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Totally revamped and loving the change.
How do you do this mac-style bar on your left screen?
Mountainjew wrote:Totally revamped and loving the change.
How do you do this mac-style bar on your left screen?
That's just a plain KDE panel, set to auto-hide.
Well I got bored of my stuff (I'd had it for a while now, like 3 months), so I decided to retheme.
Here's my new Skaab stuff that I put together:
It's essentially recolored Candido-DarkRed and The icons are ALLBLACK, of course.
openbox, dzen2, dmenu, stalonetray, xfce4-terminal, and thunar
Actually pretty sweet theme, mind sharing?
i made sloppy changes to his script for myself.
#gets battery's current charging status
chrgn=$(acpi | grep -E -o "Discharging|Charging|Full|Unknown")
#battery charge level in percentage
rembat=$(acpi | grep -o "[0-9]*%" | sed s/%//)
status=$(acpi -a | grep -E -o "on-line")
if [ "$status" == "on-line" ]; then echo "A/C On
elif [ "$rembat" -le "7" ];then echo "Plug Me In!
expr substr "$chrgn:$rembat% " 1 200
Alex6969 wrote:Jaejae wrote:It's a shell script, albeit a badly written one.
#!/bin/sh rembat=$(acpi | grep -o "[0-9]*%" | sed 's/%//') bars=$(expr $rembat / 10) case $bars in 1) bar='[|---------]' ;; 2) bar='[||--------]' ;; 3) bar='[|||-------]' ;; 4) bar='[||||------]' ;; 5) bar='[|||||-----]' ;; 6) bar='[||||||----]' ;; 7) bar='[|||||||---]' ;; 8) bar='[||||||||--]' ;; 9) bar='[|||||||||-]' ;; 10) bar='[||||||||||]' ;; *) bar='[You got a magic battery boy?]' esac
I have, IMO, improved your script. For some reason your sed syntax didn't work on my machine so I've edited it, as well as adding some more functionality to it. Basically (very) my script, replaces Conky's built in "battery" script.
#!/bin/sh #battery charge level in percentage rembat=$(acpi | grep -o "[0-9]*%" | sed s/%//) #battery percentage divided by 10, used for bars bars=$(expr $rembat / 10) #gets battery's current charging status chrg=$(acpi | grep -E -o "Discharging|Charging") case $bars in 1) bar='[/---------]~' ;; 2) bar='[//--------]~' ;; 3) bar='[///-------]~' ;; 4) bar='[////------]~' ;; 5) bar='[/////-----]~' ;; 6) bar='[//////----]~' ;; 7) bar='[///////---]~' ;; 8) bar='[////////--]~' ;; 9) bar='[/////////-]~' ;; 10) bar='[//////////]~' ;; *) bar='[∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞]~' esac #what gets printed in conky. You can edit this to whatever format you wish. Variables are: $chrg, $rembat, and $bar echo $rembat% $bar
If I'm reading your code right, you haven't taken the "Full" battery status into account, nor the "Unknown" status.
This is my script to set the dwm status bar, my battery meter script makes more sense when its with this
#!/bin/sh while true do date=$(date +"%d %a %H:%M") source /home/jack/bin/bm bstat=$(acpi | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/,//') batt="$bstat $rembat% $bar" stat="| $batt | $date |" xsetroot -name "$stat" sleep 1 done
:Go Away & Give My Pillow Back!!:
aur pkgbuilds - mostly fortune-mod's & fonts
"You know what I found? Right in the kernel, in the heart of the operating system, I found a developer's comment that said, `Does this belong here?`" -- Simon Lok about Linux kernel in 2005
Reflections on the Strange and the not so Strange
rakka wrote:very nice pekwm. mind sharing your 'menu' and your panel info (what's the panel and what's the theme) thanks!
Didn't you saw,it is openbox,panel is pypanel without theme,just .pypanelrc,and pipe menus are here … 43#p555343
Jaejae wrote:Profont is the best (fuck opinions) and it's in the AUR.
Yes,it is,I put it in term.
Looks kinda funny to me, what font settings are you using in your .Xdefaults?
Here is the relevant section from mine.
Xft:Profont: pixelsize=11
URxvt*font: xft:profont:pixelsize=11
URxvt*boldFont: xft:profont:pixelsize=11
@daisuke, mind sharing that bebop pic, and your xdefaults colors?
Looks kinda funny to me, what font settings are you using in your .Xdefaults?
Here is the relevant section from mine.
Xft:Profont: pixelsize=11 URxvt*font: xft:profont:pixelsize=11 URxvt*boldFont: xft:profont:pixelsize=11
Here is mine
URxvt*font: xft:ProFont:pixelsize=14
URxvt*boldFont: xft:ProFont:pixelsize=14
Lunar Linux+Fluxbox
Ha ha,nice icon theme,mind sharing it.
Lunar Linux+Fluxbox
Oh mind sharing your color setup? As I know you, you probably used Xdefaults to set it all up, so share that (your dotfiles page seems to be down...)
Those colors would go well with my Ubuntu setup
edit: gtk theme too
edit2: share everything...:P
Last edited by Wra!th (2009-06-09 10:26:48)
7f 45 4c 46 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Jaejae wrote:Looks kinda funny to me, what font settings are you using in your .Xdefaults?
Here is the relevant section from mine.
Xft:Profont: pixelsize=11 URxvt*font: xft:profont:pixelsize=11 URxvt*boldFont: xft:profont:pixelsize=11
Here is mine
URxvt*font: xft:ProFont:pixelsize=14 URxvt*boldFont: xft:ProFont:pixelsize=14
Daisuke_Aramaki wrote:Lunar Linux+Fluxbox
Ha ha,nice icon theme,mind sharing it.
Try changing the font size to 11, then it won't look stretched and weird
I downloaded that Purgatory theme some guy posted, and rethemed everything to match.
I don't usually use software themed desktop backgrounds, but I tweaked the colours a little on this one and it came out awwright.
Setting Up a Scripting Environment | Proud donor to wikipedia - link
Wait, it's June already?
Differences: new conky config, new wallpaper.
Last edited by jwcxz (2009-06-10 10:22:29)
-- jwc | blog
dotman - manage your dotfiles across multiple environments
icsy - an alarm for powernappers
Offline around with dwm a little. Colours, wallpapers, and everything else are the same as my Openbox screenshot. I like it much better than any other tiling window manager. Still won't shake me from Openbox but I'll probably be using it pretty often.
what font is this?