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hi all,
there is a new pkgman testing release (r50). get it from here: … r50.tar.gz
* testing release
* docs not complete
* leaving comments in AUR works again
* "--getownpackages" with more than 100 packages works again
* added new option "--cachecopy":
For each package in CacheCopyList (new variable in pkgman.conf) get existing package from pacman's cache directory -
if CopyPkgFromCache (new variable in pkgman.conf) is set to yes - and/or create a source tarball of PKGBUILD and related files from ABS -
if CopySrcFromABS (new variable in pkgman.conf) is set to yes - and copy them to package backup directory.
* added new variables to pkgman.conf:
> "CacheCopyList=/path/to/file" - batch backup file, one package per line
> "CopySrcFromABS=[yes|no]"
> "CopyPkgFromCache=[yes|no]"
CacheCopyList should look like
#this is a comment
! this too
defaault location for CacheCopyList is "$HOME/.config/pkgman/package.list".
works stable here. give it a try.
Hi there,
Thanks for pkgman - however I can't get it to submit to the AUR.
I'm trying this:
% pkgman -es latex-suite-svn 100% @ 12:38
==> NOTE: You can always leave by pressing Ctrl-c.
==> Choose a file you want to edit:
2 latex-suite.install
==> To copy a custom file press [a], to create
a new one press [c] or press [q] to quit.
==> ----------------------------------------------
==> q
==> [g]enerate integrity checksums?
==> ----------------------------------------------
==> Backing up files:
==> Do you also want to backup the source file?
==> [y]es or [else] to pass.
==> ----------------------------------------------
==> n
==> Determining latest svn revision...
-> Version found: 1050
==> Making package: latex-suite-svn 1050-1 any (Tue May 12 12:38:36 BST 2009)
==> Creating source package...
-> Adding PKGBUILD...
-> Adding install script...
-> Compressing source package...
==> Source package created: latex-suite-svn (Tue May 12 12:38:36 BST 2009)
==> Do you want to tag the backed up src.tar.gz file?
==> Enter tag or hit [Return] to pass.
==> ----------------------------------------------
==> editors
==> Moving backed up sources to /home/pete/arch/builds/latex-suite-svn/.backup
mv: cannot stat `/home/pete/arch/builds/latex-suite-svn-1050-2.src.tar.gz': No such file or directory
==> Done!
==> ERROR: There are no tarballs available!
pkgman IS creating the .src.tar.gz file but then it deletes it again (or moves it somewhere, I'm not sure).
I also have PKGDEST and SRCDEST unset in /etc/makepkg.conf
My pkgman.conf has these options (I stripped out what probably isn't needed):
Can you help? Thanks.
"Cared thou not, thou would have abstained." - Xyne
there is a problem with svn/git/cvs packages.
makepkg changes the "pkgver" variable to the actual svn release number (not the one formerly in the PKGBUILD).
i think i have to "re-source" the PKGBUILD after building the src.tar.gz (now the PKGBUILD is sourced only at the beginning).
i will change this in the next release. i guess it'll come this week or weekend.
Last edited by DonVla (2009-05-12 20:49:27)
Excellent - thanks for the quick reply!
"Cared thou not, thou would have abstained." - Xyne
hello petelewis,
i think this is a makepkg bug.
i noticed that your "pkgrel" is 2, but "makepkg --source" creates "latex-suite-svn-1050-1.src.tar.gz". note that "pkgrel" is still 1.
i've tried this with other svn/git and still the same issue.
ps: there is already a bug report (
Last edited by DonVla (2009-05-12 16:55:02)
Ah ha, yes that's it. I can confirm that makepkg --source is producing a package with pkgrel set to 1, even though it's 2 in the PKGBUILD.
"Cared thou not, thou would have abstained." - Xyne
Right, following on from your comments, I downloaded makepkg-git from here: It installs alongside your current makepkg as /usr/bin/makepkg-git, so won't break anything.
I then changed the makepkg command in /usr/bin/pkgman to:
and tried again. This time it worked:
pkgman -es latex-suite-svn
==> NOTE: You can always leave by pressing Ctrl-c.
==> Choose a file you want to edit:
2 latex-suite.install
==> To copy a custom file press [a], to create
a new one press [c] or press [q] to quit.
==> ----------------------------------------------
==> q
==> [g]enerate integrity checksums?
==> ----------------------------------------------
==> Backing up files:
==> Do you also want to backup the source file?
==> [y]es or [else] to pass.
==> ----------------------------------------------
==> n
==> Determining latest svn revision...
-> Version found: 1050
==> Making package: latex-suite-svn 1050-2 any (Wed May 13 14:11:16 BST 2009)
==> Creating source package...
-> Adding PKGBUILD...
-> Adding install script...
-> Compressing source package...
==> Source package created: latex-suite-svn (Wed May 13 14:11:17 BST 2009)
==> Do you want to tag the backed up src.tar.gz file?
==> Enter tag or hit [Return] to pass.
==> ----------------------------------------------
==> editors
==> Moving backed up sources to /home/pete/arch/builds/latex-suite-svn/.backup
==> Done!
==> Current category is editors.
To change the category press [c] or [else] to pass.
==> ----------------------------------------------
==> Logging in to AUR . . .
==> The selected packages have been unflagged.
==> Your votes have been cast for the selected packages.
==> Package was successfully submitted!
==> Adding comment . . .
==> NOTE: Do NOT rename following file after editing!
==> Trying to post comment . . .
==> Comment succesfully posted.
So thanks for the suggestion.
I'm not sure if the other bug will still apply (around pkgvers changing to reflect the SVN revision), there was no revision change in the above example.
Thanks again!
"Cared thou not, thou would have abstained." - Xyne
new fresh version:
r52: * added new option "--cachecopy":
For each package in CacheCopyList (new variable in pkgman.conf) get existing package from pacman's cache directory - if
CopyPkgFromCache (new variable in pkgman.conf) is set to yes - and/or create a source tarball of PKGBUILD and related files from ABS -
if CopySrcFromABS (new variable in pkgman.conf) is set to yes - and copy them to package backup directory.
* added new variables to pkgman.conf:
> "CacheCopyList=file" - batch backup file, one package per line
> "CopySrcFromABS=[yes|no]"
> "CopyPkgFromCache=[yes|no]"
* "--getownpackages" with more than 100 packages works again
* some bugfixes
* docs completed
I'm not sure if the other bug will still apply (around pkgvers changing to reflect the SVN revision), there was no revision change in the above example.
i changed that in r42. i forgot about that. the git/svn/cvs "pkgver" is set correctly.
ps: i think the package splitting with makepkg-git should also work properly (eg when generating checksums) though i haven't tried it yet.
Last edited by DonVla (2009-05-13 15:35:45)
pkgman git repository is now available!
i didn't know that sourceforge has git scm. that's pretty useful.
here it is:
to check out the git code, use following commands:
$ git clone --no-checkout git://
$ cd pkgman
$ git checkout origin/archived
$ git checkout -b <your_own_branchname>
Last edited by DonVla (2009-05-14 16:33:06)
Thanks for pkgman!
There is a problem that the "[v]iew contents" can't work.
==> Package python25-egenix-mx-base-3.1.2-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz . . .
==> [c]heck with namcap - [v]iew contents - show [i]nfo
==> [d]isplay possible file conflicts with installed packages
==> or go [b]ack to package menu :
==> ----------------------------------------------
==> v==> Listing files of python25-egenix-mx-base
==> Package python25-egenix-mx-base-3.1.2-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz . . .
==> [c]heck with namcap - [v]iew contents - show [i]nfo
==> [d]isplay possible file conflicts with installed packages
==> or go [b]ack to package menu :
==> ----------------------------------------------
==> v==> Listing files of python25-egenix-mx-base
==> Package python25-egenix-mx-base-3.1.2-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz . . .
==> [c]heck with namcap - [v]iew contents - show [i]nfo
==> [d]isplay possible file conflicts with installed packages
==> or go [b]ack to package menu :
==> ----------------------------------------------
I switched another terminal and found there is no python25-egenix-mx-base-3.1.2-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz file in the package directory.
Would you like give me a help?
btw: pkgman version is r52
Last edited by tocer (2009-05-21 02:20:48)
when checking a package, pkgman uses the $PAGER variable for listing files, which seems not to be set on your system.
just add "PAGER=less" to your ~/.bashrc and "source ~/.bashrc" and the list of files opens then in less.
here is a site which explains the usage of the PAGER variable: … shell.html
I switched another terminal and found there is no python25-egenix-mx-base-3.1.2-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz file in the package directory.
yes, the already built package is now in the package backup directory: "..../python25-egenix-mx-base/.backup/python25-egenix-mx-base-3.1.2-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz".
Last edited by DonVla (2009-05-21 10:55:28)
when checking a package, pkgman uses the $PAGER variable for listing files, which seems not to be set on your system.
just add "PAGER=less" to your ~/.bashrc and "source ~/.bashrc" and the list of files opens then in less.
thank your reply. it works well now.
yes, the already built package is now in the package backup directory: "..../python25-egenix-mx-base/.backup/python25-egenix-mx-base-3.1.2-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz".
I found it in .backup directory.
I like the tool. thank you again.
I like the tool. thank you again.
you're welcome. it's always nice seeing that people are actually using pkgman.
new release r54:
* renamed "--listversions" option to "--diffversions". makes more sense!
from the man page:
pkgman --diffversions
Show differing ABS/AUR versions of installed packages from LocalPackages.
I can't go back the package menu
==> Package mime-support-3.44-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz . . .
==> [c]heck with namcap - [v]iew contents - show [i]nfo
==> [d]isplay possible file conflicts with installed packages
==> or go [b]ack to package menu :
==> ----------------------------------------------
==> b==> Package mime-support-3.44-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz . . .
==> [c]heck with namcap - [v]iew contents - show [i]nfo
==> [d]isplay possible file conflicts with installed packages
==> or go [b]ack to package menu :
==> ----------------------------------------------
==> b==> Package mime-support-3.44-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz . . .
==> [c]heck with namcap - [v]iew contents - show [i]nfo
==> [d]isplay possible file conflicts with installed packages
==> or go [b]ack to package menu :
==> ----------------------------------------------
what's problem? I'm still using r52
==> [d]isplay possible file conflicts with installed packages
==> or go [b]ack to package menu :
==> ----------------------------------------------
==> b
==> Package mime-support-3.44-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz . . .
this is the "package menu" after building the pkg.tar.gz, because there is only one package (the built one...).
i know this is ambiguous: the "go [b]ack to package menu" stuff
is the same function from "pkgman <name> -c", eg:
$ pkgman pkgman -c
==> Please choose package to check:
==> ----------------------------------------------
==> 4
==> Package pkgman-r50-1-any.pkg.tar.gz . . .
==> [c]heck with namcap - [v]iew contents - show [i]nfo
==> [d]isplay possible file conflicts with installed packages
==> or go [b]ack to package menu :
==> ----------------------------------------------
==> b
==> Packages in /home/vlad/apps/arch/PKGBUILDs/pkgman/.backup:
1 pkgman-r42.4-1-any.pkg.tar.gz
2 pkgman-r44-1-any.pkg.tar.gz
3 pkgman-r46-1-any.pkg.tar.gz
4 pkgman-r50-1-any.pkg.tar.gz
5 pkgman-r51-1-any.pkg.tar.gz
6 pkgman-r52-1-any.pkg.tar.gz
7 pkgman-r53-1-any.pkg.tar.gz
8 pkgman-r54-1-any.pkg.tar.gz
==> Please choose package to check:
==> ----------------------------------------------
i don't know, if i'll change this.
Last edited by DonVla (2009-05-22 14:51:41)
this is the "package menu" after building the pkg.tar.gz, because there is only one package (the built one...).
i know this is ambiguous: the "go [b]ack to package menu" stuff
is the same function from "pkgman <name> -c", eg:
I know what's that means.
Would you like add the function that go back to edit the PKGBUILD file again, as I often met errors after checking package. I have to break the program and restart.
hi tocer,
i changed it the way you suggested in r55. first i thought it would be more work, but i had to add just 3 lines.
it makes more sense to switch back to the PKGBUILD editing menu.
Last edited by DonVla (2009-05-23 13:58:10)
i changed it the way you suggested in r55. first i thought it would be more work, but i had to add just 3 lines.
it makes more sense to switch back to the PKGBUILD editing menu.
thank your good work. it works wll after updating pkgman in version r55.
hi all.
there is a new testing release - r57 - with a new option "--rollback",
which uses (Arch Rollback Machine) to retrieve old packages
and copies it to the local-repo (if "--repoadd" is used).
more infos about ARM can be found here:
from the pkgman manpage:
pkgman <packagename> --rollback
Checks the Arch Rollback Machine site (
for available package versions of the given <packagename>,
lets you choose one, fetches the package and moves it to the <packagename> backup
Further option for "--rollback":
-r, --repoadd
Add package to LocalRepository after downloading.
get the source from here: … r57.tar.gz
new stable release - r59:
* new option "--rollback" (see r57):
it checks (Arch Rollback Machine) for available package versions,
downloads chosen file and moves it to local repository (if "-r|--repoadd" is used).
* posting files/comments/etc to AUR should work now again.
new release r65:
* new option "-M,--meta" to create metapackages and add them and their dependencies to local repository.
it searches for deps inside the backup directories, pacman's cache and if the packages are not available, it tries to fetch the missing dependencies from the Arch Rollback Machine site (
* from the manpage:
pkgman <packagename> --meta [options]
This flag invoked with "-n|--new" lets you edit a PKGBUILD template for creating a new metapackage; if used in combination with "-e|--edit" and "-v|--pkgbuildversion", it lets you edit the PKGBUILD and creates a metapackage of given version.Metapackage dependency handling (depends array):
The dependencies in the PKGBUILD's depends array must have following form: '${pkgname}[=${pkgver}[-${pkgrel}]]',
e.g. depends=('first-dependency' 'second-dependency=2.6.29' 'third-dependency=0.0.3-4'). Note that only the "=" (equal to) comparison is allowed.
If there is no ${pkgrel}, then the highest (latest) ${pkgrel} of given ${pkgver} is used.
If there is no ${pkgver}, then the highest (latest) ${pkgver}-${pkgrel} of given ${pkgname} is used.
pkgman first searches in the <packagename> backup directory and pacman's cache for the package.
If none is found, pkgman fetches it from the Arch Rollback Machine site ( and moves it to the <packagename> backup directory.Options to use with "-M|--meta":
-e, --edit
Edit a backed up PKGBUILD version (see also "-v|--pkgbuildversion" below).
-n, --new
Edit a PKGBUILD template and create a new metapackage.
-r, --repoadd
Toggle UseRepoadd to yes or no depending on its setting in pkgman.conf.
When UseRepoadd is set to yes, pkgman adds ALL dependencies listed in the PKGBUILD's depends array to LocalRepository, then the metapackage itself.
-R, --Reporemove
Remove ALL dependencies listed in the PKGBUILD's depends array from LocalRepository, then the metapackage itself.
Note that a PKGBUILD version must be specified (see also "-v|--pkgbuildversion" below).
-v <version>, --pkgbuildversion <version>
Specify a PKGBUILD version to edit or remove from LocalRepository.
new release r66:
* minor fixes.
==> Logging in to AUR . . .
==> The selected packages have been unflagged.
==> Your votes have been cast for the selected packages.
==> You have been added to the comment notification list for wordjoy.==> Package was successfully submitted!
==> Adding comment . . .==> ERROR: wordjoy not found neither in Community nor in AUR Unsupported.
==> NOTE: You cannot leave comments for packages from official repos!
I got the message when I submited the wordjoy package to AUR. It seems a error, but I found I have submit successfully.
I like pkgman more and more:D, thank you very much
btw, the pkgman is latest.
I got the message when I submited the wordjoy package to AUR. It seems a error, but I found I have submit successfully.
that's strange. i took a short look and everything seems to be fine.
i also checked the submission functions.
try "pkgman wordjoy -C" and tell if this works.
ps: i think that curl failed to establish the connection to AUR. that's why checking if your package exists failed and you got that error.
i have to check how curl handles reconnections if smth fails.
Last edited by DonVla (2009-07-21 14:51:43)