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Pages: 1
After an update (and maybe some of my tweaking) my working xorg system stopped to work. Mice and keyboard are not detected. I think it may have something to do with udev, because of the errors in xorg log file:
(II) Cannot locate a core keyboard device
SynapticsTouchpad The /dev/input/event* device nodes seem to be missing
(--) Synaptics Touchpad: no supported touchpad found
(EE) SynapticsTouchpad Unable to query/initialize Synaptics hardware.
(EE) PreInit failed for input device "SynapticsTouchpad"
I'm using HAL to autodetect the devices, and before it was working fine. I didn't change xorg.conf or hal policy files.
The /dev/input directory contains only two files: mice and mouse0, no directories.
When I do cat on any of the two files as a regular or root user and use the touchpad, then there is nothing outputted to the screen.
Anyone knows how to deal with such a situation?
Pages: 1