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I currently have all my code in a single Git repo, with folders by language. So I have a Cpp folder, a Java folder, a Python folder, etc. With projects inside them. However, I have my doubts as to whether this is the best way to go. I only have about 3 to 4 large scale projects, with a lot of experimental stuff (textbook exercises, small test projects). I'm looking for a better way to organize this and I'm not sure what's the best way to go. I'm thinking of the following:
Each large project has it's own separate Git repo
A 'schoolwork' or 'exercises' repo to keep stuff from labs and text exercises
A 'scratch' repo (organized by language maybe?) for other random stuff
But before i start tearing my repos apart, I'd be interested to know how you guys organize your code and if you have any suggestions.
The Bytebaker -- Computer science is not a science and it's not about computers
Check out my open source software at Github
I wouldn't trust git too backups are always "safer". I have one github account but I really wouldn't keep anything JUST there. Just keep working with your local folder setup and backup occasionally (I backup stuff once a week since I had a harddrive fail a few months ago...). I also save my code daily to an usb thumbdrive just in case my hdd doesn't make it through the week .
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Anything what has its own meaning goes into a own git repository. If projects are somewhat connected, use submodules.
~/src/3rdparty -- where I pull src for 3rd party stuff
~/src/classes -- now defunct set of individual git repos from when I was in school
~/src/projects/ -- individual git repos for each significant project I'm working on (using submodules when there are inter-dependencies)
~/src/scratch -- un-versioned directory for toy/sample code I'm working on
~/src/scripts -- single git repo w/ a collection of useful scripts I can clone to different machines for maintenance, etc.
~/src/work -- Single git repo any code I'm working on locally for my job
Code Happy, Code Ruby!
~/scratch - stupid scripts I've written to accomplish quick tasks--I save the ones that might be useful in the future
~/projects - all of my projects, e.g. lasers and other electronics, coding, etc.
~/projects/websites - entire webapps that I'm building
~/projects/code - all of my other projects, in folders by programming language, with another folder for 3rd party apps that I've modified (KVIrc, Bespin, etc.)
~/system - stuff related to my system (./arch for aur/abs packages, ./config for config file backups, etc.)
~/system/scripts - scripts for managing my system (toggling suspend on laptop lid close, switching between single monitor and dual monitors, etc).
-- jwc | blog
dotman - manage your dotfiles across multiple environments
icsy - an alarm for powernappers
Mine isn't the best setup since I didn't really put any thought into it, but basically it is:
~/build/ - 3rd party sources and occasional PKGBUILD
~/coding/ - All my code, somewhat organised by language, but not always. Some folders under here are under git.
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