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LATEST UPDATE EDIT: most all I need seems to be here: … _(English)
I am starting to work with: … repository
I hope to find out how to get all my pacman AND yaourt packages lined up for this proceedure OR something else that I find out: tips could be useful. Thanks!
OBJECTIVE: fresh base FTP install and then get all my packages reinstalled for both pacman and perhaps yaourt also > using pkglists.
Another thought was to SAVE to DVD all the packages in my pacman cache then point pacman to it. Though what about the yaourt cache?
Hi... got a tip from fukawi2 in this thread (and some other helpful comments from others, and 'B'):
mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
cd /mnt/cdrom
for PKG in `ls *.pkg.tar.gz` ; do
pacman -Ud $PKG
I would like to do something like this: [i use pacman and AUR via yaourt - though maybe I should install AUR pkgs differently, manually]
1) I save the pkglist for the pacman install programs by exporting saving the list with this pacman command:
pacman -Qqe | grep -v "$(pacman -Qmq)" > pkglist
2) Somehow I save a package list of the yaourt assisted stuff I installed. Should I? for for the 15 or so apps I install via yaourt maybe I should just do it manually? Haven't managed to figure out what to do to save a pkglist for the yaourt apps yet.
3) After doing a base/base-devel FTP install of ARCH I then do what the wiki says for pacman with the command:
pacman -S $(cat pkglist)
4) Now what do I do for the yaourt stuff? AND: how can I avoid having problems due to my inexperience at this.
I am hoping that it will be way easier to do something like the above than installing all my packages to get a fresh system. I have a very minimalistic system though I do have virtualbox_bin, scribus and a LOT or little apps.
I will of course have a backup done before I try any of this.
I'd love to try this soon so maybe I can get a guru comment or two?
thank you.
Last edited by yvonney (2009-06-11 02:55:36)