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Hi .... I get the next problem:
In my .bashrc I put the line
fortune -s | cowsay -f tux
at botton of file.... the I get
/ What good is a ticket to the good life,
if you can't find the entrance? /
|o_o |
|:_/ |
(| | )
/'_ _/`
for every logon that I do..... Th eproblem is when I do a scp . I get only this
that is the first line on the imagen of tux
There're a way to do an eficient scp whitout loss the nice login???
Are you sure scp reads .bashrc? I read the manpage of scp and there's nothing in it about .bashrc. It seems strange to me that scp would read the file, since scp justs securely copies a file, it doesn't open a shell.
A bus station is where a bus stops.
A train station is where a train stops.
On my desk I have a workstation.
Are you sure scp reads .bashrc? I read the manpage of scp and there's nothing in it about .bashrc. It seems strange to me that scp would read the file, since scp justs securely copies a file, it doesn't open a shell.
I'm not sure what exactly read the scp, but when I remove that line (fortune one) I have no problem at all
Show me your scp command line? I suppose this is possible, but odd.
Show me your scp command line? I suppose this is possible, but odd.
I'll put both bashrc and scp command
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
alias ll='ls -lh'
alias la='ls -a'
alias H='history | grep'
alias v='netstat -pan |grep LIST | grep ^tcp'
alias vv='netstat -pan |grep STABL'
amixer set Master 100 unmute > /dev/null
amixer set PCM 100 unmute > /dev/null
#PS1='[u@h W]$ '
#PS1='[`date +'%H:%M'`][[33[01;31m]u[33[00m]@h W]$ '
PS1='[`date +'%H:%M'`][[33[01;31m]u[33[37m]@[33[01;34m]h[33[32m] w[33[00m]]$ '
fortune -s | cowsay -f tux #remove if scp problem
scp command
scp -r machine.homelinux.home:/root/Docs/Fondos/ fondos/
I have had this in the past. On one system I was unable to scp with id files because the text returned upon login screws up the login somehow. This is really a problem with winscp right now. scp does read the default shell login. Just put a condition around the offending line and then it woint try to display the fortune for a scp session.
if ($?prompt) then
fortune -s | cowsay -f tux
..or maybe:
if [ "$PS1" ]; then
fortune -s | cowsay -f tux
..or maybe:
[code] if [ "$PS1" ]; then
fortune -s | cowsay -f tux
Realy thanks colnago...... U save my SCPs ;-) :wq
Pages: 1