login Sounds
(aplay /mnt/terabyte/@Audio/x_sounds/gettingpendat.wav) &
(sleep 10s; aplay /mnt/terabyte/@Audio/x_sounds/aim\ sounds/LTTP_World_Warp.wav) &
#terminator_desktop --profile Desktop -b --geometry 750x576+0+24
### Screen Starts
(sleep 5s; screen -S weechat -d -m weechat-curses)&
default_color 66ff66
default_shade_color black
default_outline_color black
# set to yes if you want Conky to be forked in the background
background no
# X font when Xft is disabled, you can pick one with program xfontsel
#font 5x7
#font 6x10
#font 7x13
#font 8x13
#font 9x15
#font **
#font -*-*-*-*-*-*-34-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
# Use Xft?
use_xft yes
xftfont AvantGarde LT Medium:size=36
xftalpha 1.0
# out_to_console no
# out_to_console no
mail_spool $MAIL
update_interval 3.0
total_run_times 0
own_window yes
own_window_type desktop
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_colour 111111
#own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
double_buffer yes
minimum_size 0 0
draw_shades no
draw_outline no
draw_borders no
draw_graph_borders yes
stippled_borders 0
border_margin 0
border_width 0
alignment top_left
#alignment top_right
#alignment bottom_left
#alignment bottom_right
#alignment none
# Gap between borders of screen and text
# same thing as passing -x at command line
gap_x 20
gap_y 20
uppercase no
override_utf8_locale no
use_spacer no
${time %l:%M%P} ${font AvantGarde:size=18}${exec date +"%a, %b %d"}
${font AvantGarde:size=8}PROCESS $alignc PID CPU% MEM%
${top name 1} $alignc${top pid 1} ${top cpu 1} ${top mem 1}
${top name 2} $alignc${top pid 2} ${top cpu 2} ${top mem 2}
${top name 3} $alignc${top pid 3} ${top cpu 3} ${top mem 3}
${top name 4} $alignc${top pid 4} ${top cpu 4} ${top mem 4}
${top name 5} $alignc${top pid 5} ${top cpu 5} ${top mem 5}
${top name 6} $alignc${top pid 6} ${top cpu 6} ${top mem 6}
${top name 7} $alignc${top pid 7} ${top cpu 7} ${top mem 7}
default_color 66ff66
default_shade_color black
default_outline_color black
# set to yes if you want Conky to be forked in the background
background no
# X font when Xft is disabled, you can pick one with program xfontsel
#font 5x7
#font 6x10
#font 7x13
#font 8x13
#font 9x15
#font **
#font -*-*-*-*-*-*-34-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
# Use Xft?
use_xft yes
xftfont AvantGarde LT Medium:size=15
xftalpha 1.0
# out_to_console no
# out_to_console no
mail_spool $MAIL
update_interval 3.0
total_run_times 0
own_window yes
own_window_type desktop
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_colour 111111
#own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
double_buffer yes
minimum_size 0 0
draw_shades no
draw_outline no
draw_borders no
draw_graph_borders yes
stippled_borders 0
border_margin 0
border_width 0
#alignment top_left
alignment top_right
#alignment bottom_left
#alignment bottom_right
#alignment none
# Gap between borders of screen and text
# same thing as passing -x at command line
gap_x 20
gap_y 20
uppercase no
override_utf8_locale no
use_spacer no
|$alignr CPU-1: $alignr${cpu cpu1}% | CPU-2: $alignr${cpu cpu2}% | (${addr eth0}) |
${cpugraph 000000 ffffff}
${memgraph 000000 ffffff}
${downspeedgraph eth0 000000 ff0000}
${upspeedgraph eth0 000000 00ff00}
And Voila, there you have it!
Last edited by lollipopsichord (2009-05-27 14:06:00)
Transmorphisized Bubblegum.