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Arch + LXDE + XFCE and Compiz - Edit: NSFW - Allan
Last edited by Allan (2009-05-15 07:55:40)
if it makes you feel any better, i have never posted a screenshot of arch
Thanks for the support Lord Vader
it worked absolutely fine on my Lenovo 3000N200, and I am aware it installed fine on many thinkpads. But yeah, you should investigate on the hardware support first.
Anyway a new screenshot this time.
Lunar Linux+Fluxbox
wallpaper pls.
btw where do u get those walls ? so nice!
Trying wmii out...
How did you get the blue background in your wmiibar like that?
Registered Linux user: #424635
Oh noes, a nipple!
I posted my Xdefaults colors in the April thread i think. I posted it in my devart page just now. So let me do the same here again.
*background: #262626
*foreground: light grey
*color0: #222222
*color8: #554444
*color1: #EA6868
*color9: #FF7272
*color2: #ABCB8D
*color10: #AFD78A
*color3: #E8AE5B
*color11: #FFA75D
*color4: #71C5F4
*color12: #67CDE9
*color5: #E2BAF1
*color13: #ECAEE9
*color6: #21F1EA
*color14: #36FFFC
*color7: #F1F1F1
*color15: #FFFFFF
The shell is zsh by the way. I will have to clean my current .zshrc, since it's messy right now. Will post it over the weekend.
Its trade secret! Just kidding. Mostly from devart, where else. Here you go.
"You know what I found? Right in the kernel, in the heart of the operating system, I found a developer's comment that said, `Does this belong here?`" -- Simon Lok about Linux kernel in 2005
Reflections on the Strange and the not so Strange
Offline … 0scrot.png
My Samsung NC10 netbook with Awesome.
We must kill it with fire.
lolilolicon wrote:Trying wmii out... did you get the blue background in your wmiibar like that?
What my wmii setup currently looks like. … obar10.png
WMII_MPDCOLORS='#ffffff #285577 #4c7899'
# create mpd status bar with preferred colors
# note the bars are placed in alphabeta order, to put it right to 'status' bar, i name it with prefix 'z'
echo $WMII_MPDCOLORS | wmiir create /rbar/z_mpd
mpdbar() {
while :
echo -n $(mpc | sed '1!d') $(mpc | sed '2!d;s/\[\(.*\)\].*/\[\1\]/') | wmiir write /rbar/z_mpd
sleep 5
And then add "mpdbar &" somewhere after in wmiirc, say after "Action status"
This silver ladybug at line 28...
within musca, you can use padding + conky to do that i suppose. just don't like the cursor up there, as shown in your post. Can you think of a way to get rid of it?
I'd recommend to you wmii ! where you can implant such a bar into the titlebar of any window. just with something like ' echo -n $(stuff) | wmiir /client/sel/label ' , add a loop, maybe plus some ifs if you'd like to set it not just to the selected window.
This silver ladybug at line 28...
WMII_MPDCOLORS='#ffffff #285577 #4c7899' # create mpd status bar with preferred colors # note the bars are placed in alphabeta order, to put it right to 'status' bar, i name it with prefix 'z' echo $WMII_MPDCOLORS | wmiir create /rbar/z_mpd mpdbar() { while : do echo -n $(mpc | sed '1!d') $(mpc | sed '2!d;s/\[\(.*\)\].*/\[\1\]/') | wmiir write /rbar/z_mpd sleep 5 done }
And then add "mpdbar &" somewhere after in wmiirc, say after "Action status"
Thanks so much!
Last edited by dangerousHobo (2009-05-14 21:36:26)
Registered Linux user: #424635
within musca, you can use padding + conky to do that i suppose. just don't like the cursor up there, as shown in your post. Can you think of a way to get rid of it?
Yeah, still working on a way of hiding the cursor. Although I kinda like it
lolilolicon wrote:within musca, you can use padding + conky to do that i suppose. just don't like the cursor up there, as shown in your post. Can you think of a way to get rid of it?
Yeah, still working on a way of hiding the cursor. Although I kinda like it
xterm -cr \your background color will do it, is it not?
"You know what I found? Right in the kernel, in the heart of the operating system, I found a developer's comment that said, `Does this belong here?`" -- Simon Lok about Linux kernel in 2005
Reflections on the Strange and the not so Strange
Well, I tried `xterm -cr black`, but that doesn't seem to work.
I've been messing around at firefox addons site and found this addon called InvertColorskinda interesting
Last edited by lolilolicon (2009-05-14 22:44:49)
This silver ladybug at line 28...
Well, I tried `xterm -cr black`, but that doesn't seem to work.
i think it is not possible to use Black. the closest you could get is Gray1.
xterm -cr Gray1
There is not much difference with Black though, I sure cannot see the cursor. Gray1 will do the trick.
"You know what I found? Right in the kernel, in the heart of the operating system, I found a developer's comment that said, `Does this belong here?`" -- Simon Lok about Linux kernel in 2005
Reflections on the Strange and the not so Strange
"Gray1" works. Thanks!
Yet another similar to invertColors, which i consider better
Blank Your Monitor + Easy Reading
1.toggle turn on/off with a click at status bar icon
2.define colors of text/bg/link/read_link to your likings a block of text, right click, select, to get it in easy read mode, (actually creates a temp html file in /tmp)
But, quite buggy when it comes to codes or some particular patterns, when trying to do 'easy reading' it can go really hard crappy, with basic texts fine , though
Well...I think w3m should be great, all those features are just piece of cake when in urxvt + w3m.. If only i know how to use w3m comfortbly
Last edited by lolilolicon (2009-05-15 00:17:26)
This silver ladybug at line 28...
Your wallpaper, I must have it.
openbox, xfce-panel, urxvt, conky etc ...
one thing I am interested is that those of you who have enabled true transparency for your terminal, are you using xcompmgr?
I installed xcompmgr and found scrolling through my desktops had a new 1 second delay introduced ...
(with just transparency on urxvt)
any tips? / or is hal not setting up my ati drivers with xorg correctly ...
1440X900? Why, that happens to be my resolution!
This is a sign from the internet gods.
A white pixel uses energy like a black dot on a piece of paper uses the ink of you pen.
This would sort-of make sense on a CRT but not on an LCD...
-- jwc | blog
dotman - manage your dotfiles across multiple environments
icsy - an alarm for powernappers
Offline … 0scrot.png
My Samsung NC10 netbook with Awesome.
What is Awesome?? The WM or the wallpaper?
archlinux on Macbook Pro 10,1