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the new kde version is now in testing
that are prepackages but if nothing changes they will be the final one
please test them and report errors
changes since 3.3.1 can be found here: … o3_3_2.php
changes from my side:
kdebindings now compile again with java support
added qscintilla to kdebindings
the startkde script has been changed again!
please the guys with tcsh problems test it
added /opt/kde/lib/pkg-config to
modified arch splash screen a little bit
cleaned up and added depends
enjoy new kde 3.3.2 release
nice work, tnx tpowa.
imho the previous splash was nicer (without the lines)
i thought of backgrounds that are really white and then you see no difference between background and splash
that was the reason for the small lines
a lot of khtml bugs fixed in this release ... finally!
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.
a lot of khtml bugs fixed in this release ... finally!
A lot of work is undergone in KHTML lately. Just check the last 2-3 CVS Digests on .
:: / my web presence
if you update the packages you also need glibc-2.3.4-1 package
else kde will not start
i forgot that sorry
Is anyone else having problems with the document relations toolbar that kdeaddons provides for konqueror? I just installed the version of kdeaddons from testing (as part of a completely fresh arch install, so there were no prior version of kde installed) and now everytime I open a tab, a new document relations toolbar opens up on the left side. This occurs even when I set the Tools/Document Relations/Configure setting to Never. And these toolbars never vanish. When I close the tab, they remain. Here's a screenshot of my konqueror window with three tabs open and six document relations toolbars.
Is there somewhere else I should be looking to turn off the document relations feature? I like the stuff provided by kdeaddons, but all these toolbars are a little annoying.
try to unset the toolbars
right klick on menubar then toolbars then unset document...
that should remove the bar
thanks for that tip that bar can be usefull
it seems that it is a bug in kdeaddons
here the important part in .kde/share/config/konquerorrc:
[KonqMainWindow Toolbar rellinksToolbar]
so it is disabled
if you encounter problems remove this part from your konquerorrc
if you enable it the index number increases and so more entries are shown
here is what i got from kde packager ML:
Known bug, but the maintainer either has no time or dropped the plugin ;(
i will try to disable this plugin that it doesn't affect users anymore
disabled the plugin in new package kdeaddons-2
i will upload it soon
when i'm on dsl again
for now please don't use this feature
it was only forgotten to be removed from kde sourcecode
it is not functional anymore
Just updated my kde packages to 3.3.2, no problems at all.
Running good atm. tnx
It works fine here (my kdeaddons is still 3.3.2-1), although I have random crashes to 3 KDE programs I've compiled from CVS (sim-icq, K3B and krusader), it seems I have to rebuild them.
Microshaft delenda est
moved everything to extra
patched kdelibs and uploaded new kdeaddons
I apologize if this is a newbie question, but it looks like the package database I am pulling from the servers still references KDE 3.3.1. So, when I do
pacman -Sy kde
all I get is a bunch of "can't find file kde*-3.3.1-3: file not found" errors.
Am I missing something, or do I just need to wait for the master package databases to get updated?
When I look in /var/lib/pacman/extra, I see a bunch of entries for kde-3.3.1 but nothing for 3.3.2 yet.
Update: I changed my preferred server to, and I can see the KDE 3.3.2 packages now. It looks like it installed correctly. Thanks!
yeah but would be nice if you change your server back to an other mirror
to safe bandwith for us
the most mirrors get synced in 1 day or so
Hi all!
First of all, it was really great to have KDE 3.3.2 up and running before the official announcement, he-he
Second, I've stumbled upon something that may be worth looking at: link
Doesn't look that it will be fixed before the next KDE release (3.3.3 or 3.4 ??? ). I believe that having a patched kdelibs 3.3.2 will be a nice idea, not just for me but for all KDE Archlinux users.
guess what
this patch was already implemented before it was announced
so everything is ok
look at the PKGBUILD you will see it
but thanks for giving me the info on that
with a fresh install of kde,even removing .kde and .qt in my home,in the K menu there aren't my apps and it is empty,i've got only end session and bookmarks.
i tried running kappfinder,but with no luck.
btw it's the same installing kde 3.3.1
no ideas
It works well, except still got garbage displayed on the files name field when renaming them. Anyone experience the same problem.
BTW, I only got that problem in Icon View and Multicolumn View.
guess what
this patch was already implemented before it was announced
so everything is oklook at the PKGBUILD you will see it
but thanks for giving me the info on that
Wow, cool, thanks!
with a fresh install of kde,even removing .kde and .qt in my home,in the K menu there aren't my apps and it is empty,i've got only end session and bookmarks.
i tried running kappfinder,but with no luck.
btw it's the same installing kde 3.3.1
no ideas
Are you running the latest xorg?
:: / my web presence
Yes,everything up to date.
my guess:
you run kdeapps without kde environment
now kbuildsyscoka was run and has done something wrong
try rerunnig as user:
btw does it work for a new created user?