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I just played with the kernel26-PKGBUILD as I saw that my P4-HT-CPU just uses one logical cpu to compile, despite my settings in /etc/makepkg.conf. I tried to put MAKEFLAGS="-j 3" in front of the make command in the PKGBUILD file, no success. But by typing the same commands (MAKEFLAGS="-j3" make bzImage) on the prompt, both logical cpus are used. Suprisingly everything works as expected with every other package I compile...
What is going on?!
Thanks for any help!
MAKEFLAGS are ignored in this situation. I actually talked to apeiro about it a long time ago when I was setting up distcc.
I had to do it like this:
alias make='make -j6'
shopt -s expand_aliases
in my makepkg.conf, instead of the MAKEFLAGS.
I have discovered that all of mans unhappiness derives from only one source, not being able to sit quietly in a room
- Blaise Pascal
thanks for the tip, but it still does not work...
Did you ever get this to work. I am using distcc trying to fix the same issue.
Did you ever get this to work. I am using distcc trying to fix the same issue.
sorry no, i found no way to make this work i hope you have more luck, though.
I got this to work, not sure how correct this is though.
in the makepkg.conf file I added the two lines, similiar to the post above:
alias make="make -j6 CC=distcc"
shopt -s expand_aliases
This fixes my kerenel compiles, however I haven't tested on any other packages.
This can also cause problems with certain builds.
You might want to check the new makepkg -j option.
I have discovered that all of mans unhappiness derives from only one source, not being able to sit quietly in a room
- Blaise Pascal