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I've seen that pacman -Sc only removes old packages from cache. It keeps in disk the ones that are uninstalled but up to date.
This script removes from cache the packages that are up to date and that are not installed.
It works for me, but remember, use it at your own risk!
open LLISTA, "ls /var/cache/pacman/pkg|";
while (<LLISTA>) {
while ($i<$#a-11){
foreach $pack (@packl) {
print $pack."n";
if (!(-e "/var/lib/pacman/local/$pack")) {
$rml="rm /var/cache/pacman/pkg/$pack.pkg.tar.gz";
print "33[1;33m- ".$rml."n33[0m";
pacman -Scc
not thanks...
Now I've lost all my cache! :twisted:
How will I get it again?
Please, Stanislav, try to explain things next time you post.
Not for me, I will not have this mistake again.
Explaining what your post consists in will help people know if you understand the question.
Why would have I wrote a script if I can just type "rm /var/cache/pacman/pkg/*"?
SYNC OPTIONS -c, --clean Remove old packages from the cache. When pacman downloads pack- ages, it saves them in /var/cache/pacman/pkg. If you need to free up diskspace, you can remove these packages by using the --clean option. Using one --clean (or -c) switch will only remove old packages. [b]Use it twice to remove all packages from the cache.[/b]
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.
I have been using this script which writes out a report
of files in the cache and removes duplicates if run as root.
To be on the safe side, comment out the "os.remove(lastorig)" line. It includes my very own "commify"
# removes/reports updated packages in the pacman cache
import glob, os, string, sys
from time import *
def commify(s):
decs = new = ''
if type(s) != 'str': s = str(s)
pos = string.rfind(s, '.')
if pos != -1: s, decs = s[:pos], s[pos:]
while len(s) > 3:
s, s1 = s[:-3], s[-3:]
new = ',' + s1 + new
return s + new + decs
files = []
log=open('cache-report', 'w')
log.write('Local pacman cache: %snn' % asctime())
files = glob.glob('*pkg.tar.gz')
log.write("%-26s %-9s %2s %13sn" % ('Package', 'Version', 'Release', 'Size'))
log.write('-' * 58 + 'n')
lastver = lastpkg = lastorig = ''
cnt = total = 0
print 'Duplicate Versions Report'
print '-------------------------'
for f in files:
cnt += 1
size = os.stat(f)[6]
total += size
fullpkg = f[:-11] # removes .pkg.tar.gz
flds = fullpkg.split('-')
rel = flds[-1]
ver = flds[-2]
pkgname = flds[0:-2]
if len(pkgname) > 1:
pkg = string.join(pkgname, '-')
pkg = pkgname[0]
# package, version, release
log.write("%-26s %-10s %3s %16sn" % (pkg, ver, rel, commify(size)))
# reconstructs the original pkg name
orig = pkg+'-'+ver+'-'+rel+'.pkg.tar.gz'
# report duplicates, remove if root
if lastpkg == pkg:
print lastorig
print orig
if os.getuid() == 0: # i.e. root
print ' removed', lastorig, 'n'
print ' suggest removing', lastorig, 'n'
lastorig = orig
lastpkg = pkg
lastver = ver
log.write('-' * 58 + 'n')
mb = commify("%0.1f" % (float(total) / (1024 * 1024)))
log.write("%18s %7s files, total = %16s (%s MB)n" %
(' ', commify(cnt), commify(total), mb))