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There is 'Show recent posts', but I'm interested in *topics*. Any ideas? Am I missing sth?
The way I do it is rather unDijkstraish, but I'm stupid and lazy and it works for me. I simply bookmark the newest topic f.e.
and next time I want to check the forums for some new topics, I enter the next urls manually
I subscribe to topics I find interesting and skip the rest.
When I get a page that says "Bad request. The link you followed is incorrect or outdated." I bookmark it and remove the previous one ( in the above example).
Lather, rinse, repeat.
Last edited by karol (2009-11-22 01:46:27)
er.. top right under "Logout" says "Show new posts since last visit"
EDIT: Ah, now I understand your question. The new topics will come up there, just it will be peppered with new posts in existing threads. Unless I'm wrong there is no way to isolate only topics with no posts other than the original.
EDIT2: Show unanswered posts does that...
Last edited by djnm (2009-05-23 13:19:25)
br0tat0chip in #archlinux and on freenode
er.. top right under "Logout" says "Show new posts since last visit"
Re-read the question....
EDIT2: Show unanswered posts does that...
Um, not quite. By "new" I mean "the ones I haven't seen yet", so 'Show unanswered posts' != 'Show new *topics*'.
I want to know what's going on on the forums, did sb posted sth interesting or maybe I can help sb. I've read all the topics (the 'titles') and subscribed to some of them.
Now I'd like to be notified about new *topics* only, because the old ones I have already sorted out: either I'm interested in the discussion and subscribed or I'm uninterested and would like to have a way to disregard them automagically.
The search function is of not much help here.