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Well i'd really like to have a integrated into KDE. And well OenOffice 1.1.3-KDE is just out: 1.1.3 with KDE integration is now available for download. It also features a lot of other improvements over the stock OOo (including the GNOME integration bits; but do not be afraid, it does not link against Gtk+ in KDE, and vice versa), because it is built from the ooo-build codebase.
· The current stable version of with many ooo-build patches and improvements
· KDE Native Widget Framework
· KDE (Crystal) icons
· KDE file dialog (Open, Save As)
· KDE splash screen by Dariusz Arciszewski
· Gtk+ NWF and file dialog when executed in Gnome
Does anybody want to make a "openoffice-base-kde"-Pakage, if this is possible? So i could use openoffice-de-package to have it in German.
CU ActionNews
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change the openoffice-base package
that's all it should work
i tried it for me
but i couldn't get the splash and icons don't know why
btw i'm experimenting with openoffice2.0 right now
so don't expect too much for openoffice 1.1.3 in the repos
here is my PKGUILD:
pkgdesc="OpenOffice base files"
depends=('x-server' 'gcc')
source=('OOo_1.1.3-kde_LinuxIntel_install.tar.gz' 'dictionary.lst')
build() {
cd $startdir/src/OOo_1.1.3-kde_LinuxIntel_install
mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/opt/openoffice
mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/bin
# now start install
sed -i 's|^oo_home=.*$|oo_home=openoffice|g' install
./install --prefix=$startdir/pkg/opt
# make symlink to /usr/bin
cd $startdir/pkg/usr/bin
ln -s ../../opt/openoffice/program/soffice soffice
# this is a workaround for a bug with kprinter >= kde 3.2.3 if you use it as print wrapper
# if you experience problems remove the following 2 lines and gcc from depends
cd $startdir/pkg/opt/openoffice/program
mv; ln -s /usr/lib/
# and now to fix all the KDE/Gnome links...
cd $startdir/pkg/opt/openoffice/share/kde/net
sed -i 's|^Exec=.*openoffice/program/(.*)$|Exec="/opt/openoffice/program/1|g' *.desktop
cd $startdir/pkg/opt/openoffice/share/gnome/net
sed -i 's|^Exec=.*openoffice/program/(.*)$|Exec=/opt/openoffice/program/1|g' *.desktop
sed -i 's|^Icon=.*share/icons/(.*)$|Icon=/opt/openoffice/share/icons/1|g' *.desktop
#now install gnome desktop files
mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/share/applications
cp $startdir/pkg/opt/openoffice/share/gnome/net/ooo645* $startdir/pkg/usr/share/applications
# now get rid of localisation
cd $startdir/pkg/opt/openoffice/
rm -r help/en
rm program/instdb.ins
rm -r program/resource
rm -r share/{autocorr,autotext,registry/res,template,readme,wordbook}
rm -r user/{autotext,config}
# now move the installed spellchecker to a safe place
cd share/dict/ooo/
mkdir old
mv *.txt old/
mv *.aff old/
mv *.idx old/
mv *.dat old/
mv *.lst old/
mv *.dic old/
# now install new dictionary.lst which is prepared for the others spellcheck packages
install -m644 -D $startdir/src/dictionary.lst $startdir/pkg/opt/openoffice/share/dict/ooo/dictionary.lst
Thank you ... i'll try it .
CU ActionNews
[URL=]My System[/URL] - one click ahead!
Where do i get the right "dictionary.lst"?
EDIT: got it . Found it in my users home directory und er OpenOffice.org1.1.3/user/wordbook
CU ActionNews
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It works :
The Icons aren't very nice, but now OOorg uses the plastic style .
CU ActionNews
[URL=]My System[/URL] - one click ahead!
there are other icons inlcuded but i didn't figure out how to activate them
look at the screenshots you see what i mean
there should be crystal icons
perhaps you find out how to activate them
Hmmm strange ... under OpenOffice Options -> Paths there is a path "symbols" : /opt/openoffice/share/config/symbol ! And there are the crystal icons. Nevertheless they are not used .
CU ActionNews
[URL=]My System[/URL] - one click ahead!
Well does anybody else have a hint? I'd realy like to use the crystal Icons .
BTW: Could it be that this version starts much faster under KDE than the OO original? Seems to me .
CU ActionNews
[URL=]My System[/URL] - one click ahead!
OK .... i installed the OO-kde package the "manual" way. Unpacked the tgz that the packagebuild downloaded an ran ./setup. There i chose the same install dir as the package install and overwrote all the already exsisting files. Now i have the Crystal Icons, but OpenOffice in englisch .
So i must have something to do how the PKGBUILD installs OpenOffice 1.1.3-kde.
CU ActionNews
[URL=]My System[/URL] - one click ahead!
OK ... now i know what causes the loss of crystal icons!
It has something to do with the localisation. To get rid of englisch OO, i removed englisch localisation just like in your PKGBUILD. And then reinstalled openoffice-de package with pacman.
After restart of OpenOffice crystal icons were gone .
So how do i get a german OpenOffice with crystal icons ?
CU ActionNews
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Well .... doesn't seem to interrest anybody else ?
CU ActionNews
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sorry i have no time right now
kde 3.3.2 needs to be released
what i do now
and OO 1.1.4 is round the corner
and OO 2.0 is also coming nearer
i'll have a look at it but you can do the following
diff the directories and find out what is different and experiment with that
you can mail me also in german no problem
i have a test on monday
so nothing will happen from my side to OO right now
No Problem . I'll try to get it working
CU ActionNews
[URL=]My System[/URL] - one click ahead!
Has it gtk in dependencies?
Gnome - The weakest link!
Linux, *not* GNU/Linux!
can someone please post a package of this - i don't i can afford the compile time