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@ patrick793, I don't like gnome really, but I love what you have done with it, its so clean, yet professional too.
Wra!th wrote:lolilolicon wrote:Hot!
I mean the temperature...
Your battery tooWra!th, You're really a dangerous guy. Seriously
Laptop's been plugged in for 2 days now and I was just finishing a serious compile hence the heat...
The battery sensor is borked for a year now.....percent is not shown correctly
I need a new laptopUh-oh, 67 degrees is high? I get to that point just running firefox. If I do anything cpu intensive it can easily get over 78-80 degrees. Damn HP.
My old HP Laptop (Celeron M) had a very weak fan and would run hot.... sometimes the fan would just stop and I would have to tap it or blow air into it to get the fan working again. When I would use that laptop in the summertime it would heat up so fast that the thing would just shutdown for an hour and wouldn't be able to work until it cooled off (then it would heat up again). If I ran any cpu intensive program it would heat up very quickly.
I fixed all of that by getting a 17" inch aluminum laptop cooler with 2 fans that blow air up into the bottom of the computer (usb powered) for about 35$ dollars. (the fans could be changed to either pull the hot air from the bottom of the laptop or to blow cool air onto the bottom of the laptop.)
This fixed that problem even on the hottest days in the city..... The laptop cooler still works close to 2 years latter.
Joe_Arch wrote:Wra!th wrote:Laptop's been plugged in for 2 days now and I was just finishing a serious compile hence the heat...
The battery sensor is borked for a year now.....percent is not shown correctly
I need a new laptopUh-oh, 67 degrees is high? I get to that point just running firefox. If I do anything cpu intensive it can easily get over 78-80 degrees. Damn HP.
My old HP Laptop (Celeron M) had a very weak fan and would run hot.... sometimes the fan would just stop and I would have to tap it or blow air into it to get the fan working again. When I would use that laptop in the summertime it would heat up so fast that the thing would just shutdown for an hour and wouldn't be able to work until it cooled off (then it would heat up again). If I ran any cpu intensive program it would heat up very quickly.
I fixed all of that by getting a 17" inch aluminum laptop cooler with 2 fans that blow air up into the bottom of the computer (usb powered) for about 35$ dollars. (the fans could be changed to either pull the hot air from the bottom of the laptop or to blow cool air onto the bottom of the laptop.)
This fixed that problem even on the hottest days in the city..... The laptop cooler still works close to 2 years latter.
I'm thinking about getting a cooler for my HP, because smartctl and lm_sensors report the internal temperature at 6,457,834 degrees. I assume that running 170x hotter than the surface of the sun is bad.
I'd like to have that terminal color scheme, if you don't mind.
No, I don't mind. It is a work in progress and I am still trying to figure out some of the colors.
" … _scrot.jpg
Pozdrav na12 od Punkyja....
Pozz Punky
May i have your pypanel configs?
It is really brilliant and i personally have never made it look as nice as yours..Awesome work anyway wink
# PyPanel v2.4 Configuration
# This configuration file is a Python script that will be executed when
# PyPanel is started. In order for PyPanel to start properly, make sure that
# this file contains proper Python formatting and no syntax errors.
VERSION = 2.4 # Config file version
# Colors: Format is hex triplet - 0xrrggbb
BG_COLOR = "0x151515" # Panel background and tinting color
TASK_COLOR = "0x888888" # Normal task name color
FOCUSED_COLOR = "0x627B25" # Focused task name color
SHADED_COLOR = "0x888888" # Shaded task name color
MINIMIZED_COLOR = "0x808080" # Minimized task name color
DESKTOP_COLOR = "0x888888" # Desktop name color
CLOCK_COLOR = "0x888888" # Clock text color
LINE_COLOR = "0x222222" # Vertical line color
# Text Shadow Colors
TASK_SHADOW_COLOR = "0xffffff"
# Panel Spacing and Location Options: Measured in pixels
P_LOCATION = 1 # Panel placement: 0 = top, 1 = bottom
P_WIDTH = 0 # Panel width: 0 = Use full screen width
P_START = 0 # Starting X coordinate of the panel
P_SPACER = 6 # Spacing between panel objects
P_HEIGHT = 20 # Panel height
# Icon Size Options: Measured in pixels
I_HEIGHT = 16 # Panel application icon height
I_WIDTH = 16 # Panel application icon Width
APPL_I_HEIGHT = 20 # Application launcher icon height
APPL_I_WIDTH = 20 # Application launcher icon width
TRAY_I_HEIGHT = 20 # System tray icon height (usually 16 or 24)
TRAY_I_WIDTH = 20 # System tray icon width (usually 16 or 24)
# If TRAY_I_WIDTH is set to 0, then the
# width specified by the tray app will be used
# Panel Clock Format: 'man strftime' for detailed formatting options and help
CLOCK_FORMAT = "%d/%m/%Y :: %H:%M" # Ex: 2004-09-25 17:45
# Clock Delay: Seconds between each clock update during periods of inactivity
# Hidden Application List: Apps listed here will not be display on the panel
# The application name is its WM_CLASS name, use 'xprop' to find WM_CLASS
# Ex: ["xmms", "xine", "gDesklets"]
# Hidden Panel Size: Size of the panel when it's hidden/minimized
# Panel Text Font: This option takes either a traditional or Xft font string
# Ex: "-schumacher-clean-medium-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
# "aquafont-8"
FONT = "bitstream vera sans-8"
# Show All Applications: Show apps from all desktops or just the current
# 0: Disabled - Only applications on the current desktop will be displayed
# 1: Enabled - Selected apps are moved to the current desktop
# 2: Enabled - Current desktop is changed to the selected apps desktop
SHOWALL = 0 # 0, 1 or 2 - see descriptions above
# Show Minimized/Iconified Applications: Show only minimized apps or all apps
# 0: Disabled - Show all applications on the panel
# 1: Enabled - Show only minimized apps on the panel
# Application Icon List: List of custom icons for specific applications
# The application name is its WM_CLASS name, use 'xprop' to find WM_CLASS
# The "default" entry is used for applications with no icon. If left "",
# PyPanel will use the default icon distributed with the source.
# Add entries using the following format -
# "<application name>" : "<full path to icon>",
"default" : "",
"example" : "/usr/share/imlib2/data/images/audio.png",
# Application Launch List: Ordered list of icons and applications for the
# application launcher.
# Add entries using the following format -
# ("<executable>", "<full path to icon>")
("gimp-2.2", "/usr/share/imlib2/data/images/paper.png"),
# Background Alpha/Shade Level: 0 (Fully Translucent) -> 255 (Fully Opaque)
# BG_COLOR is used for tinting
SHADE = 255
# Misc. Options: 1 = Enabled/Yes, 0 = Disabled/No
ABOVE = 1 # Panel is always above other apps
APPICONS = 0 # Show application icons
AUTOHIDE = 0 # Autohide uses the CLOCK_DELAY timer above
SHADOWS = 0 # Show text shadows
SHOWLINES = 1 # Show object seperation lines
SHOWBORDER = 0 # Show a border around the panel
# Desktop Names: Configure the names of your desktops
# If the option is [], PyPanel will attempt to use the desktop name specified
# by the XServer, if that fails it will use the desktop number as its name
# Ex. ["One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight"]
# Panel Layout: -----------------------------------
# [ 1 ][ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ][ 5 ]
# -----------------------------------
# The panel layout is split into 5 sections numbered 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 as shown
# in the diagram above. Each of the following objects can be enabled by
# assigning it a section number or disabled by assigning it 0:
DESKTOP = 1 # Desktop name section
TASKS = 2 # Task names section
TRAY = 3 # System tray section
CLOCK = 4 # Clock section
LAUNCHER = 0 # Application launcher section
# Button Event Function Definitions
# Left click - button 1
# Middle click - button 2
# Right click - button 3
# Wheel up - button 4
# Wheel down - button 5
# changeDesktop(x)
# - Change Desktop: Increase or decrease the current desktop by 'x' amount
# toggleShade(task)
# - Shade or Unshade an application
# toggleHidden()
# - Minimize the panel to the top or bottom depending on its start location
# toggleMinimize(task, traise=1)
# - Minimize or Unminimize an application and optionally raise it
# taskRaise(task, focus=1)
# - Raise an application to the top of the window list and optionally focus it
# taskLower(task, focus=0)
# - Lower an app to the bottom of the window list and optionally focus it
# taskFocus(task)
# - Give focus to the selected application, if it has focus then minimize it
# showDesktop()
# - Toggle between hiding and unhiding ALL applications
def desktopButtonEvent(pp, button):
""" Button event handler for the panel's desktop object """
if button == 1:
elif button == 2:
elif button == 3:
elif button == 4:
elif button == 5:
def clockButtonEvent(pp, button):
""" Button event handler for the panel's clock object """
if button == 1:
os.system("xclock &")
elif button == 2:
elif button == 3:
elif button == 4:
elif button == 5:
def panelButtonEvent(pp, button):
""" Button event handler for the panel with no active tasks """
if button == 1:
elif button == 2:
elif button == 3:
elif button == 4:
elif button == 5:
def taskButtonEvent(pp, button, task):
""" Button event handler for the panel's tasks """
if button == 1:
elif button == 2:
# Destroy the application
elif button == 3:
# Ex. - XMMS doesn't shade, so we want to minimize it instead and
# still use button 3 to shade other applications
# task.tclass is the tasks class name (WM_CLASS)
if "xmms" in task.tclass:
elif button == 4:
pp.taskRaise(task, focus=1)
elif button == 5:
pp.taskLower(task, focus=0)
methuselah wrote:Joe_Arch wrote:Uh-oh, 67 degrees is high? I get to that point just running firefox. If I do anything cpu intensive it can easily get over 78-80 degrees. Damn HP.
My old HP Laptop (Celeron M) had a very weak fan and would run hot.... sometimes the fan would just stop and I would have to tap it or blow air into it to get the fan working again. When I would use that laptop in the summertime it would heat up so fast that the thing would just shutdown for an hour and wouldn't be able to work until it cooled off (then it would heat up again). If I ran any cpu intensive program it would heat up very quickly.
I fixed all of that by getting a 17" inch aluminum laptop cooler with 2 fans that blow air up into the bottom of the computer (usb powered) for about 35$ dollars. (the fans could be changed to either pull the hot air from the bottom of the laptop or to blow cool air onto the bottom of the laptop.)
This fixed that problem even on the hottest days in the city..... The laptop cooler still works close to 2 years latter.
I'm thinking about getting a cooler for my HP, because smartctl and lm_sensors report the internal temperature at 6,457,834 degrees. I assume that running 170x hotter than the surface of the sun is bad.
I get temp problems on my desktop, it proceeds to turn off when its been at 80 degrees for a while xD
Might give it a good clean...
Last edited by kourosh (2009-05-17 20:07:35)
Inconsolate? The font?
fuscia wrote:Inconsolate? The font?
in the terminal, it's monospace. for the bar at the top, it's arial.
Could you tell me how to have those colors in your screen status bar? (Or a way to change them...)
archlinux on Macbook Pro 10,1
Wow...that's a really nice looking setup. I have to try KDE4 asap!
Mountainjew wrote:Wow...that's a really nice looking setup. I have to try KDE4 asap!
Thanks man, you should it's awesome
dwm, dzen2, uzbl & dmenu-vertical:
is dzen overlapping the tag part of dwm's bar? or is there someway to show the tags with dzen?
Could you share wallpaper please?
Nice desktop once again!
Could you tell me what's your gtk theme and your gtk and pidgin icon set? Please !
Thanks in advance!
archlinux on Macbook Pro 10,1